
This document describes the process of handling DEIMOS observing configuration requests. It is intended for use by the DEIMOS support astronomer.


Receive config

Run checknerds2

The SA runs the checknerds2 command to record the receipt of the slitmasks and configuration form.

Create Configurations

At least one day prior to the DEIMOS run, edit the SIAS to put the configuration on the schedule.

Note About Slitmask Entries

A useful routine can help ensure that slitmask information is properly entered onto SIAS; however, it can only be run after the DEIMOS has been recongfigured on the day prior to the run you want to edit. To use it:
  1. Log into polo as dmoseng.
  2. Type the command masklist followed by slitmask names or barcodes.
  3. The script will:
  4. The resulting output can be pasted directly into the appropriate place in the SIAS.
Here is example output from the script:
    [66] dmoseng@polo: masklist xlh84 xlh85 xlh86 GOH_foo
    WARNING: interpreting guiname xlh84 as barcode 4729
    WARNING: interpreting guiname xlh85 as barcode 4728
    WARNING: interpreting guiname xlh86 as barcode 4758
    WARNING: interpreting guiname GOH_foo as barcode 487
    Slitmask  2: xlh84 BC=4729
    Slitmask  3: xlh85 BC=4728
    Slitmask  4: xlh86 BC=4758
    Slitmask  5: 5003.W BC=4790-no change
    Slitmask  6: 5100.E BC=4795-no change
    Slitmask  7: 5105.E BC=4780-no change
    Slitmask  8: 5134.E BC=4830-no change
    Slitmask  9: 5135.E BC=4840-no change
    Slitmask 10: LVMslits BC=4817-no change
    Slitmask 11: 6243.W BC=4843-no change
    Slitmask 12: GOH_foo BC=0487-no change
Note that mask 487 (GOH_foo) was already in DEIMOS and thus it was marked as -no change. The lines starting with Slitmask can all be cut and pasted into the SIAS entry for that day.