The following afternoon routine is recommended to prepare for the
night's observing.
Time to complete: About 1 hour + 8 minutes per mask
- Consult the on-line
Keck observing schedule. Note that the dates
are HST, not UT dates.
- The third column of the table will indicate the account you
have been assigned. For example, if it reads deimos7, use
this account name (in lowercase) when logging in to Keck
Whether observing from Waimea, from an official remote observing
site or from home, DEIMOS observers should run all instrument
software within VNC desktops. Generally, VNC servers for your run
should be up and running when you arrive to observe. Please follow
the appropriate set of steps below to launch your VNC viewers.
Remote Startup Procedure from home
The procedure for launching VNC desktops from home requires
previous installation of
the Keck
remote observing software. Once the software has been installed:
Open a terminal on your local computer.
Navigate to the directory where the remote observing software was
Launch VNCs with the following command:
./start_keck_viewers deimosN
Remote Startup Procedure from Official Remote Sites
The procedure for launching VNC desktops from remote sites
varies from site to site, but generally follows this
- Log in. Log in to primary and (if
applicable) secondary machines using account and
password provided by the site manager.
- Get firewall access. If necessary, follow
authentication procedure for access through Keck
- Launch VNCs. Execute the appropriate script
to bring up VNC desktops. At sites with a single
4-headed machine execute the command
kvncall deimos deimosN
where N is the number of your DEIMOS observing
At sites with separate primary and secondary machines,
execute this command on the primary machine:
kvncinst deimos deimosN
and this command on the secondary machine:
kvnctel deimos deimosN
Waimea Startup Procedure
- Log in to primary seat.
- User: user
- Password: See your Staff Astronomer
- Launch primary VNC desktops.
- Open a terminal
- Type: deimos7 (assuming that
your assigned account for the night is deimos7.)
- Start Firefox. (This can be started on any of the VNCs,
but due to the final arrangement of the DEIMOS GUIs, it is
convenient to start Firefox on the telstatus VNC.
- Right-click in the background
- Select Firefox
- Click on DEIMOS from the Keck Instruments Page
- Read the DEIMOS News.
- Click on the link labeled NEWS
from left-side menu
- Check instrument availability.
- Click on the link
labeled Instrument
Ready? from left-side menu to check for instrument release.
- Possible Messages:
- DEIMOS READY = continue with this checklist
- DEIMOS NOT READY = please wait
Electronic logsheets
Paper logsheets
- Select your preferred logsheet format on
the DEIMOS logsheets
- Print logsheets to the nearest available printer
To assist in your logging, you may find it helpful to launch the
obslog window which provides a summary of your DEIMOS
exposures. From the DEIMOS workspace menu, select DEIMOS Utilities
→ Obslog Loop to launch this window.
- Start up the DEIMOS software.
- Right click in the VNC background to access the DEIMOS menu.
- Select DEIMOS Control Menu → Start All DEIMOS GUIs
- Verify windows.
Check that the following windows appear:
Window |
Function |
Control0 desktop |
DEIMOS instrument control GUI |
Main control interface with the instrument |
fcstrack terminal (yellow fonts) |
Transcript of the Flexure Compensation System (FCS)
control software (fcstrack ) |
watch_fcstrack iconified terminal |
Restart automatically the fcstrack script if it dies |
watch_lickserv2 iconified terminal |
Restart automatically the CCD data taking software
(lickserv2 ) if it dies |
watch2_ccd iconified terminal |
Restart automatically keyword monitoring software
(watch_ccd ) if it dies |
watch_piezo iconified terminal |
Restart automatically the piezo software
(dispatcher.piezo ) if tent mirror keywords
become unavailabe |
Control1 desktop |
Ginga display GUI |
Display DEIMOS science images in real time |
Deimos eventsounds GUI |
Control of instrument sounds |
Compas Rose (i) |
Represent the DEIMOS detector orientation |
Control2 desktop |
Slitmask Alignment Tool (SAT) GUI |
Used for MOS slitmask coarse and fine alignment |
SAT IDL terminal (blue fonts) |
IDL process running the SAT |
telstatus desktop |
Facility Summary (FACSUM) GUI |
Show overall telescope status |
Show information from the Keck weather station |
MAGIQ Observer UI |
Visualize and manage target list during observations |
Program Identification GUI (PIG) |
Handles program ID, observer list and output data directory |
In addition to bringing up the GUIs and control terminals, the DEIMOS
startup script also creates the directory structure adequate for the
Select your program on
the PIG
Click on the radio button next to your program code on the
Program Identification GUI (PIG). This will automatically set
the following fields:
Output data directory where the DEIMOS FITS files will be
Program ID on the Program information
area of the DEIMOS instrument control
GUI. This value is automatically grabbed from the
telescope schedule.
