- Change to directory
- Create a new subdirectory for today:
mkdir 2009jan26
- Go to the new subdirectory:
cp 2009jan26
- Copy logfile from summit:
cp ~dmoseng/summit/scripts/T953.log .
- Start idl and display first image:
atv, '/s/nightly2/09/01/26/cam0010.fits'
- In ATV, measure coordinates of the central "+" on the first image.
- Edit file ~dmoseng/idl/dmoseng/T953_measure.pro and change the initial coordinates of the central "+" on the first image:
xc = 513.00 ; starting x coord
yc = 641.00 ; starting y coord
- Edit file ~dmoseng/data/T953/header.txt and
add appropriate commentary at the bottom.
- Run IDL and cd ~dmoseng/data/T953/YYYYmmmDD
- Type .run T953_measure.pro to generate the
file T953_measure.dat.
- Type .run T953_plot.pro to generate the
output files.
- Exit IDL.
- Type gmake to create a file all.ps
which is printable for inclusion in notebook.
- Compare results to previous runs to get a sense of change
in flexure.
- Supply new lookup table (deimos_flex.lut) to
guider software guru.