
This web page describes how to align a DEIMOS longslit on a science target when the image of the target is not visible on the DEIMOS guider. The Observing Assistant can easily align targets that are visible on the guider with the slit.


  1. Slew to the target.
    Set the rotator angle as desired.
  2. Configure for imaging.
    Prepare DEIMOS for direct imaging:
  3. Image the longslit.
  4. Determine destination coordinates.
    Inspect the mask image on ds9 and note the PANE coordinates of the slit center. If you are unsure about the horizontal position to choose, then: Call these coordinates Xslit and Yslit.
  5. Center star at slit location.
  6. Offset telescope to center star at slit location.
  7. Confirm move (optional).
    If desired, repeat the previous step to confirm that the target is at Xslit and Yslit.
  8. Acquire science images.


Because flexure compensation is not applied in direct imaging mode and the grating may not always complete tilt moves, you must re-measure the slit coordinates (Xslit and Yslit) for each new target rather than assuming that the previous values apply.