Dichroic Refurbishing
An instrument engineering team replaced the lead screw of the
dichroic transport mechanism. The mechanical performance is smoother than before and the whole system is using less
torque from the drive. We plan to performed a similar
refurbishing to the transport mechanism for the grism and blue filter
in the summer.
ADC Cleaning
Our opical team lead by Luke Gehrs started to clean the ADC
prisms. They started with one fo the surfaces. Initial assessment
indicates that the cleaning has slightly increased (~2-3%) the
throughput of the
150 grating
A new 150/7500 is available for science.
Grism issues
Initial remedial work on the grism transport mechanism has been succesful. The grism is fully functional. We will continue to monitor this mechanism.
Grism issues
Deployment of the grism at certain angles has become problematic. The main issue is the transport mechanism of the grism. This mechanism transports the grism from its carrousel (STOWED position) to the beam (DEPLOYED position). Depending on the orientation of the instrument (rotation of the instrument and elevation of the telescope), the grism does not reach the DEPLOYED or STOWED positions.
The effects of this issue are significant because the grism has to be transported in and out of the beam during MIRA, Mask Acquisition, change of spectroscopic setup, and for imaging. Therefore, we suggest that the observers plan carefully their observations so that changes of the grism are minimized during the night.
We are working to mitigate this problem in several ways. We are working on adapting the SAT so that masks can be acquired with the red channel by using the gratings as a mirror (zeroth order as it is done with Deimos). Moreover, we are developing a plan to perform a mechanical study to fix this issue in early 2022. A major refurbishing work of LRIS is planned to take place in 2023 to permanenty fixed this and other LRIS issues.
150/7500 grating out of service
The 150/7500 grating has been taken out of service due to a crack near a corner. We are starting the process to replace it.
Polarimeter Status
The LRIS polarimeter is being repaired. We expect to get it back from the optics shop by the end of 2021. Its recommissioning would take place at the start of 2022 and it will enter into service shortly there after. We will post news about it as soon as we can.
New LRIS Red CCD (Mark IV)
A new monolithic 4k x 4k thick CCD has been installed to replace the old Mark 3 LRIS red side mosaic (late April 2021). This new CCD has a faster readout and a similar QE as the previous mosaic.
Binning by 2 in the spatial and spectral direction is possible. However, windowing is not possible at the moment but we expect to commission this mode in 2022.
The new CCD is thicker than the old mosaic, therefore we recommend maximum exposure times of 20 minutes to avoid excessive contamination by cosmic rays.
LRIS Red Detector Update
We continue to experiece problems with the LRIS red side
The LRIS RED detector has 4 video amplifiers, called "vidamp1" to
"vidamp4". When we use "LEFT ONLY" mode, the two CCDs are
readout by vidamp1 and vidamp3. When we use "RIGHT ONLY"
mode, the two CCDs are readout by vidamp2 and vidamp4. When
we use both LEFT and RIGHT modes, all 4 vidamps are
used. At the time of writing, vidamps 1, 2 and 3 are
ok. Vidamp4 is not functional. The result is that LEFT mode
is ok, RIGHT mode is missing one of the two CCDs (the one
readout by vidamp4). If LEFT+RIGHT mode is used, 1/4 of the
mosaic (1/2 of one CCD) is missing.
The situation is rather unstable and we
occasionally see failures of other amplifiers.
Most of the times it is possible to operate using the left amplifier,
which means that the only effect is an extended readout times.
Occasionally, we see an entire CCD becoming unresponsive. In these
cases, the effect is much severe: MOS observations cover only half of
the field of view and polarimetry is no longer possible.
Please contact your Staff Astronomer for the latest updates ahead of
your observing run.
LRIS Red Detector Update
We have recently been experiencing problems with the LRIS red side detector. While the details and history are a bit convoluted, the current situation is that we have one bad amplifier on the bottom chip (as shown in the ds9 live display at the instrument). The workaround for this is to use the single amp readout mode (with the right side amplifiers). This yields a complete image with no bad sections at the cost of about double the readout time. The readout time (regardless of windowing) is approximately 195 seconds for 1x1 binning and 60 seconds for 2x2 binning.
For observers who are not interested in data on the top half of the bottom chip (i.e. long slit observations of small or point source targets at the "slitb" pointing origin), you can use the dual amp readout mode and get faster readout times.
This problem had evolved with time. While the situation above appears stable for now, it may get worse. We will update observers if that happens.
DVD writer no longer available for data backups
- The Keck Observatory is phasing out the auto DVD writer
sometimes used by observers for data backups. Options to
launch the DVD autobackup gui are no longer available from
the background menu. Because the
Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) now ingests all raw data from every
instrument at the observatory, observers are encouraged to use KOA to retrieve
a copy of the data following your observing
sessions. Instructions and links to possible methods of data
backup including KOA, scp, and rsync are found at:
New calibration spectrum for Fe-Ne lamp and for deuterium lamp
(2015 Feb 13)
- The calibration spectrum for the new Fe-Ne lamp and the corresponding line list is now available in our calibration page. Note that this is not the standard Fe-Ar lamp that most instrument use. Calibration spectra have been provided only for the 1200/3400 grism, as this is the only one that benefits from the increased blue coverage and the large number of lines. Two spectra are provided, for the blue and red side of the range covered by this grism.
Our spectroscopic flats page now provides a reference flat field spectrum for the new deuterium lamp, obtained with the 400/3400 grism, 1 arcsecond slit, and 30 seconds of exposure. This spectrum should only be used for wavelengths shorter than 4000 Angstroms, as it displays strong emission lines at longer wavelengths.
New calibration lamps
(2014 August 21)
- A number of new calibration lamps have been added to the LRIS calibration system: Two new red side arcs (Xe and Kr), and a new blue side flat field lamp (Deuterium, 2H). Calibration spectra for the new red lamps are available on our web pages. The new 2H lamp is especially designed to provide illumination below 4000 Angstrom. It produces significant illumination at redder wavelengths too, but there are many emission lines. Recommended exposure time with the 400/3400 grism is 40 seconds; with the 1200/3400 it is 300 seconds. The lamp takes about 3 minutes to warm up.
There is an additional blue arc lamp already installed (FeAr) but so far we have not been able to find a suitable comparison spectrum for it. We suspect that the lamp might be damaged and we don't recommend using it.
New command to change red side grating to reduce wavelength uncertainties
(2014 June 9)
- The grating tilt mechanism of the red side has recently shown evidence of non-repeatability. The position of the calibration lines has been observed to change by as much as 100 pixels upon removal and insertion of the grating. This has been tracked down to an incorrect calibration of the grating tilt encoder. To fix the problem, we encourage observers to use the "grating" script to change the grating. As an example, if you want to put the 1200/7500 grating in the beam, and set the wavelength to 8000 Angstroms, the syntax is:
grating 1200/7500 8000
If the wavelength is for a slitmask, rather than a longslit, the syntax is:
grating -mswave 1200/7500 8000
This command contains a forced homing of the grating tilt mechanism. Repeated tests showed that homing the stage before setting the wavelength seems to eliminate the problem.
