
Special Requests
Submit your VSQ Reservations
Submit your Mainland Observing Request
Create starlists
Create finding charts


Notify staff of any special ESI configuration requests.
Although the various Echellette-mode slits are always available, other components include the IFU and the longslits may be swapped in and out to meet demand. We try to avoid changing these configurable elements after ESI has been mounted onto the telescope, so if your observing program requires the IFU or a particular longslit, please notify your Support Astronomer four weeks before your observing run to ensure that it will be loaded for you.
Submit your Mainland Observing request.
Requests to use any of the various mainland observing sites for remote observations are due four weeks prior to your run. Please see the policies for remote observing.
Submit your VSQ reservation form.
Please see the Lodging Reservation Request form for your run. This should be completed two weeks before your run.
Compose your target list. Please see the starlists documentation for the format of the star lists.
Prepare finding charts.
We recommend that you create finding charts for all of your intended target fields. Finding charts should cover an area of the sky slightly larger than the instrument or guider field-of-view.