Version 1, 2002-Apr-22

1. Background

The purpose of this document is to describe the observatory-specific tasks to be carried out during the DEIMOS commissioning period. The commissioning of DEIMOS is a collaborative effort between the instrument team and the observatory team. Generally speaking, the instrument team will take responsibility for tests which involve instrument characterization, such as astrometric tests, sensitivity tests, etc. This document describes those additional tests which involve the interface between the instrument and the telescope.

The remainder of this document is divided into two main sections. The first, a sequential list, serves as a summary list and notes the order in which the tests are expected to be carried out. It also indicates the estimated time requirements and the priority. The second section is a thematic list gives details on the individual tests. The document concludes with an appendix with sections discussing SKYPA definitions and Considerations Regarding Rotator Calibrations.

2. CARA Engineering Task List - Sequential

The following list indicates the expected order of testing for CARA-related DEIMOS tasks.

Seq. Test Priority Sky Time Status
High priority - perform during early June commissioning run
1 E1. Initial target acquisition 1 0:30
2 E2. Define REF pointing origin (T667b) 1 0:30
3 F1. Determine TVFLIP 1 0:10
4 F2. Determine TVANGL 1 0:15
5 F3. Determine guider pixel scale 1 0:15
6 I1. Calibrate Rotator Zeropoint 1 0:30
7 H1. Determine INSTFLIP 1 0:20
8 H2. Determine INSTANGL 1 0:10
9 E3. Define SLIT/DEIMOS/FOCUS pointing origins 1 1:30
10 J1. Verify AUTOFOC operation 1 0:30
11 J2. Calibrate Mira 1b 0:10
12 J3. Verify Mira operation 1b 2:00
13 H3. Verify telescope offsetting in instrument coordinates 1b 0:15
Medium priority - perform during or before July commissioning run
14 J4. Calibrate Mira secondary tilt compensations 2 0:30
15 G1. Verify standard guiding modes 2 2:00
16 G2. Verify Reseaux guiding mode 2 TBD
17 K1. Verify operation of facility scripts to offset telescope 2 2:00
18 I2. Verify rotator accuracy/repeatability 2 0:30
19 J7. Test Shack-Hartmann guider focus mask procedure 2 TBD
Lower priority - perform as time permits
20 J5. Verify secondary tilt compensations 3 0:30
21 J6. Determine telescope focus offset for AUTOFOC vs. Mira 3 1:00
22 F4. Characterize guider vignetting 3 0:15
23 I3. Verify rotator tracking performance 3 0:30

3. CARA Engineering Task List - Thematic


This section provides detailed information on the tests enumerated in the table above. Tests are grouped within major categories. Organization of the information is very similar to that used for the science team's tests, with minor changes (e.g., observers are always assumed to be CARA staff). The following information is provided for each:
  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: Lists reports and stuff to be produced
  5. Status: Gives the completion status of the test. Typical stages will be include:


E. Pointing Tests

E1. Initial target acquisition

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

E2. Define REF pointing origin (T667b)

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

E3. Define SLIT/DEIMOS/FOCUS pointing origins

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

F. Guide Camera Tests

F1. Determine TVFLIP

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

F2. Determine TVANGL

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

F3. Determine guider pixel scale

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

F4. Characterize guider vignetting

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

G. Autoguider Tests

G1. Verify standard guiding modes

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

G2. Verify Reseaux guiding mode

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

H. DCS Tests

H1. Determine INSTFLIP

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products: TBD
  5. Status: To be scheduled

H2. Determine INSTANGL

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products:
  5. Status: To be scheduled

H3. Verify telescope offsetting in instrument coordinates

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Analysis
  4. End products:
  5. Status: To be scheduled

I. Rotator Tests

I1. Calibrate Rotator Zeropoint

  1. Overview
  2. Observing script
  3. Sky time: 0:30
  4. Calibrations: None
  5. Notes:
  • Analysis
  • End products: TBD
  • Status: To be scheduled