Observers list on the Program information
area of the DEIMOS instrument control
GUI. This value is automatically grabbed from the
telescope schedule.
If you would like to update the observers list, simply edit the
corresponding field on the PIG and press the Set button.
IMPORTANT NOTE for ToO triggers and DEIMOS/DEIMOS split
nights: If this is a DEIMOS/DEIMOS split night or
there is a ToO trigger, make sure to select the correct
program on the PIG before taking data. This will ensure that the
images are saved in the correct data directory, and that the
correct ownership is assigned to the data in the Keck
Observatory Archive (KOA).
- Verify slitmasks.
On the Mechanism control
area of the DEIMOS instrument control
GUI, click in the Slitmask selection button. Read
through the list of available slitmasks on the pull down and
ensure that all of the slitmasks you will need tonight are
listed. If not, get help.
- Verify gratings.
On the Mechanism control
area of the DEIMOS instrument control
GUI, click on the Grating selection button. Check the
available gratings on the pull down and ensure that all of the
gratings you will need tonight are listed. If not, get help.
- Verify filters.
On Mechanism control area
of the DEIMOS intrument control GUI,
click on the Filter selection button. Read through the list
of available filters on the pull down and ensure that all of the
filters you will need tonight are listed. If not, get help.
- Select sounds.
The DEIMOS eventsounds
utility will make user-selectable noises when:
- image is done exposing,
- image is done reading out, and
- image is exposing and FCS is not tracking.
Click on the available menus to select the sounds of your choice
for your late-night entertainment.
- Play samples.
You can play a sample of the
currently-selected sound by clicking the right mouse button
on the label for the sound. If you do not hear the sound
immediately, verify that your computer sounds are not muted. If
you are using a computer with external speakers, make sure the
speakers are powered on and that volume is turned up.
At the beginning of each afternoon, you should reset all DEIMOS
stages to reasonable positions.
- Click on the Details... button on
the Init/Stow area of the DEIMOS
control GUI to open the DEIMOS
initialization control GUI. Note that all the buttons on
the intialization control GUI are disabled (grayed out) by
- On the initialization control GUI:
- If any of the buttons appearing under the
Recalibrate instrument area do not have a white
check mark on a gray filled circle next to it, then
left-click on the Recalibrate instrument header to
activate that area of the GUI. You can then left-click on
the corresponding stage button(s) to recalibrate the
stage(s). Wait until the stage flags turn into white check
marks on a green filled circle, indicating that they have
been initialized properly. If any flags fail to turn to
check marks, then that stage may have a problem —
please alert your SA.
- Left-click on the Return to default label to
activate the Return to default area of the GUI and
then click on the Apply default config button to send
all stages to their nominal positions. Please wait for this
step to complete, which may take a few minutes. When the
system is reset to its default configuration, a message will
be displayed on the text box of the intialization control
GUI indicating
GODEFAULT: Completed
Close the intialization control GUI by clicking on
the Close button.
- Close hatch.
instrument control GUI indicates that the hatch is open, then
close it by selecting the closed option on the jatch
mechanism control, and hit Apply. The hatch stage current
value should change to closed once the stage has finished
- Turn off lamps.
the Internal lamp control GUI
indicates that any lamps are on, click on the Details...
button on the Internal Lamps box, and then hit the All
off button.
- Set exposure parameters.
- Set the following values on the Detector contol panel
of the DEIMOS instrument control
- Object: → bias
- Readout mode: → Spectral
- Amp mode: → SINGLE:B
- Obs type: → Bias
- Integration (s) → 0
- You can either Apply one change at a time,
or Apply all (reccommended).
changes. If you are unhappy with any of the new settings, you
can Reset all before hitting Apply all.
- Start bias exposure.
Click on the Expose button to start the
- Verify exposure sequence.
