ps -aux | more
cp slitname.str backups/slitname.str.11oct1999
kill -9 154 ; /usr/local/music/bin/infoman l_info v=lris &
consortThis will print out sorted lists of the configurations for all configurable stages. Check for a list which has either
configure -d keyword alias
configure keyword alias=Nwhere N is the stage number to which to assign the string alias
startproc: connect failed startproc: connect failed startproc: connect failed startproc: connect failed startproc: giving up on connect; exiting ... Sorry, the show command was not able to contact the control system: Can't connect to traffic:
After starting a crate session with start_crate [red | blue], the following output is printed to the screen:
Got network configuration Broadcast message sent on ln0 Broadcast not sent on lo0 tropen: our host = ted. read_remote: pathname=/local/kroot/data/music/services read_remote: service file open tropen: remote host = lrisserverp startproc: parameter hostname = lrisserverp startproc: gethostname returned ted read_remote: pathname=/local/kroot/data/music/services read_remote: service file open startproc: connect failed read_remote: pathname=/local/kroot/data/music/services read_remote: service file open startproc: connect failed read_remote: pathname=/local/kroot/data/music/services read_remote: service file open startproc: connect failed read_remote: pathname=/local/kroot/data/music/services read_remote: service file open startproc: connect failed read_remote: pathname=/local/kroot/data/music/services read_remote: service file open startproc: connect failed startproc: giving up on connect; exiting ... "cserv.c", line 106: cserv, da8398, "cserv ()", Error, #41: Can't make connection to traffic controller. Unable to make connection to traffic controller, retrying... Timeout waiting for ISERV, retrying
process isn't running.
processes are running by typing
. There should be a watch_ccd_red
and a
process. If either is missing, restart
it by logging in as lris@manuka
and running lris
start watch_ccd
Jul 10 11:31:43 [5981] lrs_mcs.c,345,mcs_com: Error message from API unit received, stage grating_tilt Jul 10 11:31:43 [5981] lrs_mcs.c,346,mcs_com: Error message: 0 "#23 HOME NOT FOUND"
telnet tsred 3016
stat- and check the current position
mov 1000- move 1000 steps (you may need to move more or less than this value to reach an acceptable tilt).
m gdetent=0
m init=3Try the move again.
move failed: mread select timeout
If this procedure fails, then a full power cycle might be needed. This is the procedure:
allpower cycle
guiderpower on
tdl red tdl blueSee below for information on dealing with crate problems.
cdlog more motorlog
To verify the diagnosis, checking the bits on the API unit as follows:
telnet tsred 3016
ver i1 ver i1
Error reading crate: Carousel cell retainer latch is in an i ntermediate position. Check air pressure! See log files for further details.
m dichchar=1for example, assuming the dichroic carousel is stuck. Use grischar=1 for the grism and blufchar=1 for the blue filter.
Nov 13 16:43:01 [9881] sta_init: Getting stage position for red_camera_focus Nov 13 16:43:05 [9881] lrs_mcs.c,1456,mcs_timeout(): Serial port (select) timeo ut, stage red_camera_focus , retrying select/read Nov 13 16:43:09 [9881] lrs_mcs.c,1456,mcs_timeout(): Serial port (select) timeo ut, stage red_camera_focus , retrying select/read Nov 13 16:43:13 [9881] lrs_mcs.c,1456,mcs_timeout(): Serial port (select) timeo ut, stage red_camera_focus , retrying select/read Nov 13 16:43:13 [9881] lrs_mcs.c,1468,mcs_timeout(): Aborting because of serial port timeout, stage red_camera_focus Nov 13 16:43:13 [9881] lrs_encoder.c,168,read_abs_encoder: Serial port timeout, trying to read AR encoder, stage red_camera_focus
Error setting grating: Error reading crate: Controller unit number != unit number expected.
telnet tsred 3016
:nwhere n is the appropriate API unit number as determined from consulting the Motor Stage Data file.
Dec 1 16:15:08 [734] BEGIN: red_filter_jukebox complete move Dec 1 16:15:09 [734] red_filter_jukebox : Moving grabber into box Dec 1 16:15:09 [734] red_filter_grabber : Applying power to motor controller Dec 1 16:15:09 [734] lrs_mcs.c,345,mcs_com: Error message from API unit received, stage red_filter_grabber Dec 1 16:15:09 [734] lrs_mcs.c,346,mcs_com: Error message: S=0,MO 1 3 "#25 LIMIT SWITCH ENCOUNTERED" 3> Dec 1 16:15:09 [734] red_filter_grabber : Releasing magnetic brake Dec 1 16:15:09 [734] red_filter_grabber : Configuring motion-control parameters Dec 1 16:15:10 [734] red_filter_grabber : Current encoder position = 1277800 Dec 1 16:15:10 [734] red_filter_grabber : starting servo loop w/ encoder destination = 1440000. Dec 1 16:15:10 [734] lrs_mcs.c,345,mcs_com: Error message from API unit received, stage red_filter_grabber Dec 1 16:15:10 [734] lrs_mcs.c,346,mcs_com: Error message: PAUSE,MOV 207616 3 "#25 LIMIT SWITCH ENCOUNTERED" 3> Dec 1 16:15:10 [734] lrs_encoder.c,543,move_abs_encoder: Bad mcs_com ret=-3079 sending API servo move command, stage red_filter_grabber Dec 1 16:15:10 [734] lrs_encoder.c,548,move_abs_encoder: dx=162200, db=50, count=0, max_tries=5, stage red_filter_grabber Dec 1 16:15:11 [734] red_filter_grabber : Applying magnetic brake Dec 1 16:15:11 [734] lrs_changers.c,194,move_sc: Bad move_float_changer ret=-3079 Dec 1 16:15:11 [734] lrs_changers.c,196,move_sc: Error moving red_filter_grabber into jukebox Dec 1 16:15:11 [734] s_redfnum.c,172: Bad move_sc ret=-3079 Dec 1 16:15:11 [734] END: red_filter_jukebox complete move
Aug 14 09:44:51 [2650] red_filter_grabber : Current encoder position = -9520000 Aug 14 09:44:51 [2650] lrs_mcs.c,345,mcs_com: Error message from API unit received, stage red_filter_grabber Aug 14 09:44:51 [2650] lrs_mcs.c,346,mcs_com: Error message: PAUSE,MOV 140288003 "#25 LIMIT SWITCH ENCOUNTERED"
In addition:
OPTION2: If you want to put in the clear filter for spectroscopy, you can manually do this by:
On XLRIS the red filter will say "unknown", but it is in the clear position.
The steps presented above to control the hardware at the API level are found in the Motor Control Hardware Troubleshooting guide.
Relevant K1 Nightlog tickets are: K1-18283
UNLATCH failed, stage grism_carousel Both carousel positions switches are not set. Latch will not move., #1=1, #2=0, stage grism_carousel
cari1 tsblue 16If in position the output for bits 6 and 7 will read
I1 Bit 6 set. Cell is in position according to Switch #1. I1 Bit 7 set. Cell is in position according to Switch #2.
I1 - STATES, INPUT SET 1 = 11110111Bits 6 and 7 should be set to one if the carousel is in position. If either is 0 then procede to the next step
I1 - STATES, INPUT SET 1 = 11110111Try the other direction if the negative direction fails.
transport at positive limit (DEPLOYED), stage grism_transport
Error setting redfocus: lris dispatcher: Wrong control mode for request See log files for further details.
modify -s lredfoc rfocmod=Pos rfoccal=Homed
Error setting redfocus: lris dispatcher: No communications with device. See log files for further details.
lrisserver{lris}2: s lamps Lamp status: 0=off, 1=on, <0=unknown lamps = lamp1 status 0 lamp2 status 0 lamp3 status 0 lamp4 status 0 lamp5 status 0 lamp6 status 0If any show status equal to 1 (on) then turn off using the XLRIS gui.
![]() LED-contaminated image |
:0 reset 1 quit
show -s lris utbtempIf it is above 25°C, then the saddlebag should be inspected for failed glycol or failed fan.
ccdpower red cycleRemember to issue the lda 0 command on the CCD crate to re-enable temperature control.
redwheat = on wheatpwr = 4400 milliwattsIf needed, use the following commands to change them:
m redwheat = on m wheatpwr = 4400This should eventually clear the window over a period of several hours.
LRIS Engineering --> Reset blue CCD flags
from the background menu.ccdpower blue onto enable the high voltage power.
