SPEC: Info

Detector Installation 2016 Original Detector Specs
Detector type Teledyne Hawaii-2RG HgCdTe
Detector size 2048×2048 pix
Dark Current <0.025 e-/s/pix
Persistence To Be Characterized
  • CDS    
  • MCDS  4
  • MCDS 16
  • MCDS 32
  • 22.0 e- rms
  • 12.2 e- rms
  • 8.1 e- rms
  • 7.8 e- rms
Minimum integration time 1.476 s
  • 1%
  • 5%
  • Saturation
  • To Be Characterized
  • To Be Characterized
  • To Be Characterized
Gain 2.15e-/ADU

IMAG: Info

Detector Installation 2017 Detector Specs Reference
Detector type Teledyne Hawaii-2RG HgCdTe
Detector size 2048×2048 pix
Dark Current <0.021 e-/s/pix
Persistence To Be Characterized
  • CDS    
  • MCDS  2
  • MCDS  4
  • MCDS  8
  • MCDS 16
  • MCDS 32
  • 23.4 e- rms
  • 13.7 e- rms
  • 9.9 e- rms
  • 7.6 e- rms
  • 5.6 e- rms
  • 5.0 e- rms
Minimum integration time 1.476 s
  • 1%
  • 5%
  • Saturation
  • 44,500 e- (20,000 DN)
  • 80,000 e- (37,000 DN)
  • 119,000 e- (55,000 DN)
Gain 2.16 ± 0.34 e-/ADU

H2RG Readout Timing

Diagram courtesy J. Larkin

Reference Pixel Subtraction

HxRG detectors have dark reference pixels that may be used to reduce pattern noise
Controlled via detector server keyword: SETRPSTYPE, a decimal representation of a bitmask

Default SETRPSTYPE=3 → HRPSTYPE=none, VRPSTYPE=channel

Can keep going with SETRPSTYPE up to "running-2048", but it begins to lose value.
Bit(s)Binary ValueSETRPSTYPESettingHeader KeywordHeader Value
0XXXX XXXX XXX00, or any with bit0=offVertical RPS EnableVRPSTYPEnone
0/1XXXX XXXX XX011, or any with bit0=onVertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEcolumn
0/1XXXX XXXX XX113, or any with bit1=on, bit0=onVertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
2XXXX XXXX X0XXany with bit2=offHorizontal RPS EnableHRPSTYPEnone
2/3XXXX XXXX 01XXany with bit3=off, bit2=onHorizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErow
2/3XXXX XXXX 11XXany with bit3=on, bit2=onHorizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-NN
A running average of detector rows
NN defined by bits 4 and above. Examples of "running-NN" below have bits 3210 set to 1111 to enable running average for HRPSTYPE and channel for VRPSTYPE
n/a0000 0000 00000Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPEnone
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEnone
n/a0000 0000 00011Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPEnone
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEcolumn
n/a0000 0000 00102Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPEnone
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEnone
n/a0000 0000 00113Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPEnone
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0000 0000 01004Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErow
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEnone
n/a0000 0000 01015Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErow
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEcolumn
n/a0000 0000 01117Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErow
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0000 0000 111115Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-4
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0000 0001 111131Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-1
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0000 0010 111147Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-2
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0000 0100 111176Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-4
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0000 1000 1111143Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-8
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0001 0000 1111271Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-16
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0010 0000 1111527Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-32
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a0100 0000 11111039Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-64
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel
n/a1000 0000 11112063Horizontal RPS TypeHRPSTYPErunning-128
Vertical RPS TypeVRPSTYPEchannel