The table below lists the DCS keywords as of 18 January 2000 on Keck II. The columns include the keyword, a brief description, and the format.
These keywords are in the order output by a "show -s dcs keywords" command, which also happens to be (more or less) in alphabetical order.
Keyword | Description | Format |
AIRMASS | air-mass | double number |
AUTACK | guider-cmdAck | integer number |
AUTACTIV | guider-active | logical |
AUTANGL | guider-to-porg-angle | double number |
AUTAZAC | guider-az-accumulated-err | double number |
AUTAZBW | guider-az-posn-loop-bandwidth | double number |
AUTAZER | guider-az-err | double number |
AUTAZGN | guider-az-effective-gain | double number |
AUTAZGN0 | guider-az-nominal-gain | double number |
AUTBADST | guider-badstat | logical |
AUTCAPR | guider-capture-radius | double number |
AUTCYCLE | guider-cycle | integer number |
AUTELAC | guider-el-accumulated-err | double number |
AUTELBW | guider-el-posn-loop-bandwidth | double number |
AUTELER | guider-el-err | double number |
AUTELGN | guider-el-effective-gain | double number |
AUTELGN0 | guider-el-nominal-gain | double number |
AUTFLIP | guider-to-porg-y-flip | logical |
AUTFWHM | guider-fwhm | double number |
AUTGO | guider-go-flag | enum |
AUTNOST | guider-nostat | logical |
AUTPAUSE | guider-pause | integer number |
AUTPER | guider-period-flag | double number |
AUTREFX | guider-X-reference | double number |
AUTREFY | guider-Y-reference | double number |
AUTRESUM | guider-resume | integer number |
AUTRESX | guider-resumeX | double number |
AUTRESY | guider-resumeY | double number |
AUTSEQNUM | guider-seqnum | integer number |
AUTSKY | guider-sky-counts | double number |
AUTSTAR | guider-star-counts | double number |
AUTSTOP | guider-stop | integer number |
AUTTIME | guider-total-time | double number |
AUTXCENT | guider-Xcent | double number |
AUTYCENT | guider-Ycent | double number |
AUXBOOT | aux-cage-reboot | logical |
AUXCPU | aux-cpu-usage | double number |
AUXUP | aux-cage-up-status | logical |
AUXVERS | aux-cage-software-version | string |
AXEERRS | axes-error-string | string |
AXEERVL | axes-error-status | integer number |
AXEHALT | axes-halt-command | logical |
AXEINIT | axes-initialization-command | logical |
AXENEED | axes-control-needed | logical |
AXESTAT | axes-control-status | enumm |
AXESTBY | axes-standby-command | logical |
AXESTOP | axes-emergency-stop-command | logical |
AXESTST | axes-state-string | string |
AZ | telescope-azimuth | double number |
AZBCODE | telescope-azimuth-barcode | double number |
AZBANDW | az-posn-loop-bandwidth | double number |
AZDEST | azimuth-destination | double number |
AZOFF | azimuth-offset | double number |
AZSRVER | azimuth-servo-error | double number |
AZPE | azimuth-servo-posn-error | double number |
AZSRVMO | azimuth-servo-mode | integer number |
CA | collimation-azimuth | double number |
CAINC | collimation-azimuth-increment | double number |
CALOCAL | collimation-azimuth-local | double number |
CASESS | collimation-azimuth-session | double number |
CE | collimation-elevation | double number |
CEINC | collimation-elevation-increment | double number |
CELOCAL | collimation-elevation-local | double number |
CESESS | collimation-elevation-session | double number |
CHPACC | chopper-acceleration | double number |
CHPACCLM | chopper-acceleration-limit | double number |
CHPAMP | chopper-amplitude | double number |
CHPANG | chopper-angle | double number |
CHPAZDEM | chopper-azimuth-demand | integer number |
CHPAZGN | chopper-az-gain | double number |
CHPAZOFF | chopper-az-offset | double number |
