ydistcor | |
| ydistcor.clNameydistcor -- align emission features with image rowsUsageydistcor input output ref Parameters
DescriptionGiven an input image input plus a range of columns x1-x2, this task shifts the columns as needed to align emission features with the image rows and thus make reasonable sky subtraction possible during the spectral extraction phase of data reduction.For the selected range of columns, the longslit.identify task is used non-interactively to find any bright emission features in the image. Next, the reidentify task is used to find these same features in other columns, co-adding data as needed in order to have not more than a certain number of independent fits for a given aperture. The fitcoords task is used to find a solution which fits the coordinates with a polynomial which is third order in x and second order in y. Then the transform task will straighten the image. Examples
BugsSee Alsoidentify reidentify fitcoords transformThe cl script ydistcor.cl The package wmkonspec |
Last modified: 07/13/2017 02:41 Send questions or comments to:NIRSPEC Support |