Here are the latest specifications on NIRES. They will be updated as information becomes available when the instrument is commissioned.
Location | Right Bent Cassegrain (RBC) port on Keck 2 |
Input f/ ratio | f/15 nominal (f/16.6 cold circular pupil mask to inscribe Keck entrance pupil) |
Wavelength range and Resolution | Fixed configuration, simultaneous J, H and K band spectra in five orders from 0.94 to 2.45 µ. Orders 3 through 7 with overlap, the only gap is between 1.85 - 1.88 µm, a region of poor atmospheric transmission. |
Resolution | The mean resolution is 2700. As expected the resolution changes with order and wavelength. |
Field of view | Slit viewer: 2.1 x 2.1 arcmin (K' only) Optical guider: 1.8 x 1.8 arcmin |
Guiding | The main guider for NIRES is an off-axis visual guider. The K band slit-viewing camera can be used as a backup guider. |
Pixel scale | Slit viewer: 0.123 arcsec/pixel. Spectrometer: 0.15 arcsec/pixel |
Filters | K' only for slit viewing camera |
Slit | Fixed 0.55” by 18” |
Sensitivity | Please see the sensitivity section |
Minimum frame time | 1.48 seconds for the H2RG |
Detector | Spectrograph - HgCdTe, 2024 x 2048 (Hawaii 2RG) |
Detector electronics | SDSU-III, mounted near instrument, fiber connection to a target computer (Sun), similar to OSIRIS detector server. |
H2RG Read noise | 15 electrons per CDS read |
H2RG Dark current | Internal background of 0.13 electrons/pixel/sec |
H2RG Gain | 3.8 e-/ADU |
H2RG Well depth | 150000 electrons |
H2RG Persistence | Significant persistence is present for some 10 minutes if the maximum ADUs are above 4000. |
Construction | Self-contained instrument with no moving parts except for the active flexure correction system; vacuum dewar, liquid nitrogen cooled with an internal cryogen tank. |
Cooling | Liquid nitrogen held in instrument; minimum hold time 1 day, goal ~ 3+ days. |
Size & Weight | Approximately 50 inches long and 800 lbs. |
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