DEIMOS SpecPro Tool | |
SpecPro is an interactive IDL program developed by Dan Masters of Caltech to help analyze of DEIMOS spectra of galaxies in the COSMOS survey field. The interface provides a comprehensive picture of a spectroscopic target by displaying the 1D and 2D spectrum as well as available multiwavelength stamp images and overall source SED. Even without multiwavelength survey data, SpecPro is a useful tool for viewing spectra and rapidly finding redshifts. While originally written specifically for DEIMOS, the authors have since generalized the program so that it can be used to view data from any instrument.
The interface adapts routines from the DEIMOS DEEP2 pipeline for rapid redshift determination by automated cross-correlation against a variety of galaxy spectral templates. It also allows the user to overlay common emission and absorption lines on both the 1D and 2D spectrum, change the redshift manually, bin, smooth and zoom on the 1D spectrum, automatically re-extract 1D spectra from 2D, save results to file from within the interface, and overlay the slit on the stamp images, among other capabilities. The program is publicly available at and is available from DEIMOS accounts at Keck. Converting DEIMOS Data to SpecPro FormatDEIMOS2 Data need to be converted into the SpecPro Format before being loaded into SpecPro. The IDL procedure performs this operation. The input data are the spec1d file and the two R and B slit files. For example:convert_deimos_to_specpro, "spec1d.m30.000.M30.fits", "slit.m30.000B.fits","slit.m30.000R.fits"Optionally, the output file names can be specified: convert_deimos_to_specpro, "spec1d.m30.000.M30.fits", "slit.m30.000B.fits", "slit.m30.000R.fits", out1dname="spec1d.mymask.000.M30.fits", out2dname="spec2d.mymask.000.M30.fits"Note that the output files need to follow the naming convention of the DEEP2 pipeline (spec1d.maskname.???.object.fits). Launching SpecProLaunch SpecPro from any HQ machine by typingspecproto launch the package in regular format or specpro -smallto launch it in the more compact display format. Loading spectra in SpecProAt the IDL prompt:specpro, 6will load any spec1d file with a 006 in its name (the sixth slit). If multiple possibilities exist, a window will popup allowing the user to chose the right one. If you are using a small display and the SpecPro window is too large, you can use: specpro, 6, /small See Also
Last modified: 08/27/2021 11:17 Send questions or comments to:DEIMOS Support |