Simulated ESI IFU target and spectrum. The IFU re-arranges the input
image to produce adjacent spectra from 5 contiguous regions.
Right: Simulated target, a galaxy much wider than the typical
ESI slit. The red boxes indicate the 5 contiguous
1.3×4.0 arcsec “slices” on the sky observed with
the IFU.
Left: Simulated spectrum consisting of 5 individual spectra
correponding to the 5 IFU slices.
Keyword | Value |
APMSKNAM | Decker |
DWFILNAM | Clear_S |
IMFLTNAM | out |
LDFLTNAM | out |
COLLFOCR | -190000 |
WINDOW | 0 0 0 2048 4096 |
BINNING | 1 1 |
Method | Procedure | Suitable for | Pros | Cons |
Guider Centering | Tweak the IFU position, center star at fiducial position and return to IFU position. | Any target which is visible on the guider. | Fast. | Centering accuracy only fair. |
Spectral Centering | Acquire short IFU spectrum and analyze distribution of light within slitlets | Relatively compact targets which have bright continuum or a strong emission line in the spectrum | Most accurate centering method. Requires no change in instrument mode or telescope focus. | Slower. Won't work well on faint or diffuse targets. | Direct Imaging | Acquire direct image of target and send corrections until it is at the desired IFU center | Targets which are relatively compact and visible in broadband images of <2 minutes | Centering accuracy good. | Slow. Requires change in telescope, guider, and instrument focus. |
Imaging of offset star | Acquire direct image of offset star, send corrections until it is at the desired IFU center, then offset to target | Any target with a measured offset to a star within about 1 arcmin | Only method that works for faint/invisible targets. Good centering if offset star is nearby. | Slow. |
ifu_pos offto rotate the IFU hole away from the target. The target is now visible on the guider.
ifu_pos onto rotate the IFU onto the target. The target will disappear into the IFU entrance aperture.
ifu_pos offto rotate the IFU hole away from the target. The target is now visible on the guider.
ifu_pos onto rotate the IFU onto the target. The target will disappear into the IFU entrance aperture.
do_run_ifu_centerup, targnum, flatnumwhere targnum is the frame number of the on-target image and flatnum is the frame number of the afternoon flat. The script will analyze the image to derive recommended telescope moves to center the target in the IFU.
mov x1 y1 x2 y2where (x1,y1) are the current pixel coordinates of the star and (x2,y2) are the measured pixel coordinates of the IFU FOV center, to move the star to the center.
mov x1 y1 x2 y2where (x1,y1) are the current pixel coordinates of the star and (x2,y2) are the measured pixel coordinates of the IFU FOV center, to move the star to the center.
mxy x ywhere x and y are expressed in arcsec. Moves in x move the target within the slitlets, while moves in y move the targets into the adjacent slitlets, as depicted in the following diagram and table.
Apparent directions of motion of the target when using the mxy command relative to the IFU field of view. |
Direction | Effect | Plot |
-x | Shift target to the right within the slitlets | |
+x | Shift target to the left within the slitlets | |
-y | Shift targets toward the right slitlet | |
+y | Shift targets toward the left slitlet |
0° | 90° | 180° | 270° |