A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
- air pressure reset procecdure
- air purge
- aligning longslit on faint targets
- arc line list
- autobackup CD/DVD writer
- availability
- instrument
- telescope
- BLANK keyword problem
- calibration in the blues
- catagory
- sub catagory
- ccd
- controller
- gain
- mosaic layout
- quantum efficiency
- readnoise
- readout problems, technical note
- windowing with AUTOPANE
- CCD controller documentation
- CCR summary
- cds
- writing data onto
- characteristics
- as-built
- checklist
- afternoon setup
- evening startup
- pre-observing
- shutdown
- checklists
- post observing
- slitmask alignment with SAT
- clamps, handpaddle
- clamps, manual operation of grating
- coating
- gemini coating
- collimator mirror
- removal procedure
- commissioning
- commissioning log
- compass Rose
- computer Networking
- computers
- description
- confget/confput
- configurations
- handling user requests
- manual for filter, grating,slitmasks
- converting DEEP pipelint output to IRAF
- cooldown curve
- copymon
- instructions
- intro
- COSMOS_BBG guider finder chart
- cradle map
- cryogen
- ctx command
- daemons
- list
- dashboard
- fcs
- dashboard interface
- data backup
- index
- onto CD or DVD
- via autobackup
- data backup, ftp
- data backup, scp
- data disks
- data reduction
- quickslit
- simulator, procedure for running
- DCS keywords
- deep2drp
- detail panels
- dremel
- dremel emergency/diagnostic tools
- filter focus
- gratings
- rotator
- setup
- shutter
- slitmask
- dewar
- documentation
- CCD controller
- electronic
- mechanical
- dome Flats
- running
- DRP deep2drp
- dsimulator
- dvds
- writing data onto
- E-STOP recovery procedure
- electronic documentation
- elias Infrared Photometric Standards
- eventsounds
- example of a finding chart
- exposure receipes
- exposure time calculator
- deimos
- slitmask database
- additional notes
- fcsref_retrieve
- matching against old data
- setup checklist
- FCSFIX tool
- field of view
- guider
- figdisp
- filling deimos
- filter problem, technical report on
- filters
- manual software configuration
- NB8560 filter
- science filter complement
- finder charts
- creating with dsim2regions
- guider
- instructions for generating from DSS images
- flexure tests for gratings procedure
- flux standard observation log
- focus
- dewar
- guider focus procedure
- procedure - mosaic
- frequently asked questions
- deimos
- slitmask database
- ftp data backup
- galil motor controller
- reset procedure
- stage chart
- ghosting
- 900ZD grating
- general
- gratings
- changing manually
- clamps, manual operation of
- flexure test procedure
- manual software configuration
- offset adjustment procedure
- parameters
- specifications
- summary
- GRATOFF adjustment procedure
- guider
- angle adjustment procedure
- gain
- readnoise
- removal procedure
- home Page
- new
- new
- HST Infrared Photometric Standards
- imaging reductions
- infrared Photometric Standards
- IP addresses of DEIMOS devices
- IP forwarding
- keck availability
- IRSA finder charts
- IRTF Standards
- keywords
- reference
- summary
- KPNO Standards
- extensions to 1 micron
- spectroscopic standards
- landolt
- bonus Fields
- UBVRI Photometric Standards
- lantronix
- port reset procecdure
- power cycle procecdure
- lick DEIMOS home page
- logsheets
- all instruments
- longslit alignment procedure on faint targets
- LRIS/ESI Coma Control Tool
- LVM (Long Variable Multislit) slitmask
- description
- manufacturing
- mainland observing
- overview
- maintenance log
- manual
- slitmask Milling System Manual of Operations
- mauna Kea Extinction
- mechanical documentation
- mechanical overview
- milling
- slitmask Milling System Manual of Operations
- monthly checkout
- motor controller
- troubleshooting
- MSSSO Infrared Photometric Standards
- NA notes
- network
- keck
- topology of DEIMOS private network
- newlog process
- news
- news(2002-oct-17)
- new
- news(2003-aug-07)
- new
- news(2003-jan-09)
- new
- news(2003-may-15)
- new
- news(2004-apr-01)
- new
- night attendant notes
- OA notes
- observer information
- observing policies
- oke Spectrophotometric Standards
- optical layout
- parallactic Angle Observations
- photometric Standard Stars
- photometric standards
- elias infrared
- HST infrared
- infrared
- MSSSO infrared
- UKIRT infrared
- pipeline for data reduction
- pointing origins
- post Observing
- post Observing Checklist
- post-observing Comment Form
- power (AC) reset procecdure
- powerdown procedure
- science and FCS CCDs
- powerup procedure
- science CCD
- pre Observing
- main page
- pre-observing
- checklist
- procedure
- SDSU card remove/install
- procedures
- AUTOPANE calibration
- CCD gain and readnoise
- grating flexure testing
- grating offset adjustment
- LN2 fill
- longslit alignment procedure on faint targets
- optics alignment exposures
- restarting daemons
- slitmask cassette cleaning
- slitmask milling
- TV guider flexure measurement
- update facility slitmask list
- rebooting computers
- rebooting slitmaskpc
- rotation
- manual
- rotator encoders
- rotator positions
- roto
- replacment procedure
- rsync
- overview
- slitmask alignment procedure
- scp data backup
- scripts
- index
- single Segment Guiding
- slitmask Alignment Tool
- slitmask database update process
- slitmask Milling System Manual of Operations
- slitmasks
- afternoon setup
- aligning with SAT
- calibration widget
- changing
- database
- database FAQ
- database stomp
- database update process
- design software
- emergency milling procedures
- imaging widget
- jam recovery procedure
- manual software configuration
- milling procedures
- milling System Manual of Operations
- standard
- update facility list
- software
- checking status
- overview
- specifications
- actual
- designed
- specpro
- spectrophotometry
- flux standards
- spectroscopic performance
- standards
- spectrophotometric Flux
- starlists
- uploading
- stone Standards
- HST Standards (1996)
- spectrophotometric Standards (1977)
- stone/baldwin Southern Spectrophotometric Standards
- stow positions
- techanical Docs Home Page LRIS
- telescope
- limits
- template
- tent mirror
- installation procedure
- removal procedure
- testall script
- throughput
- comparison with LRIS
- measurement procedure
- observation log
- spectroscopic
- standard star recipes
- timing keywords
- tkrose
- tools
- slitmask alignment tool
- topology of DEIMOS private network
- troubleshooting
- general
- motors
- nighttime problems
- UKIRT Faint Infrared Standards
- user script index
- VIDOFF adjustment procedure
- VSQ reservation form
- warmup curve
- weather information
- widgets
- arcplots
- plotmask
- xbeeper
- xbox slitmask alignment procedure
- xbox slitmask alignment procedure without FITS chunks
- zeroth order angle procedure