donspec -- rectify, extract, and calibrate NIRSPEC low-d spectra
donspec input root
- input
- List of input images to process. These should be cleaned,
2-D NIRSPEC images taken in low-dispersion spectroscopy mode
for a single target and instrument setting.
- root
- Rootname for output spectra.
- xref
- Name of flat image to use for xdistcor. This image will be
used to generate the trace image for use in removing
x distortions.
- yref
- Name of line image to use for ydistcor. If blank, the
first input image will be used.
- coordlist
- Name of file listing emission lines to be identified in sky
- x1
- First illuminated column to extract, as measured in the middle line
of the input images.
- x2
- Last illuminated column to extract, as measured in the middle line
of the input images.
- dy=0
- Change in row (y) value for features as they move from
column x1 to column x2. Note that if the features move toward
lower row numbers (as generally done with NIRSPEC images), the
value for dy should be negative.
- gain=5
- (Inverse) detector gain [electrons/DN]. This is used to set
noise parameters for extraction and image combining
- rdnoise=30
- Detector read noise [electrons/px]. This is used to set
noise parameters for extraction and image combining.
- thresh=-1
- Threshold value which defines the flux level in the sky
image which defines "bad" pixels to be removed via
interpolation. The default value of -1 allows this to be
defined interactively by the user on a plot of the sky image.
- logfile="logfile"
- File into which to write results of the S/N measurements
and image summing operation.
- verbose=yes
- Give feedback on operations while running?
This script coordinates the reduction of NIRSPEC low-dispersion
spectral data. The following tasks are accomplished:
- Generate trace image from image specified in parameter
- Remove x distortions using xdistcor
- Allow optional checking of x alignment
- Remove y distortions using ydistcor
- Allow optional checking of y alignment
- Extract spectra interactively using apall
- Measure median S/N using spec_s2n
- Average spectra together using scombine
- Extract sky band from first image
- Derive wavelength solution using identify
- Apply wavelength solution using dispcor
- Interactively obtain sky flux threshold
- Remove regions affected by bright night sky lines using skyinterp
The script will not do the following:
- Cleaning of cosmic rays and bad pixels
- Flatfielding
- Flux calibration
The script will create the following files:
- *y.fits
- Fully rectified spectra
- *
- Extracted spectra
- root_trace
- Trace image used for xdistcor
- root_sky
- Sky band extracted from first image
- root_avsigclip
- Average of extracted spectra with sigma clipping and median
weighting enabled
- root_dispcor
- Wavelength-corrected spectrum
- root_skyinterp
- Spectrum with regions near strong background emission
features removed
The current directory contains cleaned images named
*c.fits and a flat called flat.fits. The
target name for the observations is foo. Inspection of
a science image shows that in the middle line, the illuminated
columns run from 500 to 700 and night sky lines change position by
-25 rows from one end to the other. Determination of a flux
threshold for bright night sky lines is to be done
interactively. To rectify and extract spectra, type:
donspec *c.fits foo xref=flat x1=500 x2=700 dy=-25 thresh=-1
This script requires the following:
- Target is a point source
- Wavelength calibration can be done from night sky lines
- Flat image must be available for generating trace image
- Night sky emission line list must be available (see skyplot)
- Starting and ending columns for extraction and the shift in
row shift in night sky features must have been measured and
entered in the corresponding task parameters (x1,
x2, and dy)
- The script will try to delete any files or images which
would conflict with its built-in naming scheme. When no such
files exist, the program will generate spurious warning
messages about images which cannot be found.
See Also
The cl script
The package wmkonspec