DEIMOS 6-Month Preventative Maintenance Plan
Slitmask system: Clean slitmask cassette
(see procedure).
Drive Disk:
Inspect and clean friction surfaces and wipers.
Check and adjust Patch and Skew
(see procedure).
Balance: Check balance and record amperage readings
(see procedure).
Air pressure: Check all regulators and set pressure to
value on label on gauge. Grating system pressures are on drawing
D4102. Slitmask insertion
pressure is 40 psi and retraction pressure is 45 psi. Check
system for leaks.
Grating system:
Lead screws: clean and apply new lubricant with soft wipes.
Clean and grease chain (use white lithium grease).
Inspect all optics: Look into camera from inside DEIMOS
with imaging mirror in place and shutter open to inspect camera
optics and see into dewar. Record quantity and position of any
bubbles in coupling fluid.
Trolley system: Check DEIMOS transport
rollers, D6390 item 18, for