
Tools & Supplies

Bring the following tools to the Keck II Nasmyth deck in preparation for performing the instrument reconfiguration:

Grating Changeout Procedure

  1. Rotate instrument into position:
  2. Open the access door:
  3. Locate the grating pushbutton panel inside the access hatch at the top right.
  4. Press the appropriate button (3 or 4) to bring the desired grating to the unload position. The grating should unclamp (producing a loud click), and the grating box should move to the desired position. The grating will then be rotated to the unload position, at which point you should get a green LED lit on the pushbutton panel. The entire process takes about two minutes. Occasionally, the move will fail and the yellow LED will remain on. It is then necessary to press the desired button one more time. If this still does not produce success, contact instrument support for assistance.
  5. Take a grating cover from the storage slot on the instrument. Note that there should be two covers in the storage slot when you start. Insert the grating cover into the slot in the slider until it stops. Note that the "lip" on the grating cover should point to the left.
  6. Unscrew the tricky captive screw on the grating mount:
  7. Loosen the two remaining captive screws on the grating mount:
  8. Remove the grating from the slider:
  9. Exchange gratings:
  10. Insert the new grating into the instrument:
  11. Attach the tricky captive screw on the grating mount:
  12. Tighten the two remaining captive screws on the grating mount:
  13. Remove the grating cover from the grating.
  14. Verify that the green LED is lit. If not, you'll need to press the button again to get the grating back to the unload position in order for the scanner to work.
  15. Holding the barcode scanner at the door, scan the barcode label on the grating. Verify that the instrument responds with a beep followed by a honk. NOTE: if the barcode label on the grating is damaged or unreadable, you can scan one of the grating barcode labels on the sheet attached to the instrument. However, please scan the label on the grating itself whenever possible in order to ensure that the correct label is scanned.
  16. Repeat procedure for additional grating if needed.
  17. Close the hatch:
  18. Verify that there are still two grating covers in the storage slot! If not, you may have forgotten to remove one from a grating.

Filter Changeout Procedure

  1. Rotate instrument into position:
  2. On the filter access door, unclip the latch, and slide the door up. Note that the Hatch Open LED on the handpaddle turns on.
  3. Consult the SIAS printout and determine the first filter to change.
  4. On the filter wheel button panel to your left, press the number of the filter position to change out.
  5. Remove a filter handle from the right side of the filter box and attach it to the filter to be removed from the filter wheel by screwing the thumbscrews by hand. Do not overtighten!
  6. Grasp the handle and pull carefully but firmly to disengage the filter from its detent and slide it out of the wheel.
  7. Place the filter into the filter box, leaving a gap between it an any adjacent filters if possible. Unscrew the handle from the filter.
  8. In the filter box, locate the filter to be inserted into the filter wheel.
  9. Attach the handle to the filter and carefully remove the filter from the filter box.
  10. Insert the filter into the open slot in the filter wheel, making sure that the arrow on the filter holder points to your left (i.e., in the direction the photons would travel to reach the detector).
  11. Push the filter into the wheel until it clicks into the detent. Verify that the filter frame is flush with the wheel and does not protrude.
  12. Remove the handle from the filter frame.
  13. Press the position switch to re-select the current position.
  14. Wait for the position switch on the button panel to turn green.
  15. Take the bar code scanner and scan the barcode label on the filter you just inserted into the filter wheel. Verify that the instrument responds with a beep followed by a single, long honk.
  16. Repeat these steps for additional filters to be changed.
  17. Close and latch the access door. Note that the Hatch Open LED on the handpaddle turns OFF.

