Two software options are currently available to the observer designing slitmasks. Most slitmaks are designed using the Autoslit software package. Please see the links that are found on the Preparing Observations page to download software and manuals.
First-time slitmask designers are encouraged to review the
Slitmask Design Tips page.
Don't forget about the Nasmyth deck limits which prohibit
observing at certain airmasses. The Nasmyth deck limits are different
on Keck I and Keck II. Please review the Telescope
info web page to determine the limits.
A planning tool is available at: TBD that can tell you when
targets are available during the night.
In the charts, be sure to identify the stars to be used for
alignment and the star to be placed on the pickoff mirror (if
please see the Autobackup
documentation for more information on our DVD/CD data backup process.