These instructions describe the procedure to safely reboot the
DEIMOS host computers. It does not cover rebooting the CCD
crates. It requires the assistance of a sysadmin to perform the
- Stop the keyword history service
by support astronomer
IMPORTANT NOTE: Performing this initial step is
critical, otherwise keygrabber will make the traffic service
crash after the servers have been rebooted.
- Log into vm-history-1 as user kics.
- deimos_keygrabber stop
- If the above does not work deimos_keygrabber stop!
- Reboot keamano by sysadmin
- Log into keamano as user root.
- Issue command to reboot system.
- Wait for boot sequence to complete.
- Reboot polo by sysadmin
- Log into polo as user root.
- Issue command to reboot system.
- Wait for boot sequence to complete.
- Monitor reboot on an HQ machine by support astronomer
- Log into hamoa as user dmoseng.
- ping_check polo
- ping_check keamano
- Restart rotator software by support astronomer
- Log into keamano as user kics.
- Issue commmand deirot stop.
- Issue commmand deirot status; check output
to confirm that all processes are dead.
- Issue commmand deirot start.
- Issue testAll command from dmoseng@polo
and verify that rotator processes are healthy.
- If they are not up after 60 sec, repeat previous
- Test services are all up by support astronomer
- Log into polo as user dmoseng.
- Execute the command testAll and verify
that all services are OK.
- Start the keyword history service
by support astronomer
- Log into vm-history-1 as user kics.
- deimos_keygrabber start