Night 1: 2002-Jun-04 (UT)



The first commissioning night for DEIMOS was a smashing success! We completed all the tasks we had planned to do tonight, plus others scheduled for later in the run. A summary of the accomplishments:

Outstanding Problems

Night 2: 2002-Jun-05 (UT)



We had a second consecutive smooth night on DEIMOS with great weather, more engineering and even a taste of some science.

Outstanding Problems

Night 3: 2002-Jun-06 (UT)



Our third night was productive but not perfect. We were lucky to be on sky at all following a major failure of the rotation drive gear box in the afternoon; disaster was averted only because the instrument team had had the foresight to assemble a complete spare of the suspect part. This potentially disastrous failure was fixed within a few hours and we were back in business well before going on sky.

During the night, the instrument experienced intermittent problems reading out the CCD mosaic; the images were sometimes corrupted by missing data. Analysis is in progress.

Key accomplishments:

Outstanding Problems