DVD writer for data backups will be phased out
(2014 March 7)
- The Keck Observatory is phasing out the auto DVD writer
sometimes used by observers for data backups. Although there
is no time line for the removal of the DVD writer, we will no
longer troubleshoot or maintain the DVD writer. Because the
Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) now ingests all raw data from every
instrument at the observatory, observers are encouraged to use KOA to retrieve
a copy of the data following your observing
sessions. Instructions and links to possible methods of data
backup including KOA, scp, and rsync are found at:
New Gold Coated Gratings
(2013 March 21)
- To take full advantage of the red side detector upgrade,
three gold coated gratings were released for observer
use. These gratings include:
- 1200/9000 - extends the suite of 1200 line gratings
to the reddest wavelengths.
- 831/8200 - replaces the old 831/8200 with an
aluminum coating
- 600/10000 - replaces the old 600/1000 that had a
poor coating.
These gratings are listed on the
Grating and Grisms
page and are
available in the pulldown menus on the LRIS configuration form.
New telescope and guiders focusing procedure
(2012 Nov 8)
- For some time now we have been collecting data on the
performance of the IQM focusing procedure, which is about
ready to be deployed.
To reduce the remaining uncertainties we need to run this
procedure on every LRIS night. As a consequence, the
Observing Assistant will
routinely run IQM at the beginning of the night, in
twilight, and will coordinate with the observer on a window
of opportunity to run IQM a second time during the
night. The expected running time of the second instance is
about 5 minutes. Note that this is run after the standard
focusing steps are completed, namely a MIRA and/or an
autofoc. Those steps would be required in any case.
SAT slitmask alignment tool updated
(2012 Jan 14)
- The astrometry used to predict guider fields based on
target coordinates was recently updated and observers may
again use the Slitmask Alignment Tool (SAT) to coarse align
slitmask. Due to mechanical flexure, the uncertainty in
predicting a guider field is 1.5 arcsec, and new hardware
schedule to be installed in February should help minimize
the flexure. Please see the SAT web pages to learn how to
coarse align slitmasks using the SAT.
New Slitmask Names are (Temporarily) Being Assigned
To Your Masks
(2011 Nov 08)
- For security reasons, LRIS mask names are now being
overridden with automatically generated names to prevent the
possibility of a malicious filename causing trouble with the
database. Your support astronomer can change the slitmask names back
to their original values on the day of your run; however, when
completing the LRIS
configuration form you must use the nonsensical names
assigned by the slitmask ingestion system. We hope to have this
issue resolved in the near future so that legal mask names
assigned by the observing team will be accepted.
Keck starlists can now contain RA/Dec offsets
(2011 Oct 24)
- In response to a recent observer request, the MAGIQ guider
software has been updated to allow observers to specify RA and
Dec offsets to be applied after a target has been centered up.
The intention is to permit starlists to contain entries for
alignment stars with known offsets to a faint science target
which may not be visible on the guider. As described in the starlist documentation,
the new keywords to include are raoffset and
decoffset. The offset values listed in the starlist
file can be read directly into the MAGIQ offset fields, thus
avoiding the need to verbally relay telescope offsets to the
Observing Assistant (with the corresponding risk of a
miscommmunication). If you have any questions about how to
specify offsets in your startlist file, please contact your
Support Astronomer for assistance.
IQM for focusing the telescope
(2011 Oct 21)
- The best focus determined using the MIRA software is good
with LRIS on Keck 1, but we can do better. We are now
employing IQM on LRIS to better focus the telescope during
the night. We have demonstrated that IQM accurately corrects
for piston moves on the secondary but not the tilts. The
secondary tilts do not change over the course of the night,
and so we have developed the following procedures to focus
the telescope.
First focus sequence of the night
- MIRA - send secondary tilt corrections only
- Slit Guider Autofocus - send secondary piston moves
- Offset guider IQM calibration
For all other focusing during the night
- slit guider Autofocus (as a double check to IQM).
This is a transition phase to only using IQM during the
The reason why we believe this should provide a better
focus for the scientific observations is that LRIS
instrument focus is a function of elevation and
rotation. Because MIRA relies on the science camera being
in focus, MIRA will suggest different secondary piston
positions for different locations on sky. In contrast, the
guiders have a focus dependence on
rotation only, and the magnitude is 10 times smaller than
those measured with LRIS.
Grating Monitor
(2011 Sep 22)
- Because XLRIS sometimes does not report the correct grating,
a new script called Grating Monitor was released and will
launch with the rest of the software. We have found that
both XLRIS and the xshow command employed by the LRIS Motor
Status gui will report gratings in the same grating port
that were installed the day before instead of the current
grating. We have tracked the problem down to the keyword
broadcast code and suspect a memory leak in the code. Until
this issue is addressed, please check the Grating Monitor
for the currently selected grating and restart XLRIS when needed.
Generate Mask Starlist
(2011 Sep 18)
- This is a new tool available from the pull down menu that
queries the slitmask database for the mask RA, Dec,
and PA specified in the design file, and then it generates a
starlist for the masks. It is used to build a starlist for
the slitmasks that are currently loaded in the instrument
and is to be used when preparing for the night's observing
in the afternoon. So far, the software has been tested on a
handful of configurations with 100% success. By default the
starlist is written to the numbered account home directory
on the lrisserver. This new script is available on the
pulldown menu under LRIS Utilities -> Generate Mask Starlist.
Guider Flexure update
(2011 Sep 15)
- Exhaustive flexure testing has revealed that the observed
guider flexure is due to mechanical shifts in the guide
camera mount. All other optical components in the system are
stable. Mechanical engineers are developing a
solution to stiffen the camera mount.
New AUTOSLIT version released.
(2011 July 26)
- AUTOSLIT 3.20 was released by Judy Cohen and
Patric Shopbell. The new version depreciated the use of
pickoff mirrors, plots both the red and blue side chip gaps,
added slit overlap checks for blue and red gaps, and outputs
a ds9 regions file that may be overlayed on an image. The
new version will operate on Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard, RedHat
Enterprise Linux with gcc 3.x and 4.x, and Oracle/Sun
Solaris 10 with SUN cc. Please see the
AUTOSLIT web doc to download
the new version.
Remember to Focus LRIS Before Running MIRA
(2011 July 07)
- When the OA runs the MIRA script to focus the telescope, a
key assumption is that the instrument is properly focused; it
it's not, then the derived telescope focus may be wrong. As the
observer, it's your job to ensure that the blue camera is
correctly set to the G-band imaging focus before the OA runs
MIRA. This also means that you need to remember to measure the
direct imaging G-band focus in the afternoon, even if your
observing program will not require any imaging
observations! Please consult your Support Astronomer if you
have any questions about focusing LRIS.
Use the Right Dichroic When Imaging Slitmasks
(2011 July 04)
- Observers should be aware that changing the dichroic will
shift the image on the blue mosaic. When acquiring afternoon
direct images of your slitmasks to define the alignment box
locations, you should be sure to use the same dichroic that
you will use on-sky for slitmask alignment. Generally, this
can be the same dichroic you will use on the blue side for
spectroscopy. Please note that the Slitmask Imaging Tool has
controls which allow you to select the dichroic when acquiring
your afternoon slitmask images.
LRIS Offset Guider Flexure
(2011 June)
- During the last LRIS run, one of our observers found that
the Slitmask Alignment Tool was not correctly predicting the
guider field at the coarse alignment step in the procedure. At
first, it appeared that the guider field center was not well
defined, but the mismatch was different at several rotator
values. We have since discovered that the offset guider has
developed flexure that is large enough that it impacts coarse
aligning slitmasks using the SAT. Over the past week, we
eliminated various sources of flexure in the lris offset guider
system, but we have not found the root cause.
