This document describes the procedure for filling DEIMOS with
liquid nitrogen (LN2) cryogen which is required to maintain the
CCD temperature.
WARNING: EXTREME COLD! Do not attempt to perform fill without
proper safety gear
- Toggle rotator control hand paddle switch to MANUAL.
- On hand paddle, select:
(Note: If the 170L dewar is on the opposite side of
instrument, select #2=FILL L.)
Depress either FWD or REV button to rotate.
- When instrument rotation is complete, set the band brake on
the front left side of DEIMOS (as viewed from behind DEIMOS
looking toward the telescope) to full down position to prevent
any inadvertent rotation moves. See figure
- Connect LN2 transfer line quick disconnect (QD) tip to
instrument fill port.
- Slowly open the liquid valve on top of the 170L dewar.
Caution: Stand clear of gas plume venting
from side port on DEIMOS.
- Transfer LN2 until liquid cryogen begins to flow from
DEIMOS vent port.
- Close the liquid valve on the 170L dewer.
- Disconnect LN2 transfer line from DEIMOS LN2 fill port and
place QD tip in stow holster.
- Return DEIMOS band brake handle to the unlocked up
position to release the brake.
- Toggle the rotator control hand paddle switch back to
COMPUTER. Verify all light indicators extinguish.
Figure 1. DEIMOS band brake
Band brake. Push lever down to engage. Pull up to release.