    I2. Verify rotator accuracy/repeatability

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Characterize the ability of the DEIMOS rotator to rotate accurately
      • Priority: 2
      • Product: Repeatability of rotator angles
      • Data: Star trail images at various rotator angles
    2. Observing script
      • Target: Equatorial starfield at meridian
      • Conditions: Clear
      • Prerequisites: Rotator must be calibrated
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure:
        1. Point the telescope to (AZ, EL) = (180,70), mount coordinates. Set the rotator to 0° (??), stationary mode, so that stars trail along the long side of the array.
        2. Reduce rotator angle by 90° increments as many times as allowed by the rotator limits.
        3. Configure DEIMOS for imaging.
        4. Set exposure time to 100 s. The images will thus contain vertical trails of stars exposed as the world turns.
        5. Acquire DEIMOS exposures until at least one good star trail is achieved.
        6. Increase the rotator angle by 90° and acquire more star trail images.
        7. Repeat until no more 90° increments are possible
      • Sky time: 0:30
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes:
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: Few days
      • Procedure:
        1. Measure star trail angles on images and verify that as the rotator moves by 90°', the star trails also rotate by 90°
      • Software: TBD
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    I3. Verify rotator tracking performance

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Characterize the quality of tracking by the rotator by taking images in position angle mode during transit
      • Priority: 3
      • Product: Measurement of rotator tracking accuracy
      • Data: Images of rich star field during transit
    2. Observing script
      • Target: A rich star field at declination in the range 15-17° dec or 23-25°
      • Conditions: Clear with good seeing (<1 arcsec)
      • Prerequisites: None
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure:
        • Set up DEIMOS for imaging
        • Acquire rich star field 20 minutes east of meridian and send to DEIMOS pointing origin
        • Acquire guide star and begin guiding in PA mode
        • Take 30s DEIMOS images every minute starting 0:10 before transit and continuing until 0:10 after transit
      • Sky time: 0:30
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes:
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: Few days
      • Procedure: Measure the rotational smearing of star images at the edges of the image and derive limits on telescope tracking accuracy.
      • Software: TBD
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    J. Focusing Tests

    J1. Verify AUTOFOC operation

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Determine that AUTOFOC works properly to focus the telescope on the longslit, and compare results obtained with star on pickoff mirror vs. star on longslit.
      • Priority: 1
      • Product: n/a
      • Data: Sequence of guider images at various secondary piston settings
    2. Observing script
      • Target: Isolated V=12 star
      • Conditions: Clear and stable
      • Prerequisites: REF pointing origin defined
      • Observing log: n/a
      • Procedure:
        1. Acquire star in guider and send to REF pointing origin
        2. Note the starting value of TELFOC keyword
        3. Save guider image and measure starting image quality
        4. Execute the AUTOFOC procedure to focus star on guider pickoff mirror
        5. Note the revised value of TELFOC
        6. Save guider image and measure ending image quality
        7. Send star to the SLIT pointing origin and move it off the slit
        8. Increase exposure time as needed to obtain a usable image of the star
        9. Execute the AUTOFOC procedure to focus star on longslit area
        10. Note the revised value of TELFOC
        11. Save guider image and measure ending image quality
      • Sky time: 0:30
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes:
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: Immediate
      • Procedure: Automated
      • Software: AUTOFOC analysis tool
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    J2. Calibrate Mira

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Obtain the measurements needed to program the Mira software for operation with DEIMOS
      • Priority: 1b
      • Product: Handedness of DEIMOS images and approximate pixel scale
      • Data: Series of direct images taken in PMFM mode using DEIMOS
    2. Observing script
      • Target: V=12 star
      • Conditions: Partially clear
      • Prerequisites: DEIMOS pointing origin must be defined
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure:
        1. Acquire star on guider and send to DEIMOS pointing origin
        2. Set PMFM to +500
        3. Configure DEIMOS for direct imaging
        4. Save a DEIMOS image; note SKYPA and ROTPPOSN
        5. Rotate DEIMOS by 45°
        6. Save a DEIMOS image; note SKYPA and ROTPPOSN
      • Sky time: 0:10
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes:
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: 1 day
      • Procedure: TBD
      • Software: TBD
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    J3. Verify Mira operation

