
NIRSPEC images taken in low-dispersion spectroscopy mode present certain headaches in the data reduction process owing to the skewed position of the spectrum relative to detector columns and rows. This document describes a procedure for removing these distortions and extracting spectra from NIRSPEC low-dispersion images.

Users may find the links on the IRAF Spectroscopy Docs Page helpful.

Procedure (Short Version)

Having gone through the long procedure above, you may wish to take a few shortcuts by using the task donspec to do the bookkeeping for you. It will perform the following steps to your data: The script will not do the following: Because some task parameters are hardwired, this approach is useful only for data meeting the following criteria: Prior to running this script, you should run the skyplot task to generate your input coordlist listing relevant night sky emission features over the wavelength range of interest.

Procedure (Long Version)

  1. Filter cosmic rays. If desired, use a routine such as cosmicrays to remove bad pixels from your set of images.

  2. Flatten images. If desired, use flatfield images to flatten your data. But first, think carefully about whether you want to take this step. If your flatfield image shows numerous streaks along the slit, it's probably due to "junk" on the dewar window as seen through the slit. Unless your data were taken in stationary tracking mode (unlikely), the pattern of junk may differ on your flats and science images. Hence, using the flat to correct your science data could do more harm than good to your data.

  3. Modify image headers. IRAF will eventually need to know which direction is the dispersion direction on these images, so you'd might as well tell it now. Use this command to add the required header parameter to all of your images:
    hedit *.fits dispaxis 2 add+ verify- update+

  4. Create trace image. Although the curvature of the spectrum in the x (column) direction is not in itself a problem, it prevents proper removal of the y (row) distortions in the image which complicate sky subtraction. In order to map and remove this distortion, you need an appropriate "trace" image. You can generate one in two ways: Here are a sample flat image and trace image generated with the mktracer task.

  5. Remove x distortion. In this step, you'll shift all rows of the images to align with the middle row, so that the spectra will parallel to image columns.

  6. Remove y distortion. Next, you need to align the night sky lines with the image rows to ensure adequate night sky line subtraction. For this you'll use the task ydistcor.

  7. Extract Spectra. With the image now carefully rectified, you can proceed to extract spectra. Use the noao.twodspec.apextract.apall task to perform the extractions. Refer to Section 3.3.2 of the User's Guide to Reducing Slit Spectra with IRAF.
    1. Setup. Set the parameters as shown below:
              input = "*ms.fits"       List of input images
              nfind = 1               Number of apertures to be found automatically
            (output = "")             List of output spectra
         (apertures = "")             Apertures
            (format = "multispec")    Extracted spectra format
        (references = "")             List of aperture reference images
          (profiles = "")             List of aperture profile images\n
       (interactive = yes)            Run task interactively?
              (find = yes)            Find apertures?
          (recenter = no)             Recenter apertures?
            (resize = no)             Resize apertures?
              (edit = yes)            Edit apertures?
             (trace = yes)            Trace apertures?
          (fittrace = yes)            Fit the traced points interactively?
           (extract = yes)            Extract spectra?
            (extras = yes)            Extract sky, sigma, etc.?
            (review = no)             Review extractions?\n
              (line = INDEF)          Dispersion line
              (nsum = -25)            Number of dispersion lines to sum or median\n\n
             (lower = -10.)           Lower aperture limit relative to center
             (upper = 10.)            Upper aperture limit relative to center
         (apidtable = "")             Aperture ID table (optional)\n\n# DEFAULT BACKG
        (b_function = "chebyshev")    Background function
           (b_order = 1)              Background function order
          (b_sample = "-30:-6,6:30")  Background sample regions
        (b_naverage = -100)           Background average or median
        (b_niterate = 0)              Background rejection iterations
      (b_low_reject = 3.)             Background lower rejection sigma
      (b_high_rejec = 3.)             Background upper rejection sigma
            (b_grow = 0.)             Background rejection growing radius\n\n# APERTU
             (width = 5.)             Profile centering width
            (radius = 10.)            Profile centering radius
         (threshold = 0.)             Detection threshold for profile centering\n\n# 
            (minsep = 5.)             Minimum separation between spectra
            (maxsep = 1000.)          Maximum separation between spectra
             (order = "increasing")   Order of apertures\n\n# RECENTERING PARAMETERS\n
        (aprecenter = "")             Apertures for recentering calculation
            (npeaks = INDEF)          Select brightest peaks
             (shift = yes)            Use average shift instead of recentering?\n\n# 
            (llimit = INDEF)          Lower aperture limit relative to center
            (ulimit = INDEF)          Upper aperture limit relative to center
            (ylevel = 0.1)            Fraction of peak or intensity for automatic wid
              (peak = yes)            Is ylevel a fraction of the peak?
               (bkg = yes)            Subtract background in automatic width?
            (r_grow = 0.)             Grow limits by this factor
         (avglimits = no)             Average limits over all apertures?\n\n# TRACING
            (t_nsum = 25)             Number of dispersion lines to sum
            (t_step = 25)             Tracing step
           (t_nlost = 100)            Number of consecutive times profile is lost bef
        (t_function = "chebyshev")    Trace fitting function
           (t_order = 2)              Trace fitting function order
          (t_sample = "*")            Trace sample regions
        (t_naverage = 1)              Trace average or median
        (t_niterate = 10)             Trace rejection iterations
      (t_low_reject = 3.)             Trace lower rejection sigma
      (t_high_rejec = 3.)             Trace upper rejection sigma
            (t_grow = 0.)             Trace rejection growing radius\n\n# EXTRACTION 
        (background = "fit")          Background to subtract
            (skybox = 1)              Box car smoothing length for sky
           (weights = "variance")     Extraction weights (none|variance)
              (pfit = "fit1d")        Profile fitting type (fit1d|fit2d)
             (clean = yes)            Detect and replace bad pixels?
        (saturation = INDEF)          Saturation level
         (readnoise = "30")           Read out noise sigma (photons)
              (gain = "5")            Photon gain (photons/data number)
            (lsigma = 4.)             Lower rejection threshold
            (usigma = 4.)             Upper rejection threshold
           (nsubaps = 1)              Number of subapertures per aperture
    2. Inspection. For each spectrum in your image, note whether the target is easily visible near the middle row (512). For the ones that aren't, try to determine a column number where they appear prominent, due either to a lack of night sky emission lines, or the presence of an emission line in the object. Note this column number for use in the next step.
    3. Define apertures. Run apall, answer yes to the query Find apertures?, and yes to the question Edit apertures?. The program will plot a cut across the spectrum and mark the suggested aperture. If desired, remove it by pressing d and use the m key to mark the center positions of your target(s).