CHPAZZR | chopper-az-zero | integer number |
CHPCLKAN | chopper-clock-angle | double number |
CHPCONAN | chopper-cone-angle | double number |
CHPCYCLE | chopper-cycle-number | integer number |
CHPDC | chopper-duty-cycle | double number |
CHPDCMIN | chopper-duty-cycle-minimum | double number |
CHPDCMAX | chopper-duty-cycle-maximum | double number |
CHPDCOFF | chopper-dec-offset | double number |
CHPDELAY | chopper-delay | double number |
CHPEBAND | chopper-error-band | double number |
CHPECAZG | chopper-error-correction-azimuth-gain | integer number |
CHPECAZS | chopper-error-correction-azimuth-shift | integer number |
CHPECBIN | chopper-error-correction-number-of-bins | integer number |
CHPECELG | chopper-error-correction-elevation-gain | integer number |
CHPECELS | chopper-error-correction-elevation-shift | integer number |
CHPECERR | chopper-error-correction-error-word | integer number |
CHPECFOG | chopper-error-correction-focus-gain | integer number |
CHPECFOS | chopper-error-correction-focus-shift | integer number |
CHPECSCL | chopper-error-correction-scale-factor | integer number |
CHPECSMO | chopper-error-correction-smoother-divisor | integer number |
CHPECORR | chopper-error-correction-mode | logical |
CHPELDEM | chopper-elevation-demand | integer number |
CHPELGN | chopper-el-gain | double number |
CHPELOFF | chopper-el-offset | double number |
CHPELZR | chopper-el-zero | integer number |
CHPERRS | chopper-error-string | string |
CHPERVL | chopper-error-status | integer number |
CHPFREQ | chopper-frequency | double number |
CHPFLTIM | chopper-flare-time | double number |
CHPHALT | chopper-halt-command | logical |
CHPIBX | chopper-internal-base-x | double number |
CHPIBY | chopper-internal-base-y | double number |
CHPINIT | chopper-initialization-command | logical |
CHPIXOFF | chopper-instrument-x-offset | double number |
CHPIYOFF | chopper-instrument-y-offset | double number |
CHPMODE | chopper-mode | enumm |
CHPMODID | chopper-module-id | logical |
CHPNEED | chopper-needed | logical |
CHPOFF | chopper-offset | double number |
CHPON | chopper-on | logical |
CHPFOVER | chopper-fault-override | logical |
CHPPARAN | chopper-parallactic-angle | double number |
CHPPOS | chopper-sample-number | integer number |
CHPPOSTR | chopper-post-trigger-time | integer number |
CHPPOSTT | chopper-sample-total | integer number |
CHPPOWER | chopper-power | double number |
CHPPOWLM | chopper-power-limit | double number |
CHPPRETR | chopper-pre-trigger-time | integer number |
CHPRAOFF | chopper-ra-offset | double number |
CHPRELTO | chopper-relative-to | enum |
CHPROTAN | chopper-rotator-angle | double number |
CHPSIM | chopper-simulation-mode | logical |
CHPTRGSQ | chopper-trigger-square-wave-type | enum |
CHPTRIG | chopper-trigger-mode | enum |
CHPLOCAL | chopper-local-remote-mode | logical |
CHPSTAT | chopper-state | enumm |
CHPSTBY | chopper-standby-command | logical |
CHPSTST | chopper-state-string | string |
CHPSTYLE | chopper-chop-style | logical |
CHPTYPE | chopper-chop-type | enum |
CHPTYPE2 | chopper-chop-type-2 | enum |
CIEBOOT | cie-cage-reboot | logical |
CIECPU | cie-cpu-usage | double number |
CIEUP | cie-cage-up-status | logical |
CIEVERS | cie-cage-software-version | string |
COPRESET | collimation-preset | enumm |
CURRINST | current-instrument | string |
DATE | universal-date | double number |
DATE-OBS | universal-date-of-observation | double number |
DCSERRS | drive-and-control-error-string | string |
DCSERVL | drive-and-control-error-status | integer number |
DCSHALT | drive-and-control-halt-command | logical |
DCSHOST | drive-and-control-host | string |