After you start the
exposure, the brown exposure progess bar to the right of
the Progress: field will start changing in
size. The Status: field will start being populated with the
following values:
- Erase to indicate that the detector is erasing;
- Exposing to indicate that the detector is
- Reading to indicate that the detector is reading
- Wait for readout.
In about 75 seconds, the image should read out and display
on the Ginga display GUI.
Use the Ginga display GUI to
make a vector cut across your image, graphing pixel values as a
function of position.
Select the Raw channel and click the Operations
button (below the main display area) and select Analysis →
Right-click at the point on the displayed image where you would
like to start the projection cut.
Release the mouse button once you are happy with the selected
Inspect the Cuts plot on the Dialogs tab (upper
right area of the GUI.)
The nominal bias frame should have about 1000 counts on average, and
a peak-to-peak variation of less than 10 counts. However, not all
CCDs on the DEIMOS mosaic show such values. Please, check
the latest news on the DEIMOS CCD mosaic status, or
ask your SA in case of doubt when assessing the quality of a bias
The DEIMOS internal focus can change significantly on a daily
basis. Hence, it is advisable to refocus the spectrograph each
afternoon. Since the offsets between various filters appear to be
stable over time, the standard procedure is to focus the instrument
in direct imaging mode using the R filter and illumination
with internal lamps. Once the focus in this fiducial filter is
measured and set, the instrument's automated filter focus discipline
software will adjust the internal focus as needed to account for the
changes in the filter. Follow these steps:
Since January 2020, we have a Python-based script to create
the focus map which is faster than the old IDL script. Please,
follow this link for a
comparison between the old (IDL-based) and the new focus analysis
The VNC pulldown menu has 3 options to acquire the focus images and
to determine the best focus value:
This is the recommended option, because it automatically
launches the analysis script, once the focus images have been
acquired. Please, once you have selected the option Run/Analyze
focusloop (R+internal) on the pulldown menu, take your time to
read the next two sections to understand what the focus data taking
and analysis scripts do, how to exit from each script once they are
completed, and how and when to input the optimal focus value on the
DEIMOS control GUI.
This option launches the script that acquires the internal focus
Ensure that the DEIMOS rotator is not halted. Check that
the Rotator mode on
the system overview of
the DEIMOS instrument control GUI
is Pos. If the rotator mode is not Pos,
then contact you SA for assistance.
On the VNC background menu, select
DEIMOS Utilities → Run focusloop
(R+internal). A wait_wrapper terminal will pop up
to run the focus sequence. If DEIMOS is not at the nominal
rotator angle of -30deg, the following message will apear on the
[do_focusloop] WARNING! The DEIMOS rotator is NOT at the
nominal rotator angle preferred for focusing (-30). If you
focus here, you may not get an accurate focus. Should I
rotate DEIMOS to the proper position? (y/n) [y]: setting
rotatval = -30.00 (wait)
As soon
is released, it will be safe to excute the rotation. In
that case, you can answer y and
hit Enter. The focusloop script will configure the
spectrograph appropriately for R-band dome images and acquire
a sequence of 7 focus images every 1000 focus units from -5000
to -11000.
The focus loop script takes about 10 min to complete, so this
can be a good time to work on your target
list and upload it on the SAT.
Once the focus loop sequence is completed, the instrument will
be returned to its previous configuration, and the following
message will appear on the wait_wrapper terminal:
Press <Enter> to exit...
Please, press enter to close the terminal.
Run the analysis script once all the images in the focus sequence
have been taken:
From the DEIMOS background menu, select the item
DEIMOS Utilities → Analyze focusloop
new wait_wrapper terminal will pop up to run the focus
analysis script, which will display a PNG plot containing the
focus map.
- Inspect the plot to verify that the overall morphology of the
contours is similar to that seen in
this sample plot.
- If the plot looks good, adopt the last value shown on
the page or in the xterm output (labeled Array focus)
as the nominal focus value. If it looks bad (see example
of a buckled mask resulting in a poor
focus like this), then
notify your Staff Astronomer.
- On the DEIMOS instrument control
GUI, enter the nominal focus value in the Focus
box. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please, wait until the focusloop
script has finished putting all the optical elements back to
their original configuration. Once the focusloop terminal shows
the message Press <Enter> to exit..., then you
can enter the focus value on the Focus box. Note,
that the focus stage only takes negative focus values.
Press Enter to close the focus
analysis wait_wrapper terminal.
