The ESI Calibration Widget allows you to easily acquire
calibration data for the current ESI slit. The tool can acquire
the following types of data:
- Arcs. The tool allows you to acquire separate
exposures in the HgNe, Xe, and CuAr lamps, or combine the lamps
in a single exposure.
- Spectral flats. Acquire flatfield exposures with the
current slit using either the dome or internal quartz halogen
- Pinhole flats. Acquire flatfield exposures through
the MultiHoles mask using either the dome or internal
quartz halogen lamps. These exposures may be useful in
establishing the “trace” of the spectrum.
- Bias. Acquire bias exposures of 0 sec length to
measure ESI fixed CCD pattern noise. Typically these are not
required, since ESI has negligible pattern noise. Most
observers simply remove the constant bias using the overscan
sampling method.
- Darks. Acquire dark exposures of any length to
measure and correct for dark current. ESI dark current is
typically insignificant.
Here are the recommended exposures for echellette mode in order
of importance:
- Essentials:
- At least one combined arc using Hg+Xe+Cu (take 5 if
time permits)
- At least three flats (take 10 if time permits)
- Useful if observing a source with no obvious continuum flux:
- At least one pinhole flat.
- Potentially useful:
Follow these instructions to use the tool:
- Configure the spectrograph for taking calibrations:
- Close the hatch.
- Extinguish lamps.
- Configure for desired spectroscopic mode.
- Launch the tool from the ESI background menu by
selecting ESI Utilities > ESI
Calibration Tool.
- Under ARCS, select which lamps to observe,
adjust the exposure times as needed, select the quantity, and
determine whether you want the arcs to be combined (all
selected lamps will be used in each exposure) or separate
(only one type of lamp used in each exposure).
- Under FLATS, set the number of spectral flats
to acquire, and the desired exposure time.
- Under PINHOLE FLATS, set the number of pinhole
flats to acquire, and the desired exposure time.
- Under BIAS, set the number of bias exposures to
acquire. These are always 0 sec in exposure length.
- Under DARKS, set the number of dark exposures to
acquire and the desired exposure length.
- Under OPTIONS, select Use
dome flat lamps instead of internal? to use the dome
flatfield lamps for the flat and pinhole flat exposures.
De-select this option to use the internal quartz halogen lamps.
- Under OPTIONS, select Shut
down ESI when finished? to have the script shutdown the
instrument software after the calibration exposures are
completed. This allows you to go to sleep at the end of the
night while the script completes your calibrations.
- Click GO to start acquiring data
with the esi_calib script.
- Click RESET to restore the
default exposure parameters for the currently-selected ESI slit.
- Click QUIT to exit the GUI.