New Facility Slitmask


Occasionally facility masks wear out or are damaged. When this occurs we put a spare mask into service. This procedure updates our documentation and the SIAS database so future config forms have the correct barcodes.

Update web documentation

  1. Find and update the mask entry on the DEIMOS Standard Slitmasks page

Update the SIAS database

  1. Go to the internal SIAS page
  2. Click on "View Administrative Tools" near the bottom of the page
  3. Click on "General query Forms" -> "SIAS database on ..."
  4. Select Table: "slitmasks"
  5. Click on "Submit query" (empty query returns all entries)
  6. Click on the element you wish to update
  7. Edit the barcode and the notes
  8. Click "Update"

Check your update

  1. Go to the internal SIAS page
  2. Click on "View Administrative Tools" near the bottom of the page
  3. Click on "Configuration Updator Launch Page"
  4. Select Instrument: "DEIMOS"
  5. Determine a future date that your change will affect set that as the "Start date"
  6. Number of days: "1"
  7. Output mode: "Write to real summit schedule"
  8. Click "Go!"
  9. Verify that the CU noted your change
  10. N.B. the CU runs everyday and should now update all future entries correctly