Follow these steps to shut down DEIMOS and associated
systems at the end of the night.
If you are taking calibrations after observing, disable DCS
This will only disconnect the DEIMOS rotator
from the telesecope control system, but it will keep all the
GUIs running.
On the DEIMOS instrument control
GUI, click on the Rotator → Details... button
to bring up the
rotator GUI
Click on the Sky mode label to activate the rotator
sky mode buttons.
Click on Disable DCS.
The rotator should be halted a few seconds afterwards. You can
now take after-observing calibrations. Once you are done with
your calibrations, run the End-of-Night Shutdown.
- If you are NOT taking calibrations after observing, perform
End-of-Night Shutdown.
This option will put DEIMOS in
safe mode and shutdown all GUIs. From the background menu,
select DEIMOS Control Menu → End-of-Night
Shutdown. This will perform the following functions:
- Close the hatch
- Retract slitmask from beam
- Turn off all calibration lamps
- Turn off all FCS lamps
- Set the FCS mode idle
- Halt the fcstrack software
- Close the dewar shutter
- Disable DCS control of the rotator
- Close all DEIMOS GUIs (including FCS windows)
- Shutdown the MAGIQ GUI
- Close FACSUM
- Close MET
Exit Firefox.
If you were using Firefox, kill the
existing instance of the web browser.
Specify any configuration changes.
If you will be observing with DEIMOS again tonight and need
to alter your instrument configuration based on what you did
or did not accomplish, use the
online run configuration form to modify your list of
gratings, filters, and slitmasks.
- Remove starlist.
If it is important to keep your targets confidential, be
sure to delete your starlist file.
- Electronic Log.
The electronic
log will be accessible on the program's PI Keck observer
page within one or two days of the observing run.
- Backup your data.
See detailed information
on data backup.
- Complete POC form.
Please complete
a Post Observing Comments form
to let us know how your run went. You responses to this form
are logged and tracked and are important to us in maintaining
and improving nighttime observing operations.
- Log out (remote observing room).
From the local desktop menu (not
the VNC one), select the option to log out. At Keck this is
done by selecting Exit FWVM on the local
(not VNC) desktop menu; at other sites it will depend on your
site's configuration. It is not necessary to close your VNC
viewers, since they should close when you log out.
- Take your stuff (remote observing room).
Before leaving remote ops, please be sure you have all your
belongings and throw away any trash.