TRICK pages

TRICK Basics

TRICK is a near-infrared tip/tilt sensor (NIRTTS) for the Keck I LGS-AO System. TT correction in the IR is better than TT correction in the visible because the IR star is AO-corrected.
TRICK = Tip-tilt Removal with Ir Compensation at Keck.

Component Details
Location Dewar on K1AO bench
Detector Engineering grade H2RG
Operating Temp ˜100 K
Filters Home, Blocking, Open, H, Ks
Dichroics H, K, H-annular

Things to Consider

Often the TRICK TT star is closer to the science target
There are several use cases where the science target is either much closer to TRICK TT star than the visual (STRAP) TT star or the science target is the TRICK TT star.
TRICK still needs a visual TT star for STRAP and the LBWFS
We use STRAP to initially close the AO loops, then switch to TRICK. The LBWFS is required for all LGS-AO targets.
Using TRICK changes the AO calibration
The act of inserting a TRICK dichroic into the beam adds astigmatism to the image on OSIRIS. A TRICK-specific COG file must be used. The AOAcq tool will load this COG at "Setup Bench"
Using TRICK requires a different pointing origin
TRICK dichroics and filters are TRICK-centric
OSIRIS Science TRICK dichroic/filter Pointing Origin
K-band Hband/H H-OSPEC or H-OSIMG
Y-/J-/H-band Kband/Ks K-OSPEC or K-OSIMG
TRICK TT correction requires a closed DM loop
The benefit of TRICK is that the IR TT star is AO-corrected. There is no TT-only mode for TRICK. TRICK may lose the TT star under the following conditions:
TRICK seems more impacted by thin clouds
If you are struggling and suspect clouds, STRAP may be a better choice


The AO correction is noticeably better.