Because of the increased flexure, the support staff is
sadly recommending that slitmask coarse alignments be
completed using older methods instead of using the coarse
alignment tab on the SAT. Please see these
instructions for a description of how to coarse align a
mask. Long slit observing is not impacted by this
fault. Multi-slit observers need to be aware of this issue
and it is recommended that you check the mask alignment when
the rotator is changing rapidly (once and hour).
MIRA vs IQM (2011 April 14)
- Until July, the OAs will be acquiring both IQM and MIRA
data when focusing the telescope. IQM is a second method of
focusing the telescope and will eventually replace the need
for MIRAs (the standard focusing method) during the
night. In the short term,
this will add a couple minutes to telescope focusing, but in the long
term, IQM will save five minutes per telescope focus. If you
have any questions, please contact your support astronomer.
Red Detector linearity improved (2011 April
- The LRIS Red side detector linearity was improved such
that all four amplifiers are linear to about 60,000
ADUs. Recent changes to how the array was clocked improved the
linearity especially for detector 19-2 (top half of mosaic)
where the typical long-slit spectrum is placed. Many thanks to
Bob Kibrick for testing and further improving LRIS Red.
New Slitmask Alignment
Tool released for use (2011-Jan-01)
- To celebrate the new year, we released a new Slitmask
Alignment Tool (SAT) for observer use. The new SAT are more
efficient at aligning masks and has several advantages over the
old scripts and IRAF/xbox routines. First, the SAT displays fits
to all objects and boxes simultaneously along with the residuals
plot and calculated offsets. This helps observers more easily
identify stars that should be excluded and included in the
fitting process. Second, predicted guider images may be used to
coarse align a mask (DEIMOS style), saving image readouts and
time spent identifying alignment box stars in LRIS
images. Third, the IDL based routines simply execute quicker
than the IRAF scripts.
With the release of the SAT, we have
updated the slitmask alignment procedures. To review the new
routine please see:
Slitmask Alginment Procedure
Below are screen shots of the tool for the three primary
observing uses.
LRIS Red Mark II commissioned
- The LRIS Red Mark II dewar and detector upgrade achieved
first light, performed well, and is now ready for regular
nighttime use. In comparison to the
previous system, the new detectors are cosmetically superior
and have fewer charge traps. Readout times are relatively
longer with readout times of 127s and 58s for 1x1 and 2x2
binning, respectively. The full field of view is available with the new
system and slitmask should be designed to take advantage of
the entire FOV for LRIS Red. The performance of the new
detectors is not yet completely characterized, but will be posted by
January 2011. Contact your support astronomer if you have questions.
- A new dewar and detector system will be installed
LRIS Red III - status
- A new dewar and detector system will be installed
starting 29 November. This new system replaces the failing
LRIS red detectors experiencing a CTE problem. The new
system is scheduled for first light on 2 December and
observers from December on will be able to use the new
system. The full field of view is available with the new
system and slitmask should be designed to take advantage of
the entire FOV for LRIS Red. The performance of the new
detectors is not yet characterized, but will be posted by
January 2011. Contact your support astronomer if you have questions.
CTE now evident in LRIS Red CCD Mosaic Last Amplifier
- After examining the cosmic ray detections in 15 min
darks, we have determined that about ~5% of the flux is
smeared in the amplifier #4 (lonslit position) vs 25% in
amplifier 3. Visually, the smearing in amplifier 3 extend 50
pixels, while in amp 4, the smearing appears to extend
around 20 pix from the peak flux of a cosmic ray detection.
Please see ftp://ftp.keck.hawaii.edu/pub/ObservingTools/lris/red_cte.fits.gz for
an example spectrum of a standard star.
CTE now evident in LRIS Red CCD Mosaic Last Amplifier
- LRIS Red data now exhibit the CTE problem in the last “good” amplifier
in the LRIS Red mosaic. The location of the last good
amplifier is the portion of the CCD mosaic where longslit
observations are acquired. Thus, every scientific program with
LRIS Red is now impacted by the CTE problem. For a review of
the CTE problem, please see past LRIS News items.
A sample 900s dark is available upon request. The cosmic ray
detections may be used to help you assess how severely the CTE
problem impacts your science program. The CTE problems make
faint object extraction and sky subtraction more difficult,
but may still be possible. It may be possible to avoid using the red
side, if with the right dichroic and grism, your science goals
may be achieved using the blue side. Please let me know if
there are any blue side calibrations which may help you assess
the possibility of using the blue side.
For now, our plan is to continue observing with the system as
is. Observers should use LRIS in one amp or dual amp mode
depending on whether their observational program is longslit
or multislit, because at the very least, these modes can
suppress the CTE problem. If you are unable to use LRIS with the current condition, please
contact your support astronomer.
LRIS Blue shutter repaired but FOV shifted (2010-Jul-1)
- We have replaced the failed blue shutter with one of two
spares, and are now in the process of repairing the failed
shutter. The replacement shutter operates normally.
process of replacing the shutter includes removal of the
dewar and camera barrel optics assembly. After re-installing
the optics and dewar, we re-aligned the dewar. The rotation
of the dewar is nearly identical, but there is a 25 pixel
shift (3.4 arcsec) in detector X. Because of the shift, the
traditional longslit position will be closer to the gap on
the blue side only. Slitmasks that were designed with slit
at the edge of the gap will be miss 3.4 arcsec of the
For the current LRIS run, observers need to take into
account the spatial shift. Following the current lris run
we will attempt to adjust the dichroics shift the FOV to
the previously "good" position.
LRIS Begins Full-Time VNC Operation (2010-Jun-27)
- Starting with the July LRIS run, we ask all observers to
start up their LRIS control software within VNC desktops. (VNC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Network_Computing ) is a technology that allows
windows to be shared with observers at other computers and has
been used successfully for years at Keck to provide mainland
observers with access to Keck instrument controls. By
expanding the use of VNC to all observers, we will thus have a
single startup procedure for observers to follow regardless of
whether or not they will operate with mainland observers.
Operating under VNC also makes it easier for support staff to
assist observers with troubleshooting and allows our observing
assistants to monitor the status of observations during the
night. Your support astronomer will be happy to assist you
with starting your LRIS software under VNC.
Blue Side Shutter Failure (2010-June-16)
- The Blue Side shutter has failed, and will not be
functioning for the duration of the current LRIS run. The
shutter was forced open and observers have options to
observe in a shutter-less mode or to use the trapdoor as a
shutter. Please review the strategies for failed shutter
observing. As soon as LRIS comes off sky we will replace
the shutter with a spare, and have LRIS repaired before the
July observing session. To replace the shutter the dewar
must be removed from the instrument to gain access, thus we
are waiting until the end of the current observing run to
repair it. When
the shutter is stuck open, the data look streaked in the
readout direction as seen in this direct image of a
Compass Rose - Welcome Back (2010-May-20)
- At long last, the compass rose returns for LRIS. Because
the image orientations are the same on the red and blue
sides, only one compass rose is needed. The updated compass
rose is displayed on the blue side display monitor to assist
with field identification and slitmask alignments.
readmhdufits IDL script bug fix (2010-May-20)
- Found a bug in the IDL code readmhdufits used to combine
the individual amplifiers into a single FITS image. We found
that DETSEC and DATASEC were indexed differently with DETSEC
starting at 1,1 and DATASEC starting at 0,0. This resulted in
shifts of 1 pixel. The bug is now fixed. Please download the
latest version from the readmhdufits web page.
