The Two Habits of Highly Successful MOSFIRE Observers

There are two rules which all MOSFIRE observers are encouraged to follow. Both motivated by properties specific to the instrument:

  1. When in doubt, go dark!
  2. Avoid executing a CSU mask at "bad" rotator angles or "small" slit movement when possible.

Generic Observing Sequences

MOSFIRE can seem complicated to run, but most observing cases are variants of a few basic observing sequences. The sections below give generic examples of those observing sequences. Actual conditions or differences between programs may motivate you to observe slightly differently, so these are intended as suggestions, not hard and fast rules. For example, the steps of executing a mask and slewing to a new target can be done simultaneously if the observer coordinates with the OA (see rule 2 above).

MOS Mask Observations

You can also use this same sequence for faint targets with a long slit mask.

  1. Go dark by clicking the Quick Dark button in the MOSFIRE Desktop
  2. Ask your OA to slew to next target
  3. Setup alignment mask for next target
  4. Execute mask
  5. Coarse align (can be done while mask is executing)
  6. Fine align
  7. Mark base
  8. Go dark by clicking the Quick Dark button in the MOSFIRE Desktop
  9. Setup science mask
  10. Execute science mask
  11. Set up exposure parameters and dither pattern. This can be done while the CSU is moving.
  12. Set observing mode
  13. Wait & Go

A slightly simplified version of the above process can be seen in the flow chart below. A big thanks to MOSFIRE observer Becky Steele for generating this diagram.

Long Slit or long2pos Observations of Bright Targets

Note: if you are using the long2pos mask, make sure you have loaded the mask files using the long2pos instructions.

  1. Go dark by clicking the Quick Dark button in the MOSFIRE Desktop
  2. Ask your OA to slew to next target
  3. For long slit: Setup alignment mask
    For long2pos: Setup science mask
  4. Execute mask
  5. Fine align
  6. Mark base
  7. Go dark by clicking the Quick Dark button in the MOSFIRE Desktop
  8. For long slit only: Setup science mask
  9. For long slit only: Execute science mask
  10. Set up exposure parameters and dither pattern
  11. Set observing mode
  12. Execute Observation (see commands for long slit vs. long2pos below)

Imaging Observations

  1. Go dark by clicking the Quick Dark button in the MOSFIRE Desktop
  2. Ask your OA to slew to next target
  3. Setup open mask
  4. Execute mask
  5. Set up exposure parameters and dither pattern
  6. Set observing mode
  7. Wait & Go