
Your starlist file lists all of the science targets you plan to observe during the night. You must install this file in the appropriate place on the Keck computer system in order for the telescope software to locate it. This page describes the procedure for transferring your starlist from your laptop at Keck, or from a remote computer outside of Keck.



This example assumes that you have created a starlist file called 2012jan13.lst to use with the lris1 account. Boldface text indicated user keystrokes.
user@hanakowai:~/tmp% scp 2012jan13.lst
Password: ********
2012jan13.lst                     |   891B |   0.9 kB/s | TOC: 00:00:01 | 100%

user@hanakowai:~/tmp% ssh
Password: ********

[1] lris1@kapoho: ls

[2] lris1@kapoho: install_starlist 2012jan13.lst

Validating starlist file '2012jan13.lst'...OK.

Enter the P.I.'s last name, or the name of the /kroot/starlists subdirectory
into which the file should go: einstein

WARNING: The file '/kroot/starlists/einstein/2012jan13.lst' already exists;
should I overwrite it? (y/n) [n]: y

Your starlist is now installed in directory /kroot/starlists/einstein:
-rw-rw-rw-   1 lris1    lris1        891 Jan 13 16:24 /kroot/starlists/einstein/2012jan13.lst
[3] lris1@kapoho: exit

Note that /kroot/starlists/ is equivalent to /s/starlists/

See Also