New Facility Slitmask
- Occasionally facility masks wear out or are damaged. When
this occurs we put a spare mask into service. This procedure
updates our documentation and the SIAS database so future
config forms have the correct barcodes.
Update web documentation
- Find and update the mask entry on the DEIMOS Standard Slitmasks
Update the SIAS database
- Go to the internal SIAS page
- Click on "View Administrative Tools" near the bottom of the page
- Click on "General query Forms" -> "SIAS database on ..."
- Select Table: "slitmasks"
- Click on "Submit query" (empty query returns all entries)
- Click on the element you wish to update
- Edit the barcode and the notes
- Click "Update"
Check your update
- Go to the internal SIAS page
- Click on "View Administrative Tools" near the bottom of the page
- Click on "Configuration Updator Launch Page"
- Select Instrument: "DEIMOS"
- Determine a future date that your change will affect set
that as the "Start date"
- Number of days: "1"
- Output mode: "Write to real summit schedule"
- Click "Go!"
- Verify that the CU noted your change
- N.B. the CU runs everyday and should now update all
future entries correctly