
The FCS fix GUI is intended to help restore the ability of the DEIMOS Flexure Compensation System to track when the spatial or spectral offsets are too large for it to recover on its own.



It can be invoked from the actions pulldown menu on the DEIMOS instrument control GUI.


Follow these steps to recover when FCS gets stuck on a state other than Tracking:

  1. Step 1: Grab FCS images. Click on the button labeled Get FCS images. Thi will display:
  2. Step 2: Capture spot coordinates. Identify a CuAr spot that is visible in both the top and bottom images, and right-click on the feature center for both images. This will automatically update the pixel coordinates of the spot on the reference image (x_ref, y_ref) on the current image (x_cur, y_cur).
  3. Step 3: Send FCS Moves. Click on the the Send FCS moves button to shift the DEIMOS optics to return the spot on the current image as close as possible to the corresponding spot on the reference image. This invokes the fcsmov script, which will execute the following sequence: