The ion pump installed in the Red Side electronics bay is used to monitor the Red side dewar vacuum.

Monitoring software

The software used to monitor the LRIS vacuum is also used to run in conjunction with HIRES. Thus, stopping and starting the software will impact the monitoring on both LRIS and HIRES.

As LRIS eng there are two commands available:

Current Status

The current status of the LRIS ion pump may be reviewed in two ways.
  1. A Current Status Graph is available from the intranet only.
  2. Run ionshow as lriseng on the lrisserver. See above for details.

Software Twiki page

There is also a software twiki that Liz C. maintains. and is available at: Twiki page


see the troubleshooting page for basic troubleshooting information. The software Twiki page also has helpful troubleshooting options.