DCSINIT | drive-and-control-initialization-command | logical |
DCSINDON | drive-and-control-initialization-done | logical |
DCSLOCK | drive-and-control-locked | logical |
DCSSTAT | drive-and-control-status | enumm |
DCSSTBY | drive-and-control-standby-command | logical |
DCSSTST | drive-and-control-state-string | string |
DCSVERS | drive-and-control-version | string |
DDEC | diff-decl-rate | double number |
DEC | telescope-declination | double number |
DECBASE | telescope-declination-base | double number |
DECOFF | declination-offset | double number |
DIFFPTDW | difference-betw-pri-mirr-temp-dewpoint | double number |
DIFFSTDW | difference-betw-secondary-temp-dewpoint | double number |
DOFFGE | diff-tracking-offset-guide-ena | integer number |
DOMEDSEL | dome-demand-select | enum |
DOMEERRS | dome-error-string | string |
DOMEERVL | dome-error-status | integer number |
DOMEHALT | dome-halt-command | logical |
DOMHORND | dome-horn-disable-command | logical |
DOMHORNE | dome-horn-enable-command | logical |
DOMHORNS | dome-horn-sound-command | logical |
DOMEINIT | dome-initialization-command | logical |
DOMELITE | dome-light-control-and-status | enum |
DOMEPOSN | dome-azimuth | double number |
DOMENEED | dome-needed | logical |
DOMESLEW | dome-slew-command | logical |
DOMESTAT | dome-status | enumm |
DOMESTBY | dome-standby-command | logical |
DOMESTST | dome-state-string | string |
DRA | diff-ra-rate | double number |
DTFRAM | differential-tracking-frame | integer number |
DTRACK | differential-tracking-enabled | logical |
DTRESET | differential-tracking-reset | logical |
DTRX | diff-x-rate | double number |
DTRY | diff-y-rate | double number |
DSTART | diff-rate-start-mjd | double number |
EL | telescope-elevation | double number |
ELBCODE | telescope-elevation-barcode | double number |
ELBANDW | el-posn-loop-bandwidth | double number |
ELDEST | elevation-destination | double number |
ELOFF | elevation-offset | double number |
ELSRVER | elevation-servo-error | double number |
ELPE | elevation-servo-posn-error | double number |
ELSRVMO | elevation-servo-mode | integer number |
EQUINOX | telescope-equinox | double number |
ERRBAR | targ-coord-error-bar | double number |
ESTOPSAA | emergency-stop-status-SAA | logical |
ESTOPAAA | emergency-stop-status-AAA | logical |
EXPOSIP | instrument-exposure-in-progress | logical |
FLIMAGIN | flat-lamp-control-1 | logical |
FLSPECTR | flat-lamp-control-2 | logical |
FLAMP3 | flat-lamp-control-3 | logical |
FLAMP4 | flat-lamp-control-4 | logical |
FLAMP5 | flat-lamp-control-5 | logical |
FLAMP6 | flat-lamp-control-6 | logical |
FOCALLEN | telescope-focal-length | double number |
FOCALSTN | focal-station | enum |
FOCALSTR | focal-station-string | string |
FRAME | telescope-frame | enumm |
GOTOBASE | go-to-base | logical |
GUIDING | guiding-on | logical |
GUIDWAVE | guidestar-wavelength | double number |
HA | telescope-hour-angle | double number |
HALT | halt-telescope | logical |
INSTANGL | porg-to-instrument-angle | double number |
INSTFLIP | porg-to-instrument-y-flip | logical |
INSTRUME | instrument-name | string |
INSTXOFF | instrument-x-offset | double number |
INSTYOFF | instrument-y-offset | double number |
LATITUDE | geodetic-latitude | double number |
LOGSET | loglevel-set-bit | integer number |
LST | local-apparent-sidereal-time | double number |
MARK | mark-current-as-base | logical |
MARKCOLL | mark-collimation | integer number |
MJD | modified-julian-date | double number |
MJD-OBS | modified-julian-date-of-observation | double number |
MOVEPEND | move-pending | logical |