The focus analylis plot and log are saved on the data directory. To
reopen the analysis plot, on a terminal:
eog direct_R_internal_2021-04-10.png &
The method to select the grating will depend on the current rotator
angle, which is displayed on the system overview area of
the DEIMOS control GUI:
If the current rotator angle is -30deg, then the
command select_slider to select a grating should not be
necessary. In this case gratings can be selected using
the DEIMOS instrument control GUI.
If the current rotator angle is not -30deg, then
use select_slider 3|4 on a polo terminal
to select the grating on slider 3 or 4, respectively. This will
ensure that the rotator goes to -30deg, which is the optimal
rotator angle to take a flexure compensation reference image
before the grating is clampled up.
When selecting both, grating and central wavelength, the grating
must be selected first, and the central wavelength must be
selected only once the grating has already been clamped in
position. This is required because the DEIMOS control GUI remembers
which was the last wavelength that was selected for a given
Select the adequate blocking filter for your grating setup using
the DEIMOS instrument control GUI.
If you will be using custom slitmasks, you will want to confirm that
the slitmask alignment software can properly locate the alignment
boxes on your masks. Furthermore, taking mask images can be very
useful for early detection possible problems with the
slitmask selection mechanism.
The procedure to take the mask images and identify the alignment
boxes is as follows:
- Acquire mask images.
Obtain direct images of all of your slitmasks so that you
can verify them:
From the DEIMOS Workspace Menu, select DEIMOS Utilities
→ Slitmask Imaging Tool to launch
the widget.
- Select all masks you plan to observe.
- Click GO to acquire direct
images of the masks.
- If it is not up yet, launch the Slitmask Alignment Tool
(SAT). On any of your analysis VNC desktops (with blue
background rather than tan), launch the Slitmask Alignment Tool
from the background menu via
DEIMOS Utilities → Slitmask Alignment Tool
Select ID Boxes. The SAT window has various tabs
available; please select the one labeled ID Boxes.
- Verify box locations. Use the SAT to confirm that
the software can locate all of your alignment boxes:
- Wait for a new direct image to appear.
- On the ID Boxes tab, click the Load
Image button and select an image (typically the
last on the list).
- Wait for the software to display the image and to mark the
expected box locations.
- Confirm that all expected boxes are found and
identified with a red square. Boxes may sometimes fail to
appear because they fall outside of the illuminated area
or in the small gap between CCDs; this is not a concern.
However, a box which is visible but no detected by the
software indicates a possible problem and should be
brought to the attention of the Support Astronomer.
Complete the FCS Setup Checklist.
The flexure compensation system must be set up for each
combination of grating and central wavelength that you will be
using. Follow the checklist above to calibrate FCS.
Different slitmasks may use the same FCS setup, however.
If you intend to use a grating set to more than one central
wavelength, it is advisable to change the wavelength and confirm
the FCS continues to track at both positions.
If you intend to use two different gratings, it is advisable to
switch between the gratings to ensure FCS will continue to
track following the moves.
- Start FCS tracking if it is not currently tracking.
- Select the grating on the DEIMOS dashboard GUI.
- Wait for the above step to complete (may take up to 5 minutes)
- Set the wavelength
- Set the blocking filter
- Confirm that FCS tracks
- Repeat for the other grating
Acquiring arcs and flats should not be attempted until FCS is
tracking using your science instrument configuration.
Automated method
To acquire arcs and flats automatically (preferred method) use the
Slitmask Calibration Tool (Widget):
- DEIMOS Utilities -→
Slitmask Calibration Tool from the background menu to
launch the gui.
- Click the checkbox next to the desired masks
- Confirm number of exposures and exposure times. Note that
exposure times are set for 1 arcsec slits.
- Click GO to initiate the sequence of
For more information please see the
Slitmask Calibration Tool (Widget)
Manual method
To acquire arcs and flats manually:
Close the DEIMOS hatch to block dome light.
Set the grating, central wavelength, filter, and dewar
focus appropriately.
Start FCS tracking (if desired) and wait for it to
If needed, take a test 1 second Qz internal flat (use the
goibuf command) and determine
the appropriate exposure time for your flats (goal is about
30,000 DN maximum).
Launch the widget from the DEIMOS background menu via
DEIMOS Utilities → Slitmask Calibration Tool.
