The Landolt (1992) UBVRI photometric standard stars list features several fields which contain multiple standard stars, allowing standards over a range of colors to be measured in a single exposure. The following table lists several of these useful ``bonus fields''. A starlist containing these targets is also available as /kroot/starlists/0000_lris_bonus_fields.

Landolt ``Bonus Fields''
Field Name RA
N* (B-V) Range
Min Max
PG0918+029 field 09:21:31 +02:47:02 5 -0.271 +1.044
PG1047+003 field 10:50:12 -00:01:08 4 -0.290 +0.688
L107-459 field 15:38:46 -00:22:20 4 +0.792 +1.214
PG1633+099 field 16:35:34 +09:46:17 5 -0.192 +1.134
L109-954 field 17:44:15 -00:02:17 3 +0.806 +1.283
L110-504 field 18:43:11 +00:29:00 8 +0.568 +2.326

*N = number of Landolt standard stars in field

See Also: