testAll script


testAll -- check functionality of all DEIMOS systems


Test all of the DEIMOS systems to determine whether they are
working properly. The following checks are made:
- Check that all daemons are running
- Check all keyword libraries (tests infopatcher)
- Check that science/FCS CCD crate is alive via 'ping'
- Check that science/FCS CCD keywords are readable
- Check communication with Lantronix
- Check communication with Galil controllers
- Check that guider is powered on
- Check that various instrument stages will report back
positions via 'show' command


testAll [systems]


systems = [computers daemons apps keywords power stages]
Systems which should be tested. Defeault is all of them.


Report written to stdout

Exit values

0 = normal completion
<0 = warnings but no errors
>0 = error


1) To check instrument status:

Nominal output

Checking DEIMOS computers:
Checking deits2..................OK (Lantronix - cradle)
Checking deits3..................OK (Lantronix - barrel)
Checking deivmep.................OK (Science CCD crate)
Checking fcsvmep.................OK (FCS CCD crate)
Checking keamanop................OK (supervisory computer - Sun)
Checking rotop...................OK (rotator control - Linux box)
Checking DEIMOS daemons:
Checking deirot.cache............OK
Checking deirot.dispatcher.......OK
Checking deirot.watchdcs.........OK
Checking dispatcher.barco........OK
Checking dispatcher.bargun.......OK
Checking dispatcher.dinfo........OK
Checking dispatcher.hplog........OK
Checking dispatcher.piezo........OK
Checking dispatcher2.1...........OK
Checking dispatcher2.2...........OK
Checking dremel..................OK
Checking lickserv2...............OK
Checking monitor.deifcs..........OK
Checking monitor.deimos..........OK
Checking monitor.deirot..........OK
Checking traffic.................OK
Checking watch_ccd...............OK
Checking DEIMOS applications:
Checking write_image.............OK
Checking fcstrack................OK
Checking ds9relay................OK
Checking lickserv................OK
Checking DEIMOS keyword libraries:
Checking ACS.....................OK
Checking CCD+infopatcher.........OK
Checking DCS.....................OK
Checking FCS+infopatcher.........OK
Checking bargun..................OK
Checking dispatcher 1............OK
Checking dispatcher 2............OK
Checking hplogger................OK
Checking piezo...................OK
Checking rotator.................OK
Checking DEIMOS settings:
Checking dewar ion pump..........OK
Checking Rotator CW limit........OK
Checking vessel ion pump.........OK
Checking FCS lamp................OK
Checking Science CCD 15V Power...OK
Checking FCS focus tolerance 1...OK
Checking Science CCD 30V Power...OK
Checking FCS focus tolerance 2...OK
Checking CCD temp setpoint.......OK
Checking CCD temperature.........OK
Checking FCS CCD 15V Power.......OK
Checking FCS CCD 30V Power.......OK
Checking Current instrument......OK
Checking Rotator CCW limit.......OK
All tested DEIMOS systems tested appear functional.

See Also

The shell script testAll
DEIMOS script index

Go to: DEIMOS Home Page - Instruments Home Page - Keck Home Page

Last modified: Tue Feb 8 21:57:40 2005