Addressed: Objects drifting out of slits (2010-May-5)
- Last week, we completed some repairs of the LRIS offset
guider nikon
camera lens to address a drifting problem with the LRIS offset
guider (see news item below). Through flexure testing, we
found that the camera lens
and mount were loose and possibly damaged. Even though we
have now securely attached the fmount to the camera body there
is still a small amount of movement. The motion we observed
before our fix was a "flop" with rotator angle which would
result in a rapid 1.5 arcsec "drift" on the science/guider
fields (enough to drag science objects out of the slits). AT
this point, the "drift" problem is significantly reduced, but
not eliminated. Observers should remind their OA about the
problem and ask the OA to try using the slit guider if a
"drift" in guiding is observed.
Two possible sources of flexure persist in the offset guider. First,
the camera lens is still loose as noted above. Second, we
found that one of the fold mirrors in the optical path will
flex on the order of an arcsec with the instrument at
horizon. This is a more minor source of flexure and has been
present since the new LRIS MAGIQ offset guider was
commissioned. Both flexure sources will be addressed the next
time LRIS comes off sky.
Objects drifting out of slits (2010-April-16)
- During the most recent LRIS observing run, observers and
observing assistants discovered that objects were drifting
out of their slits. When guiding on the offset guider, we
have found that objects could move by as much as one arcsec
in an hour on the LRIS science camera while the guide star
position is unchanged. We have not observed drifts when
using the slit guider for guiding. We suspect new flexure in
the offset guide camera is contributing to the observed
drifts. We are advising two courses of action to correct for
the drifts. First, you can check your alignment every half
hour. Removing the grism from the optical path and
re-imaging the field will result in a few minutes of lost
time, but the checks will update the science object
position. A second option is to use the slit guider to
centroid on a bright star seen on your slitmasks. Bright
stars may not be available for guiding on slitmasks, so this
may not work for every science field. The procedure for the
second option is to slew to your field; course align the
mask using the offset guider; have the OA to start guiding
using the slit guider if possible, and then continue with
the course alignment. Keck staff continues to monitor the
problem, and will investigate the guider hardware when LRIS
comes off sky at the end of April.
Calibration lamp location moved (2010-March-16)
- The calibration lamps use to be mounted on the movable
guider stage. Recently, the movable guider was removed after
making a permanent switch to using the new MAGIQ offset
guider. The calibration lamps are now mounted on either side
of the LRIS FOV. Because of the new mounting scheme, lamp
intensity is different than past observations. Please
carefully check that the lamp intensity in your calibration
data is appropriate for you science needs.
LRIS Red Warming (2010-March-16)
- We have addressed one problem with the LRIS Red dewar,
and we are now cooling it down for use. We have leak checked
the system and used an RGA during cool down to determine
where the leak is but as of yet we have not found it. We
have replaced some o-rings which may have been at fault but
leak checks before and after the o-ring replacement did not
indicate an improvement. There is a chance that we will
again encounter the leak, which will mean that we will again
have to warm and pump the dewar before getting back on
sky. Observers should keep in mind back up projects that may
be completed with the blue side only.
LRIS Red Warming
- Over the last three weeks, LRIS Red has unexpectedly
warmed twice. The
warm-ups are accompanied by an increase in vacuum pressure,
and we suspect that we have a small vacuum leak. With the
dewar at ambient temperatures, we have leak checked twice, but
we have not observed a leak. The last warm up occurred on 9
March, and following the warm up, we leak checked the dewar
and o-rings on the pressure relief valve were replaced. No
leaks were discovered, and we suspect that the leak is only
present when cold. The dewar was pumped down for a few hours
and then cooled in time for Wednesday nights observing. The
following day we topped off the LN2 three times before
starting Thursday night's observing session, but the cryo
lasted only until midnight when we noticed that the dewar temp
had increased to -120 C. We suspect at this time that either a
vacuum leak is reducing the hold time or that we did not pump
on the dewar long enough during the last unexpected warm
up. Our plan following Thursday night's observing is to allow
LRIS Red to warm to ambient temps and pump on the dewar for a
few days to ensure an adequate vacuum. This impacts your
observing session because it means that LRIS Red will not be
available. Please plan accordingly.
LRIS Calibration Widget Released
- The new LRIS Calibration Tool automates the process of
acquiring calibration data (arcs and internal flats) for a
series of longslits or slitmasks. See these instructions on its use.
LRIS Red CCD Mosaic Stabilized.
- To stabilize the LRIS Red Detector problem, WMKO and
UCO/Lick staff have added new electronics to LRIS to
maintain power during instrument change outs and new
software that will supply a steady heater current. This
ensures that the CCD temperature remains at or above the
operating temperature during instrument swaps. With these
additions in place, we have stabilized the operational state
of the LRIS red CCDs; however, this will not recover the
three degraded amplifiers, which remain unusable for
To take advantage of the one remaining good amplifier,
observers acquiring data in longslit mode should select
dual-amp readout mode to save readout time. Observers
acquiring imaging or multislit data should select
single-amp (right) readout mode with the right-side
amplifiers to obtain good images over 1/2 of the mosaic at
the expense of doubling the readout time to three minutes
per exposure (unbinned). Several observers have questioned
whether it is possible to obtain anything on the "bad" CCD
in one-amp mode. The performance of the good CCD on the
good amp (1-13 R) is unchanged since commissioning: linear
to 64K ADUs, gain=0.916, and RN=3.10. In contrast, the
performance of CCD 1-12 R will be non-linear, gain=1.3,
and an RN > 17 e-. Observers may use the "bad" side at
their own risk.
LRIS Red CCD Mosaic Loses Another Amplifier
- Images acquired with the LRIS red mosaic today show that a
third amplifier (out of four) has now gone "bad", as shown by
trailed cosmic rays. The only remaining "good" amplifier is the
one on which the longslit spectrum falls in dual-amplifier
readout mode. We suspect that thermal cycling that occurs when
LRIS moves on or off the telescope is responsible for the
worsening problem with the detector mosaic and will take steps
to minimize such cycling in the future. For now, we make the
following recommendations to observers:
- In longslit mode, use dual-amp readout mode to
save readout time.
- In imaging or multislit mode, use single-amp
readout mode with the right amplifiers to
obtain good images over 1/2 of the mosaic at the expense of
doubling the readout time to 3 minutes per exposure.
Please note the following:
- We have updated the Xpose GUI
for the red side to include the option of reading out the
mosaic in single-amp readout mode using the "right"
- Due to a bug in the current version of ds9, images that
are read out using the "single-amp right" readout mode are
displayed flipped vertically relative to the default
orientation, such that the "good" CCD (device 1-13) appears
at the bottom of the display and the "bad" CCD (device 1-12)
appears at the top. The desired orientation can be restored
by selecting the "Invert X" option from ds9's "Zoom"
pulldown menu on the ds9 image display for the red side of
IQM testing (2009-Dec-14)
- With the deployment of MAGIQ hardware on LRIS, we now would
like to begin acquiring MAGIQ Image Quality Measurements to test
whether we may be able to correct for changes in telescope focus
using MAQIQ IQM instead of using MIRA during the night. To make
the necessary tests, we are asking observers to allow the OAs to
acquire MAGIQ IQM data before and after each MIRA during the
night. The time required to take the IQM data will be less than
less than five minutes in addition to the amount of time needed
to run the standard MIRA telescope focus. Please consider this
request for your upcoming science runs. For further
information, please see IQM
vs. MIRA Testing
LRIS Red CCD Image Readout Problem Update
Recently, the performance of 1-12 has degraded further.
