Instrument Status

Slitmask Processing

On-Sky Efficiency

Top 10 Task List

  1. [Dahl/Wirth] Fix SKY rotator time-to-limit algorithm
  2. [Wirth] Modify startup scripts/pulldown menus to support remote eavesdropping
  3. [Wirth] Write user manual
  4. [Wirth] Update troubleshooting pages
  5. [Mason/Lewis] Install ultrasonic cleaner for DEIMOS/LRIS masks
  6. [Mason/Wirth] Coordinate transition of slitmask milling to Hawaii
  7. [Wirth] Document slitmask milling procedure
  8. [Mason/Wirth] Review preventive maintenance plan
  9. [Wirth] Adapt Arcplots widget for DEIMOS
  10. [Wirth] Coordinate DEIMOS configuration database effort

Recently Completed Tasks

Gregory D. Wirth