[VxWorks Boot]:
Engineering -> CCD crates ... -> Tip line to [Red|Blue] CCD crate
start_crate [red|blue]
[VxWorks Boot]:
reset_ccd_flags [red|blue|both]e.g. to reset the flags on the blue side
reset_ccd_flags blue
Attaching network interface ln0... done. interrupt: ln0 lnInt: no carrier Loading... interrupt: ln0 lnInt: no carrier interrupt: ln0 lnInt: no carrier interrupt: ln0 lnInt: no carrier interrupt: ln0 lnInt: no carrier Error loading file: errno = 0x3c. Can't load boot file!! [VxWorks Boot]:
-> i NAME ENTRY TID PRI STATUS PC SP ERRNO DELAY ---------- ------------ -------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ------- ----- tExcTask _excTask 3f8ea0 0 PEND 37f60 3f8cf0 3d0001 0 tLogTask _logTask 3f6d48 0 PEND 37f60 3f6b98 d0003 0 tShell _shell 3c5818 1 READY 525cc 3c5208 30065 0 tRlogind _rlogind 3d3138 2 PEND 6f5cc 3d2d68 0 0 tTelnetd _telnetd 3d1260 2 PEND 6f5cc 3d0fc0 0 0 tNetTask _netTask 3f1410 50 PEND 6f5cc 3f1268 3d0002 0 tPortmapd _portmapd 3cfd20 100 PEND 6f5cc 3cfa30 16 0 MLOG_STDOUT_start_mlog_ 2b0da8 100 PEND 37f60 2b0878 3d0001 0 cserv _cserv 298550 100 PEND 6f5cc 298028 3d0002 0 ccdClock _ccdClock 27fcf8 100 PEND 6f5cc 27f880 3d0002 0 broad_mon _broadcast_m 2767f0 100 DELAY 70f2c 2766c0 3d0002 2595 responder _responder 24b2f8 100 PEND 37f60 24a010 3d0001 0 serv_4644 _s_show_auto 3b7ed0 100 SUSPEND 70924 3b7d40 3d0002 0 serv_4624 _s_show_numa 231a68 100 SUSPEND 70924 2318d8 3d0002 0 serv_4644 _s_show_auto 22f1a0 100 SUSPEND 70924 22f010 3d0002 0 serv_4632 _s_show_voff 22c8d8 100 SUSPEND 70924 22c748 3d0002 0 serv_4644 _s_show_auto 22a010 100 SUSPEND 70924 229e80 3d0002 0 serv_4622 _s_show_ccdg 226710 100 SUSPEND 70924 226580 3d0002 0 serv_4624 _s_show_numa 222e10 100 SUSPEND 70924 222c80 3d0002 0 serv_4624 _s_show_numa 21f510 100 SUSPEND 70924 21f380 3d0002 0 serv_4604 _s_show_binn 21cc48 100 SUSPEND 70924 21cab8 3d0002 0 serv_4630 _s_show_voff 21a380 100 SUSPEND 70924 21a1f0 3d0002 0 serv_4604 _s_show_binn 216a80 100 SUSPEND 70924 2168f0 3d0002 0 serv_4604 _s_show_binn 2141b8 100 SUSPEND 70924 214028 3d0002 0 serv_4606 _s_show_elap 2118f0 100 SUSPEND 70924 211760 3d0002 0 serv_4604 _s_show_binn 20f028 100 SUSPEND 70924 20ee98 3d0002 0 serv_4904 _s_show_raw_ 20c760 100 SUSPEND 70924 20c5d0 3d0002 0 serv_4610 _s_show_wind 209e98 100 SUSPEND 70924 209d08 3d0002 0 serv_4606 _s_show_elap 206598 100 SUSPEND 70924 206408 3d0002 0 serv_4606 _s_show_elap 203cd0 100 SUSPEND 70924 203b40 3d0002 0 serv_4502 _s_set_binni 2003d0 100 SUSPEND 70924 200240 3d0002 0 serv_4816 _s_set_utb_d 1fcad0 100 PEND 6f5cc 1fc898 3d0002 0 rccd _rccd 395390 150 SUSPEND 3fe730 395010 3d0002 0 value = 3951892 = 0x3c4d14
Engineering -> CCD crates ... -> Tip line to [Red|Blue] CCD crate
start_crate [red|blue]
-> rebootin the Tip session. Note that sometimes only the reset btn will work.
[VxWorks Boot]:. If that happens, type @ in the tip session to cause the boot sequence to complete.
vmemsgxchng: DSP reply timeout. Check power/hardware. E1:Time=209340:"util_mem_rd.c", line 31: broad_mon, 24da70, "util_mem_rd ()", Error, #1: Undefined error condition. Bad return 12 from vmemsgxchng() sending RDM packet E1:Time=209340:"get_dsp_data.c", line 108: broad_mon, 24da70, "get_dsp_data ()", Error, #1: Undefined error condition. util_mem_rd returned -1007 reading loc 40000d of camera 0 E1:Time=209340:"broadcast_ccd_analog_inputs.c", line 72: broad_mon, 24da70, "broadcast_ccd_analog_inputs ()", Error, #1: Undefined error condition. get_dsp_data returned 3 reading UTB adc chan 6 from camera 0
Getting digital input word masked with 1 from utility board for camera 0 s_show_utb_dig_input: value = 0
Error setting STARTEX: STARTEX: ARCHON_ERROR_STARTEX_EXPOSUID(-13058) cannot start exposure - cycle in progress ERROR trying to start exposure
check_shutter_status: returning -1103 E1:Time=41488:"s_cshutter.c", line 491: serv_4714, 3b9310, "check_shutter_status ()", Error, #1: Undefined error condition. Camera shutter is partially open! E1:Time=41488:"s_cshutter.c", line 318: serv_4714, 3b9310, "do_shutter ()", Error, #1010: Error number not found in error message table. Bad return from check_shutter_status. E1:Time=41488:"s_set_erase.c", line 234: serv_4714, 3b9310, "set_erase ()", Error, #1010: Error number not found in error message table. Bad return from close_shutter() E1:Time=41488:"s_expose.c", line 254: serv_4714, 3b9310, "s_expose ()", Error, #1: Undefined error condition. Bad return from set_erase()
safe_do_shutter: calling do_shutter. "s_cshutter.c", line 304: serv_4740, fdb698, "do_shutter ()", Error, #1010: Error number not found in error message table. CSH command unsuccessful, reply was 455252 "s_cshutter.c", line 406: serv_4740, fdb698, "safe_do_shutter ()", Error, #1010: Error number not found in error message table. Bad return from do_shutter() "s_cshutter.c", line 153: serv_4740, fdb698, "s_cshutter ()", Error, #1010: Error number not found in error message table. Bad return from safe_do_shutter()
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERROR: The $side shutter is not functioning properly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I tried to cycle the $side shutter open and closed, and it FAILED to work. Should I power cycle the $side CCD saddlebag and the $side shutter controller echo -n and then try again? (y/n) [y]:
reports the following errors:ssh kics@adcserver
adc start daemons
show -s k1adc adcmod
adcinitfollowed by another
adcresetwhich should help the system return to Track mode.
In fwd-soft limit
adc restart daemons
madc adcmod=halt madc adcmod=pos madc adcval=20
madc adcmod=track
madc adcmod=pos
madc adcval=20This should get the ADC out of the limit.
madc adccal=homed
madc adcmod=Track
To move the ADC out of the primary and secondary limits, a trained staff member has to manually turn the lead screw on the back of the ADC. The ADC does not need to be removed from the CASS position, however, if LRIS in in beam, LRIS may need to be pulled back to gain access to the lead screw. Someone should monitor the ADC status while the lead screw is turned. As the lead screw is tunred, the secondary limit will dissapear and then the primary limit will dissapear in the status message window on the eng and observer guis. After the limits are cleared, ensure that the technician is safely outside the instrument and then re-initialize the ADC. Set the mode to track to test whether the ADC will track appropriately.
[69] lris@lrisserver: temps System Current Temp Acceptable Range Status ------------------- ------------ ---------------- ------ Blue CCD temp -120.0 -121.0 to -119.0 OK Red CCD temp -100.0 -101.0 to -99.0 OK Blue saddlebag temp -3.5 -10.0 to 0.0 OK Red saddlebag temp -4.5 -8.0 to 0.0 OK
Following a software restart, you may need to wait up to five minutes before a valid measurment is recorded.
For further information see: ion pump technical doc
--- Current lris ion pump keyword values lrcur = 0.000000000 amp lrvolt = 0.000000 KV lrmode = 0 lrstat = 0 (MAJOR: value is less than "low" limit)
If it is working "lrmode = 1" and "lrstat = 3"
Following a software restart, you may need to wait up to five minutes before a valid measurment is recorded.
For further information see: ion pump technical doc