The LRIS Red
team at UCSC has tried modifying 1-12 voltages and timing
schemes to again recover it for scientific use, but so far, the
CCD is not useable for science observations. For the upcoming
runs in December and January, half of the LRIS Red mosaic will
not be useable for science observations, and observers should
plan accordingly. Imaging or multislit spectroscopic science
programs requiring the entire FOV are impacted. If you need to
redesign slitmasks for the upcoming run, please submit them
soon. Please see "LRIS Red CCD Image Readout Problem Update
(2009-Oct-30)" in the news below that has example
output from the Autoslit slitmask design software that shows
where to safely place slits for red side observations.
As a reminder, the region
on which the longslit spectrum typically falls is not affected
by the CTE problem as longslit spectra typically fall on
detector 1-13 (functioning normally). Red side polarimetry
programs will be severly impacted as one of the beams
falls on the non-useable side.
LRIS Red CCD Image Readout Problem Update
The LRIS Red CCD and electronics were shipped back to the W.M. Keck
Observatory 4 Nov. 2009 and was reinstalled in LRIS in
time for the upcoming LRIS run starting 9
Nov. 2009. Although the charge transfer efficiency problem
is not fixed, the UCSC team has made tremendous strides to
recover a half of the detector that is closest to the
gap. This means that in two-amp readout mode about 2/3 of
the illuminated area of detector 1-12 is usable. As a
reminder, the region on which the longslit spectrum
typically falls is not affected as it falls on detector
1-13 (functioning normally). Imaging or multislit
spectroscopic science programs requiring the entire FOV
are impacted by this problem. For observers who want or
need the full LRIS FOV to achieve their science goals, the
array may be read out in single-amp mode to recover the
entire LRIS Red FOV at the cost of increasing the readout
time, as indicated in the table below..
Although the UCSC team was able to recover half of the CCD, the serial
CTE, gain, effective readnoise, and linearity is degraded
relative to values determined at commissioning. Below are
preliminary performance results which will be confirmed
after the system is re-installed in LRIS. These performance
numbers mostly pertain to the 1-12A half of the CCD. The
performance of the second half (1-12B) has not been
quantified completely but is in general worse. If observers
want to use the full array, we are recommending that
detectors be readout in single-amp mode. In single-amp mode,
the 1-12A specifications will apply to both A and B sides of
detector 1-12.
The gain and readnoise for 1-12A are now 1.224 (e-/DN) and 6.52
(e-/rms), while at commissioning three months prior the
values were 1.022 (e-/DN) and 4.67 (e-/rms). The UCSC team
also measured gain and readnoise for 1-12B: current -
1.171 (e-/DN) and 12.9 (e-/rms) vs before 0.955 (e-/DN)
and 3.79 (e-/rms).
The CTE for 1-12A as measured using deferred charge (ratio of
signal in the last column to that left behind in the
over scan) is not constant, but it depends on signal
level. The main effect of the smearing will spread 13%,
2%, and 6% of the object flux in the spatial direction
for signal levels of < 250, 1000-15000, and >15000 DN,
respectively. This flux will be smeared into the sky
where it will be difficult or impossible to recover.
The bad CTE at high intensity levels will be a problem
for flats as there are many sharp features in the flats
and those will not be recovered well with bright flat
exposures that smear.
Detector 1-12A is linear to 50,000 DN, while 1-12B appears to be
non-linear. Once LRIS is installed in the instrumen,
we will be able to better quantify linearity.
AMPMODE XBIN YBIN Readout time Total (Erase + Readout)
-------- ---- ---- ------------ -----------------------
DUAL:L+R 1 1 83s 100s
SINGLE:L 1 1 153s 170s
DUAL:L+R 2 1 51s 68s
SINGLE:L 2 1 90s 107s
DUAL:L+R 1 2 45s 62s
SINGLE:L 1 2 81s 98s
DUAL:L+R 2 2 30s 47s
SINGLE:L 2 2 49s 66s
LRIS Red CCD Image Readout Problem Update
The UCSC team checked the internal connections and they all
appear to be good and replaced a cable. After cooling down and
testing, the problem persists. In the short term, we have
decide that the dewar will be shipped back to Keck Nov 4 so
that the good ccd (1-13) may be used for the upcoming
science run starting Nov 9. While LRIS is on sky, the UCSC
team will have two parallel troubleshooting activities. Test
an engineering grade detector in their test setup to
determine whether broken
connections can reproduce the problem. Second, they will
play with waveforms on CCD 1-12 (poorly performing detector)
while LRIS is installed. If
the waveforms can be adjusted to obtain normal readouts,
then 1-12 can be made available for use during the November
Observers who will be using slitmasks, should be aware
which region is available on the red side. This
slitmask image shows
where slits may be placed to land on the good CCD on the red
side. The image is example Autoslit3 output. You are not
limited to using just the top half of a
slitmask but you should consider the locations of your
highest priority objects.
LRIS Red CCD Image Readout Problem Update
- The dewar and associated electronics arrived at UCSC Monday
morning. Upon arrival, the dewar was opened after
backfilling with ultra-dry N2, and internal cabling and
connectors were inspected. UCSC staff also examined the wire
bonds on the CCD, and a series of
photographs that show that all bond wires appear to be
intact. Thus far, nothing obvious was discovered in the
initial internal component investigation.
Late Monday, UCSC staff re-assembled everything, replacing a flex
cable with a spare. The dewar is now on the vacuum pump, and
the plan is to cool the dewar Tuesday morning with testing
to follow in the afternoon.
LRIS Red CCD Image Readout Problem Update
- The LRIS Red Dewar and electronics were removed from LRIS
following the last night on sky in October and was shipped
back to UCSC for further investigation by the instrument
team. Upon arrival at UCSC, the dewar will immediately be
opened and internal components investigated. In parallel, the
electronics will be tested with their test dewar to ensure
proper operation. At this time, we fully expect the dewar
to return to Keck for use during the November run with at
least one normally functioning CCD.
LRIS Red CCD Image Readout Problem Update
- As most of you are aware, one of the CCDs in the new LRIS Red detector
mosaic is experiencing a charge transfer efficiency
problem. Troubleshooting has determined that the problem is
internal to the dewar. Friday, we decided to send the LRIS Red
dewar to UCSC to attempt a repair of the poorly performing CCD
immediately following the current LRIS run ending the morning
of Oct 24. The dewar and associated electronics will be
removed from LRIS on Oct 24 and then shipped to UCSC on Oct
25. At UCSC, the dewar will be opened and internal components
inspected. Small repairs will be completed if the identified
issues are obvious and easily fixed. Repairs that will require
parts with long lead times or otherwise deemed longer term
will be deferred to a later date. If repairs are deferred, the
dewar will be returned as-is to the observatory so that at
least one working Red CCD is available for upcoming science runs.
