DEIMOS Private Network Topology

Network Devices

Device Private Name Private Address Type OS Location
DEIMOS private network switch HP 2530-24G
K2 computer room
DEIMOS primary host polop ASL Lancelot 2880 Linux K2 computer room
DEIMOS secondary host keamanop Sun workstation Solaris K2 computer room
DEIMOS rotator control host rotop ASL Lancelot 2880 Linux K2 computer room
FCS CCD crate fcsvmep VME crate VME K2 computer room
Science CCD crate deivmep VME crate VME K2 computer room
Barrel Lantronix TS Lantronix terminal server
DEIMOS barrel bay 3
Power to ion pump controllers, Galil 1500's, piezo controller, barrel Lantronix TS EATON PDU
DEIMOS barrel bay 11
Power to science and FCS CCD controllers, HP data logger EATON PDU
DEIMOS barrel bay 8
Power to cradle Lantronix TS, rotator interlock, autofill PLC EATON PDU
DEIMOS cradle bay D
Power D-Link DE-809TC, overtemperature interlock, Galil DMC-4240 rotator controller EATON PDU
DEIMOS cradle bay A
Cradle Lantronix TS Lantronix terminal server
DEIMOS cradle bay D
Rotator motion controller Galil DMC-4240
DEIMOS cradle bay C

Network Topology

Last modified: 11/28/2024 00:20
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