Instrument Status

  • General: DEIMOS development is essentially completed and official handover from Lick is expected soon.
  • Slitmasks: A new guide was installed in July in an effort to fix the longstanding problem with buckling slitmasks. No buckling was observed in 3 subsequent nights of observing.
  • Gratings: A minor mechnical modification to the grating tilt stage known as slider 4 should help the stage position more reliably and reduce FCS lock time.
  • Filters: Filter weights are not equal and thus the filter wheel is unbalanced in certain configurations. A software fix has been applied and we're investigating a mechanical fix.
  • CCD system: New software automatically adjusts the detector readout window in direct mode such that only illuminated rows are acquired. This typcially cuts the image readout/write time in half, speeding slitmask alignment, plus saves disk space.
  • Slitmask milling: a new computer and software for milling DEIMOS and LRIS slitmasks has been installed and tested at the summit. This system will soon be activated, replacing the existing SURFCAM system. Two significant implications:
    • we will now mill DEIMOS masks at the summit instead of having them shipped from Lick
    • LRIS observers will now use the DEIMOS web form at Lick to submit slitmasks

Top 10 Task List

  1. [Dahl/Wirth] Fix SKY rotator time-to-limit algorithm
  2. [Wirth] Modify startup scripts/pulldown menus to support remote eavesdropping
  3. [Wirth] Write user manual
  4. [Wirth] Update troubleshooting pages
  5. [Mason/Lewis] Install ultrasonic cleaner for DEIMOS/LRIS masks
  6. [Mason/Wirth] Coordinate transition of slitmask milling to Hawaii
  7. [Wirth] Document slitmask milling procedure
  8. [Mason/Wirth] Review preventive maintenance plan
  9. [Wirth] Adapt Arcplots widget for DEIMOS
  10. [Wirth] Coordinate DEIMOS configuration database effort

Recently Completed Tasks

  • [Wirth] Provide convenient focus acquisition/analysis software
  • [Wirth] Train summit staff in DEIMOS reconfiguration procedures

Gregory D. Wirth
Last modified: 07/10/2020 05:20
Send questions or comments to:DEIMOS Support

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