Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics
The Keck laser guide star (LGS) adaptive optics (AO) systems are
available for science with NIRC2 and NIRSPAO on Keck II and with OSIRIS on Keck I.
Keck LGSAO Science Publications
refereed or
all papers.
Please follow the links below to learn more about laser guide star
adaptive optics, the design and performance of the Keck system, and
planning science observations.
References for the LGS AO system
- Science
Wizinowich, P., 2013, PASP, 125, 798.
- Overview
Wizinowich, P., et al. 2006, PASP, 118, 297.
- Performance Characterization
M.A. van Dam et al. 2006, PASP, 118, 310.
- Performance of K2 WFC upgrade
M.A. van Dam et al. 2007, KAON 489.
LGS AO Astronomy
Liu, SPIE 2006 Proc., 6272-16
LGS AO Operations
Le Mignant et al., SPIE 2006 Proc., 6270-12
LGS AO Operations
Le Mignant et al., SPIE 2006 Proc., 6272-1
Angular anisoplanatism in LGS AO
van Dam et al., SPIE 2006 Proc., 6272-106
Summers et al., SPIE 2006 Proc., 6272-143
The Egg Nebula imaged on NIRC2 in H, H2 (2.12) and Kcont (2.29) bands on 07 Jul. 2004 UT - FOV: 15.8"x23.7" TT ref. star: Rmag=14.3, sep=24.9arcsec |
For more information please
R. Campbell or J. Lyke