Proposal Preparation
End of Run
Author Instructions
Post Observing Checklist
Downloading data from Keck Observatory Archive (KOA)
Downloading data from real-time ingestion GUI
Accessing data with Python interface of KOA (PyKOA)
Scripts to download data via PyKOA:
Jupyter notebook version
Python version
Data backup
scp data
at the end of the night.
Post observing comment form
to authors publishing papers with Keck data explaining how to acknowledge Keck and the data acquisition instrument.
List of references for the instrument
Data Processing
Old Red Detector
IDL reduction software
Data Reduction Tools wiki
IRAF Software
reduction tools.
Included FITS Header Keywords
Old Red Detector Documentation.
Useful for archival data acquired before June 2009.
Old Red Detector Documentation.
Useful for archival data acquired before June 2009.
Contact Information
Travel and lodging