WARNING: only authorized personnel are allowed to run the LRIS checkout script


  1. LRIS should be powered up using the power gui. If LRIS was power cycled, we should run the lris Red powerup scripts. There are no scripts for the blue side.

Running the LRIS Checkout Script

  1. To start the script from the desktop menu, select the Engineering menu and then the LRIS checkout item. Three new windows will appear: The following message will be printed in the checkout script window:
                          LRIS OPERATIONAL CHECKOUT
    What this script will do:
      - create a new lriseng data directory
      - verify communication with the terminal servers
      - power up LRIS
      - power up guiders
      - verify that the shutter is working
      - attempt to shut down any existing LRIS GUIs
      - start LRIS GUIs
      - insert the imaging mirror on the grating turret
      - insert the "560" dichroic
      - insert the "B" filter on the blue side
      - move the grism selector to the "clear" position
      - move the slitmask selector to the "direct" position
      - move the filter selector to the "clear" position
      - turn on the Hg lamp
      - take a 1 sec exposures that are full frame images on both sides.
      - turn off the Hg lamp
  2. At the prompt
      Do you want to continue running the checkout script? (y/n) [y]:
    press the Return key to continue. The spectrograph will be reconfigured and an image taken.
  3. The script will reconfigure the spectrograph, take a test image, then print the following message:
    The checkout script has taken image which should now be visible
    in the DS9 window on the RED and BLUE side. To verify the images, 
    please do the following on both the RED and BLUE side DS9s:
       1) Select "Regions" -> "Shape" -> "Pojection" on the ds9 top menu bar 
       2) Click on the Zoom button located above the image area 
       3) Click on the "to fit" option to resize the display window so 
          you can see the full frame.
       4) Above the image display "Scale" button and then the "Hist Eq" 
           button to change the colormap scale.
       5) Click and drag a line from top to bottom on the display
      Inspect the resulting plot --- On the red side you should see a graph 
        with a minimum of about 1000 counts and a maximum of 30,000-55,000 
        counts, depending on:
        - which part of the chip you plotted and 
        - the current lighting conditions in the dome.  
       On the BLUE side you should see a graph with a minimum of about 1000 
          counts, and a maximum of 28,000-55,000 counts. The image should 
          show the four readout amplifiers with a brighter rectangle 
          centered in the image.
       The above red and blue values result when Dome lights are also on.
    If things do not look as expected, please contact an Instrument 
    Specialist for assistance.
      Press <ENTER> to exit...
  4. Inspect the output in the motor crate window. It should resemble this sample motor crate output. Feel free to ask an Instrument Specialist about any discrepancies.
  5. Inspect the output in the CCD crate window. It should resemble this sample CCD crate output. Feel free to ask an Instrument Specialist about any discrepancies.
  6. Do as the script requests to create a line plot of the image:
    1. move the cursor into the DS9 display
    2. click the ZOOM and to fit buttons to recenter the DS9 display
    3. select REGION->SHAPE->Projections
    4. Click and drag a line to make a row plot.
  7. When all looks good, press Enter in the LRIS Checkout window to quit the script. The crate sessions will be dismissed automatically.
  8. Shut down the LRIS control software by selecting the LRIS Control desktop menu option, then clicking on the Shut Down LRIS Control item.
  9. Release the instrument.

Motor Crate Output

ST:Time=71735073:Set trapdoor position = -1
ST:Time=71735089:Set lamp 1, val = 0
ST:Time=71735218:Set lamp 2, val = 0
ST:Time=71735347:Set lamp 3, val = 0
ST:Time=71735476:Set lamp 4, val = 0
ST:Time=71735605:Set lamp 5, val = 1
ST:Time=71735734:Set lamp 6, val = 0
ST:Time=71735868:Set slitmask position = 3451148
ST:Time=71735928:move_sc():  Moving changer into box
ST:Time=71736886:move_sc():  Changer moved into box
ST:Time=71736886:move_sc():  Selector move started
ST:Time=71737724:move_sc():  Selector move done
ST:Time=71737724:move_sc():  Moving changer into optical path
Sending second status msg.
ST:Time=71738682:move_sc():  Changer moved into optical path
ST:Time=71738682:Set red camera filter position = 548051
ST:Time=71738682:Set red camera focus = 4102563
W2:Time=71738684:"service_request.c", line 115: cserv, 289808, "service_request ()",
Warning, #45: Invalid Request ID in music header. Invalid message subject in music request: 908
W2:Time=71738685:"service_request.c", line 115: cserv, 289808, "service_request ()",
Warning, #45: Invalid Request ID in music header. Invalid message subject in music request: 908
ST:Time=71739365:Set grating number = 1
W0:Time=71739545:All-gratings-home bits not set!  Can't move turret.
ST:Time=71739725:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111110
ST:Time=71740415:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111101
ST:Time=71741165:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=10111100
ST:Time=71741165:File: lrs_mcs.c, Func:mcs_limit, Line: 382:
ST:Time=71741165:Motor home bit is set.
ST:Time=71741495:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111101
ST:Time=71742215:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111110
ST:Time=71742395:move_compound():  First move started
ST:Time=71742635:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111110
ST:Time=71743325:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111101
ST:Time=71743415:move_compound():  First move done
ST:Time=71743415:move_compound(): main move started
ST:Time=71743835:get_stage_pos_code():  returning 8
ST:Time=71745275:get_stage_pos_code():  returning 0
ST:Time=71745335:move_compound(): main move done
ST:Time=71745335:move_compound():  Last move started
ST:Time=71745575:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111101
ST:Time=71746115:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111110
ST:Time=71746205:move_compound():  Last move done
Sending status=2
ST:Time=71746371:Set grating angle=11938
ST:Time=71746371:move_compound():  First move started
ST:Time=71746551:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111110
ST:Time=71747421:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111101
ST:Time=71747481:move_compound():  First move done
ST:Time=71747481:move_compound(): main move started
ST:Time=71747661:current encoder position = 6
ST:Time=71747661:motor steps = 168697.  encoder pos = 11938
ST:Time=71748171:current encoder position = 11929
ST:Time=71748171:motor steps = 127.  encoder pos = 11938
ST:Time=71748261:current encoder position = 11938
ST:Time=71748261:motor steps = 0.  encoder pos = 11938
ST:Time=71748321:move_compound(): main move done
ST:Time=71748321:move_compound():  Last move started
ST:Time=71748501:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111101
ST:Time=71749221:mcs_limit():  Motor controller input2=11111110
ST:Time=71749281:move_compound():  Last move done
slitmask encoder pos = 3451148
red filter encoder pos = 548051
ST:Time=71752987:Set lamp 5, val = 0

