
copymon --- copy incoming ESI, HIRES, and LRIS images into the current directory


copymon instrument


name of the instrument being used. Possible values are ESI, HIRES, and LRIS.


copymon automatically copies incoming ESI, HIRES, or LRIS images from the datataking system's output directory into the current directory. The user can start this script running in the afternoon and allow it to run all night (it terminates automatically after 10 a.m.). This frees the user to worry about reducing the images rather than having to manually check for new incoming images and copy them over.

The ``Save the Bits'' archiving system now in operation at Keck will not archive images which have been manipulated by IRAF in any way (including those which have been copied using the imcopy task). Hence, it's important for observers to leave their raw LRIS images untouched. For observers who must do some quick data reduction (overscan subtraction, flat fielding, spectral extraction, etc.) the best option is to copy the images from the data collection machine (manuka) to a scratch disk atatched to the summit data reduction machine (pelekane). The copymon script offers a hassle-free way to do this.


  1. An LRIS observer using the lris1 account wants to analyze images on pelekane, the summit data reduction computer. First, the observer checks to see which scratch disks are attached to pelekane by logging in to that machine and issuing the df command:
         > df 
         Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
         /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s5    5066129  134998 4424521     3%    /scratch103
         /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s7     972847  795405   80162    91%    /scratch104
         /dev/dsk/c0t10d0s5   8358858 5235596 2287382    70%    /scratch100
         /dev/dsk/c0t11d0s5   8358858 4163070 3359908    56%    /scratch101
         /dev/dsk/c0t12d0s5   8358858 3840651 3682327    52%    /scratch102
    The observer selects /scratch103 and creates directory /scratch103/lris1/05aug98. The user then logs into manuka, the LRIS datataking computer (this is required for copymon to interact with the datataking system). After issuing the cd command to go to that directory, the observer starts copymon running using the following command:
         copymon lris
    The program starts up and prints:
      copymon is now running!  Incoming lris files will be copied
      into the current directory (/tmp_mnt/s/scratch103/lris1).  
      This program will terminate automatically in 18 hours or at 10 a.m.,
      whichever comes first.
    The program can be allowed to run until quitting time, or may be stopped with repeated Ctrl-C interrupts when shutting down for the night.



See Also

The Perl script copymon