Select the masks to be calibrated using the current
grating/wavelength/filter combination, the number of arcs
and flats to acquire, the exposure times to use, and the
arcs lamps to use.
Click GO to begin data acquisition.
The normal set of 1 NeArKrXe arc and 3 internal flats will take
about 8 minutes per mask to complete. Selecting the Cd or Zn
lamps will require additional time.
You will need to create a “starlist” file listing your
target names and coordinates. You can do this in either of two ways:
Automated starlist (strongly recommended)
Create a starlist based on the output files
- Download the
file deimos_startlist.tar
Extract the Python script:
tar -xvf deimos_starlist.tar
Run the script using Python 3:
python *.out
where "*.out" are the DSIMULATOR output files
The resultant file is called starlist_YYYMMDD.dat
Upload your resultant list to Keck using
the Keck
observer page as follows:
Enter your username and password to log in.
- Click on the link reading Manage your target lists
here to access the Target List Management
Click on Upload followed by Browse... and select
the starlist on your local computer.
Click on the Upload Now button. This uploads the starlist
to the Keck system.
- Confirm that file contents shown on the File Preview
window look okay.
Once uploaded through the web interface, your starfile can be
found in the directory
/kroot/starlists/web/username, where
username generally includes your first initial and
last name.
Hand-crafted starlist
We strongly discourage using this method because it is prone
to human error when typing the mask coordinates and position
angle. A typo in the starlist can lead to confusion during mask
alignment at night and incur lost observing time.
Use a text editor to create and format your starlist as described
here. If you have done this
on your laptop, you can then upload the starlist file via our web
- In a browser window, load the
Observer Login page.
- Enter your username and password to log in.
- Click on the link reading Manage your target lists
here to access the Target List Management
Click on Upload followed by Browse... and select
the starlist on your local computer.
Click on the Upload Now button. This uploads the starlist
to the Keck system.
- Confirm that file contents shown on the File Preview
window look okay.
Once uploaded through the web interface, your starfile can be
found in the directory
/kroot/starlists/web/username, where
username generally includes your first initial and
last name.
Load the starlist in the Slit Mask Alignment
Tool. In the SAT GUI: Guider Coarse Align → Load
Starlist. Navigate through the file browser until you find your
Load the DSS images for your coarse alignment. Pre-loading the DSS
images in before sunset can save a bit of time during the coarse
alignment. In the SAT GUI: Guider Coarse Align → Retrieve all
Guider Images.
You can generate finder charts for the guider images and also
generate the target list using the DEIMOS guider DSS tool, which
you can run on your own Linux or Mac computer. Please, click on
the Keck
Observatory Github repository and follow the installation
instructions shown on the Git page. Once you have installed the
Create a directory in your local machine with your .out
files from dsimulator (e.g. masks.)
- Run the software as follows:
cd masks
python [path_to_DeimosGuider]/deimos_guider_dss *.out
Wait a few minutes for the software to create the finder
charts and the target list. When completed, the software
will respond with:
Point your browser to → file:///[path_to_your_dsim_out_files]/guider_images.html
Use your browser to open this URL, which serves as an
index to your finder charts and to the starlist file.
Important sanity check: Verify that the finder
chart shows stars in the locations of the markers where
guide stars are expected. If not, then the mask may have an
astrometry problem!
Copy the starlist file into your directory
in /kroot/starlists if you have not done it yet.
Observing Assistants customarily arrive at the summit (or HQ,
if remote controlling) around 5:30pm. Once they arrive, you
can do the following:
Greet the OA. Introduce yourself to the OA and alert them
to any immediate needs that you will have, such as wanting to
take dome flats if your program requires direct imaging data.
Wait for the OA to get settled. Setting up computers
and bringing up all of the telescope control systems
requires some time, and things go wrong much more often than
we would prefer. Be patient while the OA prepares the
telescope for operation.
Take dome flats if needed. When the OA gives you
permission to proceed, begin taking dome flats.
Inform the OA about your starlist. Now would be a good
time to let the OA know where your starlist is, so they can
verify that they have access to it.
You're tired and hungry and there's a long night ahead. If you
happen to be observing from Waimea, better get out the folder
labeled Restaurant Dining Guide and select one of our fine
local eateries to provide you with sustenance.
Sunset is getting close; continue with the procedures listed on
the Evening Startup Checklist.