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Run Mira on DEIMOS to verify and optimize operation. Vary the initial conditions (secondary tilt, rotator position) to ascertain whether proper corrections are achieved. focuses the telescope with DEIMOS
      • Priority: 1b
      • Product: Varies
      • Data: DEIMOS images taken in PMFM mode
    2. Observing script
      • Target: Isolated V=12.5 star
      • Conditions: Clear, stable
      • Prerequisites: Mira must be calibrated
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure: TBD
      • Sky time: 2:00
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes:
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: 1 day
      • Procedure: TBD
      • Software: Mira tool
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    J4. Calibrate Mira secondary tilt compensations

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Calibrate the telescope secondary mirror tilt corrections required to put the secondary in the on-axis position, as a function of the physical instrument rotator position angle.
      • Priority: 1
      • Product: Model for Theta_x and Theta_y secondary mirror corrections vs. ROTPPOSN
      • Data: Series of images acquired in PMFM mode vs. ROTPPOSN
    2. Observing script
      • Target: V=12.5 star at a sky location with slowly changing parallactic angle (az=270, el=75?)
      • Conditions: Clear, stable
      • Prerequisites: DEIMOS pointing origin defined
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure:
        1. Configure DEIMOS for imaging
        2. Set instrument rotator to negative limit
        3. Acquire star and send to DEIMOS pointing origin
        4. Set PMFM to +500
        5. Subwindow detector as appropriate
        6. Acquire 10-second exposure
        7. Rotate instrument by +30°
        8. Repeat previous two steps through 540° of rotation
      • Sky time: 0:30
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes:
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: 1 week
      • Procedure: TBD
      • Software:
        • Mira
        • Custom IDL analysis routines developed for LRIS
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    J5. Verify secondary tilt compensations

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Check that the secondary tilt compensations for DEIMOS correctly place the telescope secondary on-axis.
      • Priority: 3
      • Product: Coma vs. ROTPPOSN plot
      • Data: DEIMOS images taken in PMFM mode at various rotator angles
    2. Observing script
      • Target: V=12.5 star at a sky location with slowly changing parallactic angle (az=270, el=75?)
      • Conditions: Clear, stable
      • Prerequisites: Secondary corrections calibrated and put into Mira
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure:
        1. Configure DEIMOS for imaging
        2. Set instrument rotator to negative limit
        3. Acquire star and send to DEIMOS pointing origin
        4. Run Mira at least twice, sending rotator coma corrections (i.e., click "spectroscopic mode" button on Mira when sending corrections), until solution converges
        5. Set PMFM to +500
        6. Subwindow detector as appropriate
        7. Acquire 10-second exposure
        8. Rotate instrument by +30°
        9. Repeat previous two steps through 540° of rotation
      • Sky time: 0:30
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes: These data can also be analyzed to measure the secondary mirror decentering.
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: 1 week
      • Procedure:
        1. Analyze images using Mira; obtain theta_x, theta_y corrections
        2. Plot the correction vectors and verify that they are all near zero
      • Software: Mira
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    J6. Determine offset from AUTOFOC to Mira