At this time, we fully expect the LRIS Red CCD mosaic to be ready in
time for observing during the November and December observing
Runs. We expect the Red side to function with at least the
currently 1 good CCD, and hopefully, a repair of the poorly
performing CCDs will be successful. As with any repair
mission, there is a small risk that the system will not be
available during your observing session due to circumstances
as yet unknown, but we firmly believe the risk of LRIS Red
being unavailable is very low. We will of course notify observers of
any changes critical to LRIS red observing, and please view
the LRIS News pages for regular updates.
LRIS Red CCD Image Readout Problem
- One of the two CCDs in the LRIS red mosaic is reading out
incorrectly for undetermined reasons. The problem affects half
of the red mosaic and is characterized by a general smearing of
the image in the vertical direction, as shown in the bottom half
of the accompanying image of a longslit
spectrum. Data from the affected detector are probably
unusable. Fortunately for longslit observers, the region on
which the longslit spectrum typically falls is not affected.
Our investigation so far has eliminated all of the
easily-accessible components of the CCD readout chain as
culprits. Further testing of dewar electronics will take place
after the completion of the September LRIS run.
Updated Versions of multi-HDU Readers Handle Binned Images
- The original versions we provided of the IRAF and IDL
routines for reading the new LRIS images were unable to read
data acquired in binned formats. We have now given both tools
the ability to read binned data. Download the latest versions
of the tools in the links shown below.
IDL Routine Reads multi-HDU LRIS Images
- As a service to the LRIS community, we provide an IDL
routine which will read mutli-HDU LRIS images and assemble
them into a 2-D array, with optional bias subtraction.
Download the readmhdufits.pro routine here.
Sample LRIS Images Available (2009-Jun-17)
As part of the May 2009 upgrade to the LRIS Red Dewar, the
instrument datataking system has been revamped to output data
in a different format. LRIS images now consist of multiple
"header data units" (HDUs), one per CCD output amplifier.
These images require different handling from the old IRAF
images, which were written as simple FITS files combining data
from all amplifiers. As a service to the LRIS user community,
WMKO is providing a set of sample images to allow observers to
work with the new data format. The collection can be
downloaded here
and includes both raw, multi-HDU images as delivered by the
datataking system and simple FITS images generated using an
IRAF task.
KECK.LRIS IRAF Package Updated for Red Upgrade
- The keck.lris IRAF package has undergone a
complete revision to support the new image formats now generated
by the LRIS red and blue datataking systems. See this article for full
details. Users may download the entire keck package
LRIS Red Upgrade: Big Red Arrives (2009-May-14)
- The LRIS Red Upgrade project started the installation phase
earlier this month. In the last two weeks, the old LRIS red
camera and associated electronics were removed
from LRIS. The new camera and dewar arrived today and is
headed to the summit on Friday. Thus far, the installation
is on schedule with first light on slated for June 6 & 7, and the first
official science night scheduled for June 14. Observers have
been asking about the improved FOV and spectral coverage. At
this time we have not verified the pixel scale or
increase in coverage. The predictions are that the pixel
scale will be around 0.13 arcsec/pix with the change from 24
to 15 micron size pixels. Given the mosaic detector size,
the new camera should increase the spectral coverage by around 25%.
Blue side video board noise (2009-March-30)
- The video processor board on the left most CCD of LRIS Blue
failed and was replaced with a spare. The spare board
exhibits low level noise as seen in this
bias image.
The stddev in the bias is 2.7 in the noisy amp relative to
2.1 for the right most amplifiers. We are in the process of
repairing or replacing the old video board. The failed board
was sent to the manufacturer for assessment.
Red Side Halos Problem fixed (2009-March-20)
- We removed the LRIS red camera and found some condensation
on both sides of the dewar window. The dewar window was
cleaned, and the dewar was pumped out. Following cool down,
the halos reported on 2009-Feb-15 were no-longer detected.
Starlists Now Allow PA Info (2009-Feb-20)
- For years, observers have been forced to provide their
position angle information to the OA verbally. The new starlist
file format now permits you to enter the position angle
for your target using the ROTMODE and
ROTDEST keywords. Here is an example of how to
specify the position angle:
# slitmask with specified rotator position
PA_targ_name 00 24 00.00 +16 00 00.00 2000.0 rotdest=123.45 rotmode=pa
# target observed at parallactic angle
VA_targ_name 12 34 56.78 +01 23 45.67 2000.0 rotdest=0.0 rotmode=vertical
Red Side Halos (2009-Feb-15) -Fixed 2009 March 20
- Images of point sources on the red side only have halos at
a level of 1% of the source peak flux. An
image of the grid
of holes mask shows clearly this effect. This effect is also
present in spectra on the red side. We suspect at this time
that condensation is present on the red side dewar
window. The Red side camera will be removed in early March
to address this problem.
New Slit Guider Camera commissioned. (2009-Feb-15)
- A new slit guiding camera was commissioned for use during
engineering nights on 12 and 14 Feb. The new slit guider is
rotated such that the slit is 29.5 degrees relative to the
columns on the detector. The new camera is sensitive enough
to reach a signal-to-noise of 10 in 1s on a star of
v-mag=19.5. The unvignetted FOV is expected to be 1.6 arcmin
diameter, and at 40% vignetting, the FOV is expected to be
2.2 arcmin. For observers who use pickoff mirrors, the new
default pixel location on the guide camera for a pickoff
mirror guide star is 459 618. A new slitb pointing origin
was also defined to move the star away from a bad column on
the red side detector. An image of M13 is available
here. The dark line
going through the field is a 1.0 arcsec wide long slit.
New Hatch Commissioned but has light leaks (2009-Feb-15)
- All observers are advised to acquire
internal calibrations after the dome lights are turned off
because the hatch has light leaks.
As part of the new guider upgrade, a new hatch was
needed to house all the new guider optics.
The new hatch was tested during engineering nights
on 12 and 14 Feb, and it was determined that it has light
leaks. An internal G filter pseudo-flat acquired with all
internal lamps off, hatch closed, and dome lights on
revealed the light leaks seen in the image
here. The peak
flux from the light leaks is ~3000 ADU, and it varies as a
function of rotator position, telescope elevation, and
telescope azimuth. This problem will be address in either
early or late March.
831/8200 Grating available (2009-Jan-22)
- We received and commissioned a new 831/8200 grating. The
grating is available for general use, and there is an option to
select the grating in the LRIS configuration form.
LRIS slit guider upgraded (2008-Dec-23)
- We have commissioned a new slit guide camera and
electronics for LRIS. This was an emergency commissioning of a
new guider camera because the old slit guider camera was flooded
with glycol after a coolant connector seal failed. The old
camera was a Photometrics CH250. The new camera is a
Photometrics CH350. New electronics are part of the
commissioning and the electronics are not inside the electronics
bay. The new camera has a wider FOV with significant vignetting
in the corners (see image). It
is also a more sensitive camera with a higher gain and less
readnoise than the old camera by a factors of 3 and 4,
respectively. With the old guider, objects were centered at
pixel 191, 143. Last night's commissioning result show that
objects should now be centered at pixel 277, 290. In the MAGIQ
software, Observing Assistants should see two cameras: one for
LRIS lris50m (as before), and another called lrisSlit for the
slit-guider. Both MAGIQ and XGUIDE were updated and released for
831/8200 Grating status (2008-Nov-13)
- A new 831/8200 grating was ordered and is scheduled to
arrive in January 2009. It was determined that the old
grating could not be used inside LRIS due to the risk of
additional fracturing. The new grating will be made from the
same master grating as the original LRIS 831/8200 grating.