MOVETMOT | move-pend-timeout | integer number |
MOVETEL | move-telescope | enum |
NASCCWLM | nasmyth-ccw-limit | double number |
NASCWLM | nasmyth-cw-limit | double number |
NASELLM | nasmyth-el-limit | double number |
NODSET | nod-set | enumm |
NODTEL | nod-telescope | enumm |
NODVIS | nod-visible | logical |
NOGROT | select-non-rotated-guider | integer number |
NRX | nasmyth-rotator-displacement-x | double number |
NRY | nasmyth-rotator-displacement-y | double number |
PARANG | parallactic-angle-astrometric | double number |
PARANTEL | parallactic-angle-telescope | double number |
PMNOSUP | proper-mtn-not-supplied | logical |
PNTSNAP | snap-pointing-data | integer number |
POCANCEL | pointing-origin-cancel | logical |
PONAME | pointing-origin-name | string |
PONAME1 | pointing-origin-name-1 | string |
PONAME2 | pointing-origin-name-2 | string |
PONAME3 | pointing-origin-name-3 | string |
PONAME4 | pointing-origin-name-4 | string |
PONAME5 | pointing-origin-name-5 | string |
PONAME6 | pointing-origin-name-6 | string |
PONAME7 | pointing-origin-name-7 | string |
PONAME8 | pointing-origin-name-8 | string |
PONAME9 | pointing-origin-name-9 | string |
POOFF | pointing-origin-offset | logical |
POPRESET | pointing-origin-preset | logical |
PORESET | pointing-origin-reset | logical |
POSELECT | pointing-origin-select | logical |
POSTAT | pointing-origin-status | mask |
POSTAT1 | pointing-origin-status-1 | mask |
POSTAT2 | pointing-origin-status-2 | mask |
POSTAT3 | pointing-origin-status-3 | mask |
POSTAT4 | pointing-origin-status-4 | mask |
POSTAT5 | pointing-origin-status-5 | mask |
POSTAT6 | pointing-origin-status-6 | mask |
POSTAT7 | pointing-origin-status-7 | mask |
POSTAT8 | pointing-origin-status-8 | mask |
POSTAT9 | pointing-origin-status-9 | mask |
POTOTAL | pointing-origin-total | mask |
POXBASE | pointing-origin-x-base | double number |
POXOFF | pointing-origin-x-offset | double number |
POXPOS | pointing-origin-xposition | double number |
POXPOS1 | pointing-origin-xposition-1 | double number |
POXPOS2 | pointing-origin-xposition-2 | double number |
POXPOS3 | pointing-origin-xposition-3 | double number |
POXPOS4 | pointing-origin-xposition-4 | double number |
POXPOS5 | pointing-origin-xposition-5 | double number |
POXPOS6 | pointing-origin-xposition-6 | double number |
POXPOS7 | pointing-origin-xposition-7 | double number |
POXPOS8 | pointing-origin-xposition-8 | double number |
POXPOS9 | pointing-origin-xposition-9 | double number |
POYBASE | pointing-origin-y-base | double number |
POYOFF | pointing-origin-y-offset | double number |
POYPOS | pointing-origin-yposition | double number |
POYPOS1 | pointing-origin-yposition-1 | double number |
POYPOS2 | pointing-origin-yposition-2 | double number |
POYPOS3 | pointing-origin-yposition-3 | double number |
POYPOS4 | pointing-origin-yposition-4 | double number |
POYPOS5 | pointing-origin-yposition-5 | double number |
POYPOS6 | pointing-origin-yposition-6 | double number |
POYPOS7 | pointing-origin-yposition-7 | double number |
POYPOS8 | pointing-origin-yposition-8 | double number |
POYPOS9 | pointing-origin-yposition-9 | double number |
PRESERVE | preserve-pointing | logical |
PRESROT | preserve-rotator-physical-position | enum |
PRIMTEMP | acs-primary-mirror-temp | double number |
PRMAZ | azimuth-prm-offset | double number |
PRMEL | elevation | double number |
RA | telescope-right-ascension | double number |
RABASE | telescope-right-ascension-base | double number |
RAOFF | right-ascension-offset | double number |
REL2BASE | relative-to-base | enum |
REL2CURR | relative-to-current | enum |