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Measure the difference between secondary focus measured using Mira and AUTOFOC.
      • Priority: 3
      • Product: Delta(TELFOC)
      • Data: PMFM and autofoc images
    2. Observing script
      • Target: V=12.5 and V=15 stars at a place where rotator and elevation are changing slowly
      • Conditions: Clear and stable with decent seeing (1 arcsec or better)
      • Prerequisites: Mira calibrated
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure:
        1. Configure DEIMOS for R-band imaging
        2. Disable temperature and elevation corrections to secondary focus
        3. Acquire V=12.5 star
        4. Run MIRA, send moves
        5. Repeat MIRA to verify solution
        6. Acquire V=15 star
        7. Run AUTOFOC, note but do NOT send moves
        8. Acquire V=12.5 star
        9. Run MIRA, note but do NOT send moves
        10. Acquire V=15 star
        11. Run AUTOFOC, note but do NOT send moves
        12. Repeat as needed until a well-defined delta(TELFOC) is determined
        13. Enable temperature and elevation corrections to secondary focus
      • Sky time: 1:00
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes: Want rotator position relative to secondary mirror nearly constant in order to prevent confusion due to rotator-dependent focus and come corrections. Want elevation slowly-changing in order to prevent confusion with elevation-dependent corrections.
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: Immediate
      • Procedure: Self-evident
      • Software: None
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    J7. Test Shack-Hartmann guider focus mask procedure

    1. Overview
      • Goal: Verify feasibility and refine Shack-Hartmann mask method for focusing telescope
      • Priority: 2
      • Product: Procedure for focusing telescope using guider Shack-Hartmann masks
      • Data: Guider images acquired with Shack-Hartmann masks
    2. Observing script
      • Target: TBD
      • Conditions: Clear, good and stable seeing
      • Prerequisites: TBD
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure: TBD
      • Sky time: TBD
      • Calibrations: TBD
      • Notes: This method depends on the stability of the guider focus, which should probably be tested separately.
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: TBD
      • Procedure: TBD
      • Software: TBD
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled

    K. Miscellaneous Tests

    K1. Verify operation of facility scripts to offset telescope

    1. Overview
      • Goal: verify proper operation of all scripts which can't be completely testing during daytime, including those that:
        • Perform offsets in detector arcsec c.s.
        • Perform offsets in detector pixel c.s.
        • Perform offsets in guider pixel c.s.
        • Perform offsets in guider arcsec c.s.
        • Perform offsets in RA/DEC c.s.
        • Perform offsets in az/el c.s.
        • Dither objects along slit
      • Priority: 2
      • Product: n/a
      • Data: n/a
    2. Observing script
      • Target: V=15 star
      • Conditions: Partially clear
      • Prerequisites: INSTANGL, ROTBASE, TVANGL, etc., calibrated
      • Observing log: TBD
      • Procedure:
        1. Acquire star and send to guider
        2. Take starting image
        3. Execute script to move telescope
        4. Take ending image
        5. Continue as required until script is completed
      • Sky time: 2:00
      • Calibrations: None
      • Notes:
    3. Analysis
      • Timescale: n/a
      • Procedure: n/a
      • Software: n/a
    4. End products: TBD
    5. Status: To be scheduled


    SKYPA Definitions

    Keck instruments generally have multiple sky position angles defined. The fundamental definition of the sky position angle (SKYPA) is the angle between celestial north and the guider YIM axis. As with LRIS, this direction will be approximately perpendicular to the direction which is of most interest to observers, that of the slit. Accordingly, the sky position angle which will be saved in the image headers and displayed on FACSUM will not be the fundamental sky position angle as defined in KSD 40.

    The following SKYPA options are proposed for DEIMOS:

    Name Description Offset*
    SKYPA0 Long slit +90
    SKYPA1 Guider column (YIM)** 0
    SKYPA2 Up on science detector*** 0


    Considerations Regarding Rotator Calibrations

    According to KSD 40, guider YIM shall define the rotator angle and hence the fundamental SKYPA, SKYPA1. However, the guider is neither the most stable not the most astronomically important element in the focal plane: the slitmask mechanism is of greater utility. This suggests the following plan for achieving rotational alignment of the focal plane systems: This suggests the following order of operations to define DCS parameters: