tdl -- test communications between LRIS CCD crate and detector
tdl M,N
- M
- Indicates which camera to test. Currently
the only option is 0 for the red camera electronics.
- N
- Board index number. Possible values are:
- 1: Leach controller board in CCD rack
- 2: Timing board in saddle bag
- 3: Utility board in saddle bag
The tdl program is a VME task used to check
communications between various components along the data path
between the LRIS CCD and the CCD crate computer. The program is
invoked by typing tdl M,N
at the
VME prompt on the CCD crate compter.
This function sends the tdl command to the specified
board DSP along with the parameter 0xffffff. This
tests all 24 bits of the data path. The tdl command
operates by simply echoing the parameter back down the link
after it is recieved on the destination board. If the reply
value is not the same as the value sent, the data link is
presumed to be at fault.
Since downstream communications depend on upstream
communications, always test in the following order:
- tdl 0,1
- tdl 0,2
- tdl 0,3
- Successful completion:
-> tdl 0,2
msg = 0X203 0X54444c 0Xffffff
reply = 0X20002 0Xffffff
reply = 0X20002 0Xffffff
value = 0 = 0x0
- Unsuccessful completion:
-> tdl 0,2
msg = 0X203 0X54444c 0Xffffff
vmemsgxchng: DSP reply timeout. Check power/hardware.
tdl: vmemsgxchng() failed.
value = -1007 = 0xfffffc11
- tdl 0,1 Fails
- This indicates failure to communicate with the Leach
controller board. First, perform a hard reboot by power
cycling the rack. If this does not fix the problem, consider
swapping in the replacement Leach board.
- tdl 0,2 Fails
- If tdl 0,1 succeeds, this indicates failure to
communicate with the timing board in the saddlebag. First,
check power to the saddlebag. Next, power cycle the VME crate
and saddlebag. Third, check fibers for obvious breakage.
Fourth, perform a signal-loss check on all fibers. Next,
re-seat the timing board.
- tdl 0,3 Fails
- If tdl 0,1 and tdl 0,2 succeed,
this indicates failure to communicate with the CCD utility
board. First, reboot the saddlebag. If still broken, then
re-seat the utility board.
- This command will not show a problem with a bit being stuck high.
John Cromer, Caltech