Please follow the steps below to prepare ESI for the night's
- Consult the on-line
Keck II observing schedule. Find the listing for
today's date (note that the dates are HST, not UT dates).
- Under "Keck 2", the third column (Account) lists the instrument account
you have been assigned.
ESI runs all instrument software within
VNC desktops. Generally, VNC
servers for your run should be up and running when you arrive to
Waimea Startup Procedure
- Log in to primary seat.
Log into the Remote Ops 2 computer with 4 screens arranged
in a line using the user account. Your Staff
Astronomer can give you the password
- Launch primary VNC desktops.
- Start a terminal: Right click in background
-> Local xterm
- Run esi1, for user account esi1
Mainland Startup Procedure
The procedure for launching VNC desktops from remote sites
varies from site to site, but generally follows this
- Log in. Log in to primary and (if
applicable) secondary machines using account and
password provided by the site manager.
- Get firewall access. If necessary, follow
authentication procedure for access through Keck
- Launch VNC (pajama style) Run
start_keck_viewers esiN, where N is 1-9
- Launch VNC (old style) Execute the appropriate script
to bring up VNC desktops. At sites with a single
4-headed machine execute the command
kvncall esi esiN
where N is the number of your ESI observing
At sites with separate primary and secondary machines,
execute this command on the primary machine:
kvnctel esi esiN
and this command on the secondary machine:
kvncinst esi esiN
- Start Firefox.
- Click with the right mouse button on the blue
background to get the options menu.
- Click on the item labeled Firefox
-- ESI Home Page. After a few seconds, the
Firefox window should appear.
- Read the ESI News.
- Click on the Home button
(house icon) in Firefox, bringing up the ESI Home
- Click on the link labeled ESI
News to bring up the
ESI News page. Read the first several entries on the
News page to familiarize yourself with recent changes to
the instrument and software.
- Check instrument availability.
- Return to the ESI Home Page by clicking the
Home button in the Firefox window.
- Click on the link labeled Instrument Status to access today's
instrument information.
- Use the spacebar to advance to the bottom of the
page. If the message
appears, then the instrument is available and you may
proceed to the next step and start up the ESI
software. If the message is K2
INSTRUMENT NOT READY, then ESI has not been
released for your use. If it is after the nominal
release time (2:00pm weekdays, 3:00pm weekends) then
contact your Instrument Specialist for assistance.
You now have the choice of maintaining paper or electronic logs
for your observing run.
Electronic logsheets
The Keck Observing Log Archive (KEOLA) maintains an on-line log of
your run which you can access through the browser window to view
or edit. This log is generated whether or not you choose to use
it, and is only accessible from within the Keck network, not from
outside, so if you are observing remotely you must launch a
browser within VNC to access the electronic logs. For full
instructions, please refer to the KEOLA
Paper logsheets
If you prefer physical logsheets for note-taking, now would be a
good time to prepare them. You can preview and print out copies
of logsheets from the computer.
- Local observers. If you are in Waimea and will
need logsheets for note-taking, you can print one of several
preformatted logsheets available for ESI:
- Right-click on the background pane and
select Instrument Utilities > Print
Logsheets to launch the Xlogsheets GUI.
- On the Xlogsheets GUI:
- select your preferred logsheet format
- if desired, click Preview to view the selected logsheet
- select the desired number of copies to print
- click Print to print logsheets to the Remote Ops
printer in Waimea
- Remote observers.
If you are observing remotely, you can download the logsheets from
the ESI logsheets webpage and print
them to your local printer.
To assist in your logging, you may find it helpful to launch the
obslog window which provides a summary of your ESI
exposures. From the ESI workspace menu, select ESI
Utilities > Obslog Loop to launch this window.
- Start up the ESI software.
- Right click on the background to access the ESI menu.
- Select ESI Control Menu.
- Select Start ESI observing software
- Verify windows.
Check that the following windows appear:
- On the control 0 screen:
- esicon
- Dashboard GUI
- ESI Calibration Tool
- Esi Keventsounds
- K2 - PIG
- On the control1 screen:
- Figdisp window
- Figdisp control (tk)
- Instrument compass rose
- Configure user settings.
- On the left side of the Dashboard is a small yellow
button labeled Start Here!.
Click this button to bring up the Setup/Options
window. After this
the button name will change to "User Config."
- The Data directory box displays the name
of the directory which has been selected and created for
you. Write this down in the space provided at the top
left of your logsheet.
- The Filename root box shows the prefix
to be applies to your images. The default is
eYYMMDD_, where YY is the
year - 2000, MM is the
month number, and DD is the day number. You are
free to change this to something more to your liking,
such as esi.
- The Frame number box shows the number
of the next image to be taken. If you want to continue
the numbering sequence from your previous night, enter
the next number in the sequence into this box.
- The Observer box can be used to record the
names of observing team members in the image headers.
Fill in names as desired.
- Click Commit to the right
of the Observer box to update your changes.
- Click the INITIALIZE
INSTRUMENT button on this panel to re-home all
of the stages. This takes about 3 minutes. Wait until
you see the "Initialization Complete" message.
- De-select the Audible Alerts: Exposure
Ended option. This has been replaced by the
keventsounds widget.
- Take Bias
- Close hatch.