      A bracket should appear above the location of each object. The width of the bracket indicates the region that will be extracted to define your spectrum. Obviously, you want this to obtain as much of the light from the target as possible without including too much of the night sky background light. Use the u and l keys to adjust the upper and lower limits of the aperture to an appropriate size for your object. If in doubt, be a little generous with the size - the ``optimal extraction'' algorithm employed by apall will weight each pixel appropriately based on the amount of light.

      If an object is not visible, use the command :line N to move to the column where the spectrum was determined to be the most visible, then use m to mark that spectrum and adjust the size as needed.

    4. Define background. For each aperture you've defined, review the corresponding background aperture to verify that it is positioned appropriately for good sky estimation. Select an aperture by moving the cursor to it and pressing the period key. Use the b key to enter the background editor. If the background must be changed, use the d key to delete the existing sample regions. Then, define one background region on either side of your spectrum using the s key to indicate the starting and ending points with the cursor. Or, explicitly type in the range of rows to be used with the command :samp -15:-10 10:15, for example. If your object is so close to the edge of the slit that you can't get a good sky region on one side, then use only the other side to define your sky. Press f to fit the background data, and q to quit the background editor. Repeat this step for each object.
    5. Trace spectrum. After defining the object and background apertures for each object, you have told IRAF where to find the object at one particular place on the chip. Now use apall to track the spectrum across all of the columns in the ``trace'' step. Answer ``yes'' to the queries Trace spectra?, Fit traced spectra interactively?, and Trace spectrum 1 interactively?. If your object is bright, this step will be a piece of cake and IRAF will show you a plot of the trace versus column number, which will be well fit by a line (i.e., second-order Chebyshev polynomial in IRAF-land). If IRAF reports that it lost the trace, try increasing the nsum parameter (e.g., :nsum 50). The resulting fit should be essentially constant and have an RMS of under 0.2 pixels. Delete outlying points as needed with the d key. When a suitable fit is achieved, type q to quit and proceed to the next spectrum.
    6. Extract spectrum. Once your spectra have been traced, then go ahead and extract them - have a look at your masterwork!

  8. Estimate S/N. So just how good are your spectra? This is relatively easy to determine. Measure the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio per pixel in one of two ways:
    1. Run the splot program to review your spectra stick to band 1). Select three representative regions of the spectrum, each about 100 pixels wide. Use the m key to measure S/N within each region. Note that splot knows nothing bout the gain and readnoise of the detector - it simply assumes that the bumps and wiggles in the spectrum represent the noise, and compares the size of the ``noise'' to the level of signal in the continuum.
    2. Compute S/N manually. By running splot in multispec mode, you've saved some useful information. For each aperture, there are 4 bands in the final spectrum. Band 1 is the extracted spectrum (signal). Band 3 is the square root of the pixel variance or, in other words, the noise. So to compute S/N at each pixel, just divide the signal spectrum by the noise spectrum:
      imarith myspec[*,N,1] / myspec[*,N,4] snr
      where N is the aperture number. If you inspect this spectrum with splot or implot, you'll see that the values vary widely due to the generally small size of the signal and the wildly varying intensity of the background. Determine the typical S/N per pixel by using
      imstat snr
      to compute the median. The spec_s2n task will do this for you!

  9. Combine spectra. Unless you moved the cross disperser in the middle of your image set, your images are likely to be very well aligned in wavelength. In this case, you can combine them before doing the wavelength solution.

  10. Derive wavelength solution. Next, you need to map pixels onto wavelengths. Review Section 3.4.1 of the User's Guide to Reducing Slit Spectra with IRAF in preparation for this step. Customarily, one obtains a solution for the wavelengths based on exposures of a source of emission lines, as provided in many cases by a Neon/Argon arc lamp. If you wish to do so, linelists for the neon and argon lamps are included with this package. However, your science spectra are likely to be dominated by emission lines from the night sky, thus providing you with a built-in wavelength calibration. Follow these steps to calibrate your spectrum using the night sky emission lines:

  11. Excise bad regions. When your target is faint relative to the night sky, your data are likely to show the effects of imperfect background subtraction, as in this example. If desired, interpolate over these messy regions to improve the appearance of your spectrum using the skyinterp task:

Last modified: Thu Feb 12 09:31:09 HST