CCD crate output

Getting raw ADC channel 5 of utility board for camera 0
Got raw analog data.
Send response to host.

Set total time = 1 seconds on camera 0

Set amplist on camera 0 , [0]=2 [1]=1 [2]=0 [3]=0

Set numamps = 2 on camera 0

Set ccdgain = 0 on camera 0

Set voffset0 = 156 on camera 0

Set voffset1 = 152 on camera 0

Set antiblooming = 0 on camera 0

Set postpix = 80 pixels on camera 0

Set prepix = 21 pixels on camera 0
s_set_utb_dig_pulse: sending 0
s_set_utb_dig_pulse: sending 1
s_set_utb_dig_pulse: sending 3
s_set_utb_dig_pulse: sending 1
s_set_utb_dig_pulse: sending 0
s_set_utb_dig_pulse: sending 4
s_set_utb_dig_pulse: sending 12
s_set_utb_dig_pulse: sending 4
Setting raw DAC channel 1 to 4095 on utility board for camera 0

Set window on camera 0 , Xstart=0 Ystart=550 Xlen=2048 Ylen=1000

Set binning on camera 0 , Xbin=1 Ybin=1

Set auto_shutter to 1 on camera 0
check_shutter_status: returning 0
broadcast_camera_event:  sent subject=746

 Fast wipe number 1 of 1 on camera 0 started...
broadcast_camera_event:  sent subject=741
broadcast_camera_event:  sent subject=726
opening shutter for expose on camera 0
check_shutter_status: returning 0
shutter opened for expose on camera 0
Getting raw ADC channel 5 of utility board for camera 0
Got raw analog data.
Send response to host.

Elapsed time = 1, stop_flag=0, e_time=1, subint=0
stop_flag: stop_flag=1  e_time=1 total_time=1
closing shutter for exposure stop on camera 0
safe_do_shutter:  calling do_shutter.
check_shutter_status: returning 0
broadcast_camera_event:  sent subject=747
ccdClock: calling read_ccd...
table[0]= 40a036
table[1]= 80100a
table[2]= c013e8
table[3]= 0
Setting video offsets:  156 152
Using namps= 2  binpix= 1125  dataline= 1000  size= 2250000 pixels
Using preline= 0  preflush= 0  overflush= 0  postline= 0
Using winstart[0]= 0  winsize[0]= 1024
Using winstart[1]= 0  winsize[1]= 1024
msg size = 3 words.  reply size = 2 words
msg = 0X103 0X4c4c4441 0X1
reply = 0X10002 0X444f4e
Load program 1 into vmeinf.
Wrote number of ccds=1 to vmeinf.
Set number of pixels to read = 2250000
 in vmeinf.
in read_ccd2
broadcast_camera_event:  sent subject=729
Camera reading broadcast sent.
calling rccdgetimage
DMA primed, sending message

Getting auto_shutter flag on camera 0

Getting amplist for camera 0

Getting window for camera 0

Getting do_flip flag for camera 0
Image 922210883 IMOK received from
returned from rccdgetimage
Pixels left to read = 0
broadcast_camera_event:  sent subject=730
ccdClock: back from read_ccd.
Image 922210883 complete

Sample Projection Plot and Images

Red Side

For the red side, note that the maximum signal should be in the range of 30,000-55,000 counts, depending on which part of the chip you plotted and the current lighting conditions in the dome.

Red side image

Blue Side

On the BLUE side you should see a graph with a minimum of about 0 counts, and a maximum of 28,000-60,000 counts. The image should show the four readout amplifiers with a brighter rectangle centered in the image. See below for an example of the image output.

Blue side image