Desktop Menu Returns (2008-Nov-13)
- The desktop menu or background menu is now used to run the
instrument, replacing the LRIS workspace menu that appeared
in the upper left corner of every display.
New IRAF tasks make LRIS mask alignment more convenient (2008-Nov-03)
- Three new tasks are now available in the
keck.lris package to assist observers with aligning
- do_check_boxesb will wait until the image is
written (if one is in progress), then will read the image name and run
check_boxesb on it.
- do_xboxb will wait until the image is
written (if one is in progress), then will read the image
name and run xboxb on it.
- get_seeing will estimate the current seeing
by measuring the profiles of the stars in the boxes on a
slitmask alignment image.
All three tasks presume that the file listing the box
coordinates is named slitmask.box, where
slitmask is the name of the slitmask as shown in the
SLITNAME keyword.
Grating 831/8200 damaged and unavailable (2008-Oct-9)
- The 831/8200 grating is damaged and has been temporarily
taken out of service. Three fragments, each roughly one
cubic inch in size, were found in the corners of the
grating. We are in the process of assessing the grating
substrate to determine the risk of future fragmentation, and
we are exploring options for repairing and replacing the
grating. If we determine that the only solution is to
replace the grating, the time frame for replacing it is 10
weeks. If we determine that the damage will not impact
science and there is no risk of future fragmentation, then
the time frame for repair is 6 weeks.
Web page makeover (2008-Aug-19)
- All LRIS web documentation was updated to the new instrument page
format. If you find content or pages missing, please contact
your support astronomer.
New I band filter installed (2008-Jul-11)
- A new I band filter is available for use with LRIS. This
filter is an interference type filter with a relatively
square passband with FWHM from 6986-8204 Angstroms. Please
see the
filters on-line documentation to view the transmission
NB4000 filter has a long-wavelength leak (2008-Jul-10)
- Observers noted that the NB4000 filter has developed a
long-wavelength leak past roughly 7000 Angstroms. Engineering
data of this filter was acquired on 8 July 2008 to
characterize the long wavelength leak. Spectroscopic flats
of the internal halogen lamp using the 1 arcsecond long-slit
and 150/7500 grating tuned to 7000 angstroms were acquired
with and without the filter in beam. The filter spectrum was
divided by the flat to produce a relative transmission
spectrum. Please see
to view the plot.
New MAGIQ Guider Software released (2008-Jul-7)
We are in the process of upgrading the acquisition and guide
cameras on all WMKO instruments, and LRIS has been selected
as the next instrument to receive a hardware upgrade.
An important element of our upgrade strategy is to first
deploy the MAGIQ software for operation with the two
existing LRIS guide cameras. The new software provides all
of the functionality of the existing acquisition and guiding
software while improving routine tasks such as star list
management, field identification, acquisition, and guiding.
Successful testing of MAGIQ software with the existing slit
viewing and offset guiders was completed on May 27 and June
27, respectively. The MAGIQ software is released for use,
and you are encouraged to use MAGIQ during your observing
The hardware portion of the guider upgrade will take place
at a later date.
Slitmask Design Software (2008-Apr-18)
At this time, it is recommended that observers use the
Autoslit software to design slitmasks for LRIS.
Dr. Arjun Dey and his observing team compared the
mask designs that were output from both autoslit and the
ucsc lris package and found significant difference in the
slit locations. The specific recommendation by the author
of the UCSCLRIS package is that observers use the AUTOSLIT
field mapping until the UCSCLRIS software is updated.
FVWM with LRIS (2007-Aug-29)
FVWM is a multiple virtual desktop window manager for the X
windows system which is now in use with all LRIS
accounts. With the switch from open-windows to FVWM, a couple
of other changes were required. Most instrument operations
are now found on the "LRIS workspace menu" which is
automatically launched on startup and will be located in the
upper left corner of each display. The "LRIS workspace menu"
replaces the open-windows background menu, and is similar to
the "DEIMOS workspace menu." Second,
clicking on the virtual desktop will bring up a FVWM
background menu which is used mostly to start VNC, start
local xterms, start browsers, and instrument menus. The FVWM
is not used to run the LRIS software, and there are no
options provided on that menu to run the instrument. The web
documentation has been updated with these changes, but
please let your SA know of any inconsistencies.
Blue Side compass rose (2007-Aug-29)
A compass rose that works with the blue side figdisp
display is released for observer use.
Grating offsets applied (2007-Aug-08)
Grating offsets are now in use so that the actual
central wavelength is closer to the desired central
wavelength. Each grating and port combination requires a
different offset. All gratings in all ports have been
mapped. For most grating and port combinations, the
accuracy to which the grating is positioned is better than
10 angstroms. Gratings in port 3 may exhibit larger
offsets of up to 50 A. In the past, observers' noted
offsets from 100 to 1000 Angstroms. If you notice a large
offsets of > 20 Angstroms in the desired central wavelength compared to the
actual central wavelength, please inform you support
astronomer and add a comment to your post observing
comments form.
I filter broke. (2007-July-20)
On 18 July, the I filter was found broken inside the
instrument. One of the largest pieces was lodged in the
grism mechanism and was preventing movement of the grism
mechanism. There is a 3-4 mm gouge in the back surface of
the 600 line grism. Fortunately, the gouge is located at
the very edge of the grism and this should not alter the
grisms optical performance. Because the filter pieces
tumbled inside LRIS for at least half a night, we are
taking the time to inspect all optical surfaces that may
have been exposed to filter fragments.
In the long term, we expect to have LRIS ready for
operation by the start of the next LRIS observing session
which begins 8 Aug. LRIS will be without an I band filter
on the red side until a suitable replacement is acquired.
ADC and LRIS together at last (2007-July-09)
Please see the ADC docs.
LRIS-ADC MODE: The default observing mode for LRIS as of semester
2007B is to use LRIS with the new Keck I Atmospheric Dispersion
Compensator (ADC), regardless of what you requested on your observing
proposal. The presence of the ADC changes the focal plane scale of
LRIS by a small but measureable amount, meaning that:
(a) old slitmasks designed for use without the ADC should not be
used with the ADC, and
(b) new slitmasks must be designed with software that accounts for
the ADC.
If you plan to use LRIS slitmasks, then you must download the new,
ADC-compatible version of Judy Cohen's AUTOSLIT software (v3.09) or
the similar FABMASK package by Drew Phillips. Please contact your
support astronomer for ADC-related questions.
LRIS Blue side shutter fixed, and CCD readout problem
fixed (2007-May-6)
- The blue side shutter was fixed between 31 April and May
5. A bushing on the shutter was worn. and galling in the
bushing was causing the shutter to stick. A dry lube was
applied to the bushing.
The CCD can be read-out using all four amplifiers
following a repair of the CCD signal cable.
The ccd readout problem experienced was that the second
amplifier did not see the signal. This meant that the
detector had to be read-out in single amp mode, which is
slower. During the shutter repair, technicians discovered
that the CCD cable
had a busted wire. Re-soldering the wire to the connector
has fixed the readout problem.