Slitmask Changeout Procedure

  1. Inspect all masks to ensure that they are acceptable for installation. In particular, check that the masks: If a mask does not meet these criteria it may jam or otherwise cause problems during mask loading, so do not load it!
  2. Rotate instrument into position:
  3. Open the access door:
  4. Move the slitmask cassette to the load position by pressing the POSN 1 button on the cassette.
  5. Insert the DEIMOS slitmask alignment tool atop slitmasks and slide to back of carriage. Note: take care to avoid pulling the bundle of wires in the slitmask area!
  6. Loosen the 2 thumbscrews on the cassette door and flip the door down towards you to allow access to the masks.
  7. Consult the SIAS printout to determine which masks to remove. (Note that the first occupied slot is position 2, not 1!) Remove all of the masks marked for replacement and set them aside on a cart.
  8. Insert the new masks, verifying that the barcode number on the mask matches that on the SIAS printout.
  9. Important notes:
  10. Flip the cassette door up and verify that slits align to the comb. Verify that slots 1 and 13 are not occupied! Tighten the 2 thumbscrews on the cassette door.
  11. Slide mask alignment tool forward to cassette door and remove, taking care to avoid pulling on the bundle of wires. If tool binds when sliding forward, this indicates that a mask has been cross-threaded!
  12. Verify that the comb is aligned with the cassette door. The comb should be flush with door edges. Note: Visual detection is difficult, recommend using fingers.
  13. Close the access door:
  14. Initiate slitmask scanning by picking up the barcode scanner and scanning the SCAN MASKS item on the COMMAND sheet.


  1. If no new slitmasks are to be scanned, scan the COMMIT barcode with the scanner to update the instrument configuration. NOTE: doing so will cause the motor control software to be stopped and restarted; hence, do not attempt any motor moves for at least 2 minutes after scanning COMMIT!
  2. Release the band brake.
  3. Set the switch on the handpaddle to Computer mode.

Verification -- Running DREMEL

  1. Return to the control room and launch the DEIMOS control GUI if it is not already up.
  2. If new slitmasks were installed, complete the slitmask scanning process as described below:
  3. Shutdown and restart the Dashboard GUI.
  4. Double-click on the SLITMASK box to view the slitmask panel. Verify that the slitmask names (which are displayed in reverse order match the observer's request on the SIAS printout. If any names are UNKNOWN, see instructions below.
  5. Double-click on the GRATING box to view the grating panel. Verify that the gratings in positions 3 and 4 match the observer's request on the SIAS printout.
  6. Double-click on the FILTER box to view the filter panel. Verify that the filters match the observer's request on the SIAS printout.



A Sample DREMEL Session

Here is a detailed description of a typical DREMEL session in which slitmasks are scanned and the resulting configuration is committed.
  1. The starting state for DREMEL. This is what the screen should look like when you begin a DREMEL session:
    DEIMOS DREMEL GUI initial state if the last time DREMEL was run, it ended successfully.
    It is also possible to find the DREMEL GUI in the following state if the dremel service was restarted sometime before launching the GUI:
    DEIMOS DREMEL GUI initial state if the the dremel daemon was restarted before opening the GUI.
  2. Launch Count/Scan. Click on the Count/Scan button to start the slitmask process. The following should happen on the GUI: The software will now start cycling through all slitmask positions, attempting to insert and retract each mask. This verifies which mask slots are occupied and which are empty, and also tests whether slitmasks jam.
    DEIMOS DREMEL GUI while counting and scanning the slitmasks.
  3. Verify counting. When the count is completed, the software reports it progress:
  4. Start scanning. If you scanned SCAN MASKS at the instrument or clicked Count/Scan on the GUI, DREMEL will start scanning barcodes automatically as soon as counting is done (assuming no errors were encountered). If you clicked Just Count, then you need to click on Just Scan to initiate the scanning process. DREMEL will turn on the barcode scanner and begin reading mask barcodes.
  5. Verify scanning. After all barcodes have been scanned, the normal result is: You may also notice messages about the FITS writer being started; this is normal.
  6. Review configuration. Before committing changes, verify that what you put in is what was called for on the SIAS. Click on Review Config to review the list. Note: you will usually get old information on the first attempt. If so, simply click on the Quit at the bottom of the tkremel popup to dismiss the tkremel window, and click Review Config again on the dremel panel to bring it up again. If information still doesn't match, then something went wrong in the DREMELing process.
  7. Commit changes. Complete the reconfiguration by clicking on COMMIT. This will cause the new configuration to be written into a log file, and the motor control software to be restarted so that it re-reads the logfile and knows which elements are in which positions. The GUI gives the following feedback:
    DEIMOS DREMEL GUI while the configuration is begin committed.