ROTCASID | cassegrain-rotator-module-id | string |
ROTCCWLM | rotator-ccw-limit | double number |
ROTCWLM | rotator-cw-limit | double number |
ROTDEST | rotator-user-destination | double number |
ROTDETS1 | rotator-destination-timestamp1-ut1-slow | double number |
ROTDETS2 | rotator-destination-timestamp2-ut1-slow | double number |
ROTERCNT | rotator-error-count | integer number |
ROTERRS | rotator-error-string | string |
ROTERVL | rotator-error-status | integer number |
ROTFWDID | forward-cassegrain-rotator-module-id | string |
ROTHALT | rotator-halt-command | logical |
ROTHALTC | rotator-halt-command-complement | logical |
ROTHERE | rotator-here | logical |
ROTOFF | rotator-offset | double number |
ROTINIT | rotator-initialization-command | logical |
ROTINITC | rotator-initialization-command-complement | logical |
ROTLBCID | left-bent-cass-rotator-module-id | string |
ROTMODE | rotator-tracking-mode | enumm |
ROTNEED | rotator-needed | logical |
ROTNEWS | rotator-new-destination-slow | integer number |
ROTBASE | rotator-base-angle | double number |
ROTCALAN | rotator-calibration-angle | double number |
ROTREFAN | rotator-reference-angle | double number |
ROTPDEST | rotator-physical-destination | double number |
ROTPDSTS | rotator-physical-destination-slow | double number |
ROTPOSN | rotator-user-position | double number |
ROTPOTS1 | rotator-position-timestamp1-ut1-slow | double number |
ROTPOTS2 | rotator-position-timestamp2-ut1-slow | double number |
ROTPPOSN | rotator-physical-position | double number |
ROTRBCID | right-bent-cass-rotator-module-id | string |
ROTSEL | rotator-select | enum |
ROTSRVER | rotator-servo-error | double number |
ROTSTAT | rotator-state | enumm |
ROTSTBY | rotator-standby-command | logical |
ROTSTBYC | rotator-standby-command-complement | logical |
ROTSTST | rotator-state-string | string |
ROTZERO | rotator-zero-angle | double number |
SCALED | scaled-offset | logical |
SECACTU1 | secondary-actuator-1 | double number |
SECACTU2 | secondary-actuator-2 | double number |
SECACTU3 | secondary-actuator-3 | double number |
SECOFFE | secondary-el-offset | double number |
SECOFFR | secondary-rot-offset | double number |
SECOFFT | secondary-temp_offset | double number |
SECCALIB | secondary-calib-comp | logical |
SECEL | secondary-auto-el-comp | logical |
SECERRS | secondary-error-string | string |
SECERVL | secondary-mirror-error-status | integer number |
SECFOCUS | secondary-mirror-focus-raw | double number |
SECFOCOF | telescope-focus-raw-offset | double number |
SECHALT | secondary-halt-command | logical |
SECID | secondary-module-id | string |
SECINIT | secondary-initialization-command | logical |
SECMOVE | move-secondary | logical |
SECMTEMP | secondary-mirror-temp | double number |
SECNEED | secondary-needed | logical |
SECRAW | secondary-cmd-raw-focus | logical |
SECREQE | move-req-el-comp | logical |
SECREQR | move-req-rot-comp | logical |
SECREQT | move-req-temp-comp | logical |
SECROT | secondary-auto-rot-comp | logical |
SECROTAM | secondary-auto-rot-comp-amplitude | double number |
SECROTPH | secondary-auto-rot-comp-phase | double number |
SECSCALE | secondary-mirror-to-sky-scale | double number |
SECSTAT | secondary-state | enumm |
SECSTBY | secondary-standby-command | logical |
SECSTST | secondary-state-string | string |
SECTEMP | secondary-auto-temp-comp | logical |
SECTHETX | secondary-mirror-thetax | double number |
SECTHETY | secondary-mirror-thetay | double number |
SECXDEM | secondary-mirror-thetax-demand | double number |
SECYDEM | secondary-mirror-thetay-demand | double number |
SECTHXOF | secondary-mirror-thetax-offset | double number |
