
IMPORTANT NOTE: your data will be available to the observing program PI on the Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) a day or two after the observing run. Therefore, there is no need for you to download your data on your observing night, unless you wish to.

If you would like to download the data during your obseving night, the rsync program is a convenient utility for copying data from the instrument host to your laptop or to a remote machine. You can either pull or push data as explained below.

What Keck computers should you use

Which computer to use depends on the instrument. Some recommendations are:


Pulling to your computer from Keck

This method is appropriate for use on laptops.

Pushing data from Keck to your computer

This method works best when transferring data to a machine at a remote site, when it would be tedious to log into the remote machine and then gain access through the Keck firewall.


  1. Pull data from directory /s/sdata703/esi1/2011jan01 at Keck to the current directory on your laptop computer by issuing this command on the laptop (assuming the laptop is connected to visitor wireless at Keck):
    rsync -avz .
  2. Pull data from directory /s/sdata1001/deimos1/2011jan01 at Keck to directory ~/deimos_data on remote machine by issuing this command on the remote machine (after gain access through Keck firewall):
    rsync -avz ~/deimos_data
  3. Push data from directory /s/sdata1001/deimos1/2011jan01 at Keck to directory ~/deimos_data on remote machine by logging into sshserver4 as deimos1 and issuing this command:
    rsync -avz /s/sdata1001/deimos1/2011jan01