If the Dashboard GUI indicates
that the hatch is open, then close it by double-clicking on the
hatch graphic to bring up the Hatch Panel. Click on
the CLOSED option to effect the change.
- Turn off lamps.
If the GUI indicates that any lamps are on, click the OFF button in the Lamps box.
- Set exposure parameters.
In the CCD box on the GUI, set:
- Object to Bias
- ExpTime to 1 second
Click on UpdateCCD to commit these
- Start bias exposure.
Click the Expose button to start the
- Verify exposure sequence.
After you start the exposure, the brown CCD box will turn:
- grey to indicate that the detector is erasing;
- black to indicate that the detector is
exposing a DARK (green if taking a shutter-open
- yellow to indicate that the detector is reading
- Wait for readout.
In about 45 seconds, the image should be read out and be
displayed on the Figdisp window.
- Set display parameters in tk Figdisp:
- Zoom: "Normal"
- Zoom: "Center"
- "Hist Eq."
- Inspect the bias frame
- Click and drag with the middle mouse button on the image
for a vector plot.
- Pixel values should be about 1000 DN
- View stages. The status of each stage is
given in the series of brown boxes at the top of the
Dashboard GUI. The top line in each box represents the
current position of that stage. The bottom line is
either an entry box or a pull-down menu which lets you
select a different setting (such as a different filter).
To change the setting for a given stage, select the new
position using the entry box or menu and then click
Move to start the move. You can select
mutiple changes and then click Move to
execute the moves in parallel. Note that the brown box
will "drop" down when the stage is in motion and "raise"
back into its nominal position when the move completes.
- Load setups. We strongly encourage
observers to use the pre-defined setup files available
from the Dashboard GUI to change instrument settings;
this will ensure that you don't forget to adjust the ESI
focus when changing filters or observing modes! To
load setups, click the Load... button at the
top of the Dashboard GUI and then select Named
setup... to access the setup list. Click once on
each setup which you plan to use during the night; that
will cachce the setup in the Dashboard's memory. Click
Dismiss to close the menu.
- Select setup. To reconfigure ESI to another
setup, click the Setups... button at the top
of the Dashboard to access the setup list. To make an
immediate move, click the yellow Move button
above your desired setup. To queue up a configuration
without executing moves, click the orange
Load button above your desired setup. You
will then need to click the Move button on
the main Dashboard window to execute the moves.
- Control lamps. The recommended way to turn
internal calibration lamps on and off is via the Panel.
To bring up the Panel, click on the lamp icon (square
button to right of the hatch) and select
Panel. You can now click the name of any
lamp on the panel to turn it on or off. Note that you do
not need to click the Move button to
change the lamp status; unlike other motor moves, lamp
moves initiated from the Panel are immediate.
ESI uses a lookup table for its flexure compensation system
(FCS). This lookup table is only valid when the telescope is
above 5 degrees of elevation. We recommend waiting until the
telescope is released before acquiring arcs and flats.
You may take arcs and flats manually, or use the handy ESI Calibration Widget
script to acquire the desired number of arcs, flats, pinhole
flats, biases, and darks for each instrument setup. To do so:
- Close the ESI hatch to block dome light.
- Load your desired named setup
- If needed, launch the ESI Calibration Widget via the
background menu via ESI Utilities > ESI Calibration
- Reset the ESI Calibration Widget by clicking "Reset"
- If needed, take a test 1 second Qz internal flat (use the
goibuf command) and determine
the appropriate exposure time for your flats (goal is about
30,000 DN maximum).
- Click GO to begin data acquisition.
There is a handy time estimate on the calibration tool.
- Create and format your target list (``starlist'') as
described here.
- Validate and install your starlist by selecting the item
Instrument Utilities > Install
Starlist from the ESI background menu. This script
will check the syntax of your starlist and copy it into the
appropriate directory.
Observing Assistants cutomarily arrive at the summit (or HQ,
if remote controlling) around 5:30pm. Once they arrive, you
can do the following:
- Greet the OA.
Check whether your PictureTel link is muted, as indicated by
a mute symbol labeled NEAR on the TV. If muted, press the
MUTE button on the PictureTel control to un-mute. Introduce
yourself to the OA and alert them to any immediate needs
that you will have, such as wanting to take dome flats.
- Wait for the OA to get settled.
Setting up computers and bringing up all of the telescope
control systems requires some time, and things go wrong
much more often than we would prefer. Be patient while the
OA prepares the telescope for operation.
- Take calibrations.
When the OA gives you permission to proceed, begin taking
dome flats.
- Inform the OA about your starlist.
Now would be a good time to let the OA know where your
starlist is, so they can verify that they have access to it.
- Select sounds.
The Eventsounds
utility will make user-selectable noises when images are done
exposing and reading out. Click on the available menus to
select the sounds of your choice for your late-night
- Play samples.
You can play a sample of the currently-selected sound by
clicking the right mouse button on the label for the sound.
If you don't hear the sound immediately, verify that the
computer speakers on the desk are powered on and that volume
is turned up. If that doesn't fix the problem, you may need
to run the audiocontrol program on the
local desktop (i.e., outside of VNC) to ensure that
Line out is selected. Adjust the volume using
either the slider bar on the widget or the knob on the
computer speakers.
You're tired and hungry and there's a long night ahead.
Better get out the folder labeled Restaurant Dining
Guide and select one of our fine local eateries to
provide you with sustenance.