xdistcor -- remove 'x' (column) distortion from NIRSPEC low-d images
xdistcor input output ref
- input
- List of images to be corrected
- output
- List of corresponding names for corrected output images
- ref
- Name of the reference image to use for defining the ends of
the spectrum
- verbose = yes
- Print feedback on operations to the terminal?
- useold = yes
- If a solution for the reference image already exists, use
it rather than define a new one?
This procedure is used to remove the row distortion inherent in
NIRSPEC low-dispersion 2-D spectra, a correction that is required
for subsequent alignment of night sky lines via the ydistcor task. Before running this
program, you should generate an image which can be used to define
the "trace" of the spectrum. Here are two ways to do this:
- Create an image with strong spectra at several place
along the slit, perhaps by co-adding images of your
target (if it's bright) or of standard stars (assuming
the spectrograph was not moved in between your science
images and the calibration star images).
- If you have a flat image taken with the same
instrumental setup as your science images, use the task
mktracer to generate a trace
image from the flat; e.g.
mktracer 24des0057 trace
The task will first check whether the database directory already
contains a transform solution for your trace image (specified as
parameter ref). If so, you will be prompted whether to
use this existing solution to correct the images, or derive a new
solution. If no transform solution is found, the program will
proceed with deriving a new one.
If a solution is to be derived, the program will first invoke
the identify
task and allow the user to mark features to be traced. Mark the
two (or more, if you used a stellar trace image) peaks by
placing the cursor on them, pressing the m key, and
pressing the Enter key when prompted for a wavelength
of the feature. The resulting plot should look like this.
Press f to perform a fit to the two points, then
q twice to quit this step.
xdistcor will now try to re-identify the
features you marked at other rows along the image. If
you specified verbose=yes when you ran the
program, you will see the results of the fit. Check
that all of your features were found in other rows.
Next, the program will try to make a fit to the data in order to
derive the coordinate tranformation required to straighten the
image. The program will prompt whether you want to perform a
fit interactively; answer yes. It will show a plot
of fit residuals; press x to change the
x-axis plotting coordinate, then enter y to
plot residuals versus row number, and press f again
to redo the plot. The resulting
plot may show some obvious outliers which you can delete
manually by placing the cursor on them, pressing d
and then p to nuke the offending point. When
outliers have been excised, press f to redo the fit.
Delete additional outliers and re-do the fit as needed. Press
q to quit the fitting, and press Enter
when prompted
Write coordinate map to the database
With the transformation now defined, the program will proceed to
remove the x distortion from all of your images.
If you included the reference image among those to be corrected,
you should inspect the resulting corrected reference image to
ensure that the spectra are now well aligned with the image
The user has already use the mktracer task
to create a reference image called trace.fits. Given a
list of the input images (in.lst) and output images
(out.lst), the following command will generate
corrected images:
xdistcor @in.lst @out.lst trace
The corrected version of the trace image will be ctrace.fits.
- User must have write access to the working directory.
- Numerous temporary files will be generated in the working
director. These are removed on successful completion.
See Also
The cl script
The package wmkonspec