SECTHYOF | secondary-mirror-thetay-offset | double number |
SECZ | secondary-mirror-focus-compensated | double number |
SECZDEM | secondary-mirror-focus-compensated-demand | double number |
SHTCTRLL | shutter-control-lower | enum |
SHTCTRLU | shutter-control-upper | enum |
SHTPOSL | shutter-elevation-lower | double number |
SHTPOSU | shutter-elevation-upper | double number |
SHTPOWER | shutter-drive-power-control-command | string |
SHTSTSL | shutter-status-lower | string |
SHTSTSU | shutter-status-upper | string |
SIMULATE | simulating-dcs | logical |
SLEWONLY | slew-only-total-time | double number |
SLEWTIME | total-slew-time | double number |
ST | local-apparent-sidereal-time | double number |
STRKERR | servo-tracking-error-sky | double number |
TARGAZ | target-azimuth | double number |
TARGDEC | target-declination | double number |
TARGDCJ2 | target-declination-j2000 | double number |
TARGEL | target-elevation | double number |
TARGEPOC | target-epoch | double number |
TARGEQUI | target-equinox | double number |
TARGFRAM | target-frame | enumm |
TARGNAME | target-name | string |
TARGPLAX | target-parallax | double number |
TARGPMDC | target-proper-motion-dec | double number |
TARGPMRA | target-proper-motion-ra | double number |
TARGRA | target-right-ascension | double number |
TARGRAJ2 | target-right-ascension-j2000 | double number |
TARGRADV | target-radial-velocity | double number |
TARGWAVE | target-wavelength | double number |
TDCBOOT | tdc-cage-reboot | logical |
TDCCPU | tdc-cpu-usage | double number |
TDCUP | tdc-cage-up-status | logical |
TDCVERS | tdc-cage-software-version | string |
TELCCWLM | telescope-ccw-limit | double number |
TELCWLM | telescope-cw-limit | double number |
TELESCOP | telescope-name | string |
TELFOCUS | telescope-focus-compensated | double number |
TELFOCOF | telescope-focus-compensated-offset | double number |
TELGUARD | telescope-guard-band | double number |
TELLOLM | telescope-lower-el-limit | double number |
TELSHORT | tel-shortest-path | logical |
TELUPLM | telescope-upper-el-limit | double number |
TERTERRS | tertiary-error-string | string |
TERTERVL | tertiary-error-status | integer number |
TERTHALT | tertiary-halt-command | logical |
TERTINIT | tertiary-initialization-command | logical |
TERTMOVE | move-tertiary | logical |
TERTNEED | tertiary-needed | logical |
TERTDEST | tertiary-destination | enum |
TERTPOSN | tertiary-position | enum |
TERTSTAT | tertiary-state | enumm |
TERTSTBY | tertiary-standby-command | logical |
TERTSTST | tertiary-state-string | string |
TPESTEMP | top-end-socket-temp | double number |
TRACKING | telescope-servos-tracking | logical |
TRFIELD | tracking-field-size | double number |
TRTHRESH | tracking-threshold | double number |
TRHYST | tracking-hysteresis | double number |
TUBEFLEX | tube-flexure | double number |
TUBETEMP | tube-temperature | double number |
TVANGL | porg-to-tv-angle | double number |
TVFLIP | porg-to-tv-y-flip | logical |
TVANGL0 | porg-to-tv-angle-0 | double number |
TVFLIP0 | porg-to-tv-y-flip-0 | logical |
TVANGL1 | porg-to-tv-angle-1 | double number |
TVFLIP1 | porg-to-tv-y-flip-1 | logical |
TVANGL2 | porg-to-tv-angle-2 | double number |
TVFLIP2 | porg-to-tv-y-flip-2 | logical |
TVXOFF | tv-x-offset | double number |
TVYOFF | tv-y-offset | double number |
USEPDPNT | use-pdest-for-pointing | logical |
XIMOFF | XIM-offset | double number |
YIMOFF | YIM-offset | double number |
UT | coordinated-universal-time-1 | double number |
UTC | coordinated-universal-time | double number |
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