LRIS Blue side CCD readout problem (2007-April-18)
- As of April 17, one of the amplifiers on the "left" CCD of
the blue-side mosaic is failing to read out properly.
Troubleshooting suggests that the problem is a bad cable between
the dewar and the saddlebag. Since we have no spare for the
cable, we are unable to repair this fault until the run is over.
In the meantime, the workaround is to read out both blue CCDs
using the "right" amplifiers only. The command to put the blue
side into this mode is:
mb amplist=2,4,0,0
Readout times will be double the usual for two-amp mode on the
blue side.
LRIS Blue side shutter is stuck open (2007-April-16)
- The LRIS blue channel shutter has failed again, and work to
replace the shutter will begin on 23 April 2007. The LRIS blue
channel shutter should be available in time for the next run which
starts 7 May 2007.
For now, the trapdoor may be used as
a shutter for the blue side.In this mode, red side data may still be acquired
simultaneously. Your SA will review the scripts with you
upon your arrival, but please see
trapdoor_as_shutter.html for a brief description of
the observing scripts.
Observers who used LRIS during April 2007 should
carefully examine blue side data to ensure the shutter
was not stuck open during their observations.
LRIS Red channel missing columns (2007-April-13)
LRIS Troughput Measurements (2007-Mar-12)
- To regularly monitor the throughput of LRIS, observers will be asked
for permission to take spectrophotometric observations of a designated
standard star during twilight. A script called observe_flux_
standard: verifies that the telescope is pointed to a known
LRIS flux standard star by checking DCS keyword TARGNAME; checks
the current grating and build appropriate exposure list; saves
current LRIS configuration;
checks that SKYPA is correct for this star; sets the correct
pointing origin (SLITB); configures for slitless spectroscopy;
acquires exposures; and restores the observer's configuration.
Before running the script the observer should be set up to
acquire spectroscopic measurements on the red side (blue side
optional) and the OA should point to one of the standards in
the target list called 0000_throughput_standards.
ADC status (2007-March-7)
- For a description of the current status on the ADC please see:
ADC Current Status
LRIS Blue side shutter replaced (2006-Sept-7)
- The blue channel dewar is installed in LRIS following the
replacement of the blue channel shutter. The shutter that
was replaced failed due to ware between a pivot pin and arm
used to open and close the shutter. The new shutter was
tested and is operating normally.
As a result of the shutter replacement, the blue channel
dewar was realigned. As a result of the realignment, the FOV
is shifted slightly along rows and columns. This shift along
the horizontal axis for LRIS is roughly 70 pix. The shift is
benefits LRIS observers because it moves the bar closer to
the center of the gap between the blue channel
ccds. Observer's may notice that slits fell in the gap
during May to Aug because the dewar was slightly
The dewar is rotated 0.1-0.3 degrees such that the edges of
the imaging FOV are not parallel to the horizontal and
vertical array axis.
Grating station 3 is still unavailable. Observers will be
limited to three grating choices until the grating station
three is fixed. Thus, the fourth grating listed in an observer
configuration form will not be installed as it is assumed to
have the lowest priority.
LRIS Blue side shutter is stuck open (2006-Aug-29)
- The LRIS blue channel shutter has failed again, and work to
replace the shutter began on 28 Aug 2006. The LRIS blue
channel should be available in time for the next run which
starts 15 Sept. 2006. The shutter that recently failed was a
rebuilt shutter. We are replacing it with a new shutter. We
are replacing the shutter this week, and the blue channel
dewar will be re-aligned next week.
Observer who used LRIS during 21-27 Aug. 2007 should
carefully examine blue channel data to ensure the shutter
was not stuck open during their observations.
Blue channel FOV is slightly misaligned (2006-Aug-18)
- The dichroics used to redirect light toward the blue
channel are slightly misaligned. The misalignment results
in all slits being shifted roughly six arcseconds to the
right as seen on the CCD mosaic. This means that some
portion of a slit very near the slitmask bar will fall in
the gap between the two Blue channel CCDs. If this shift
significantly disrupts the primary science with your
slitmasks for the run starting 21 August, you may redesign and
submit a slitmask for milling.
Grating station three Fixed (2006-Aug-10)
- Grating station 3 is back in action. The encoder used to
help define the position of the grating tilt failed. The
failure mode was that the encoder could not find home. The
encoder was replaced with a spare. Observers should find that
the wavelength offsets for grating station three that were
measured during past runs may no longer apply. Observers may
again select up to four different gratings for their run.
Grating station three failed (2006-Jul-18)
- Grating station 3 is temporarily out of service. The
grating station failed 18 July, and has been taken out of
service. Observing teams are limitted to 3 gratings until
the grating station is fixed.
Dewar Service and Focus Change (2006-Jul-18)
- The LRIS dewar was removed from the instrument so that
summit staff could install a new dewar window, replacing the
original which was broken during the shutter repair in May. The
new window appears to work as desired. Following the work,
we've been adjusting the "tilt" position of the LRIS blue dewar
to improve the uniformity of focus across the field of view.
Currently the unformity in the blue CCD Y direction (along CCD
columns) is good, but the CCD X direction (along rows) shows a
gradient of about 100 microns from side to side. We judge this
to be an insignificant amount of defocus. Observers should be
aware that the nominal blue-side focus value has changed
significantly and is now approximately -2450. This should be
used as the central focus value when acquiring focus images with
the focus loop script.
New Web Pages Released (2006-May-15)
- There is a new look and feel to the LRIS instrument web pages.
The new web pages include information on the LRIS blue channel that
was previously lacking with the old pages. Procdures were updated,
conflicts in the information or procedures were resolved, and the
page information was re-organized. The LRIS documatation is grouped
into three primary stages: Pre-Observing when you will
require information for preparing proposals and materials in advance
of an observing run; Observing when you will be at the telescope, and
Post-Observing when you will need to process and analyze data in preparation
for publishing.
- The old web documenttion is obsolete and is no longer available.
Please report any errors, missing information, clarification requests,
and any problems with the pages to the lris instrument master.
LRIS Blue side shutter is stuck open! (2006-Apr-25)
- The LRIS blue side shutter has failed and work to replace
the shutter will begin on 5 May 2006. The shutter is stuck
open which permits observing. Several new scripts are
available to observers for use during afternoon setup and
science acquisition. The trapdoor is currently being used as
a shutter for the blue side. Red side data may still be acquired
simultaneously. Your SA will review the scripts with you
upon your arrival, but please see
trapdoor_as_shutter.html for a brief description of
the observing scripts.
LRIS Configuration Form Updated (2005-Nov-16)
- A new version of the LRIS configuration form is available at
http://www2.keck.hawaii.edu/inst/siastng/release/web/ObsConf/welcomeScreenEh.php .
The new form is customized to the number
of nights in your observing run, links to the slitmask database,
and populates dropdown lists with facility and user masks. For LRIS,
the blue side elements are listed, and a default configuration is
presented. When prepairing for upcoming LRIS and DEIMOS runs,
please use the new configuration forms.
IRAF script updates (2005-May-19)
- A new version of lrisbias.cl is available in the
keck.lris package
to handle the 4-amp case (old version only worked with 1 or 2 amps).
The script was tested with both red and blue images. Please report
any problems with the script to the LRIS master. Chris Fassnacht
is the author of the new version of lrisbias.cl.