The Control Options Widget (COW) provides a GUI for observers
who wish to change how NIRSPEC takes data.
You can do everything the COW does from the command line, but
the COW puts all of these controls in one handy location so that
you don't have to remember the command names.
Launching the Widget
(aka Having a COW)
- Right-click in the background
- Click "NIRSPEC Tools --> Run Control Options Widget"
Option Descriptions
- Check Centering After Nods?
When executing a nod sequence on sky, the system can pause
before starting an exposure and allow you to verify that the
object is centered in the slit (by taking a SCAM image, for
example, and adjusting the telescope position to center the
target in the slit). Select from the folowing values:
- yes: Pause after each telescope nod in order to check
centering. This is the default.
- no: Do not pause after nods, just begin the next
integration. Teams observing in the thermal IR should
select this, since they will not be able to see the targets
on SCAM and are unlikely to perform any recentering.
The command-line equivalent is "wait4center on|off".
- Check Configuration on GO?
- When executing a script from the NIRSPEC Echelle Format
Simulator (EFS), the system can verify that all movable stages
are in the requested positions before starting an exposure.
This adds about 10 seconds to the start of each exposure
sequence. Select from the following options:
- yes: Verify that stages are in position when starting a
script. This is the default.
- no: Skip the verification step. This may save you
about 10 seconds per script if you use the same setup all
Command-line equivalent: "wait4config on|off".
- Notification Sound on Finish
When an EFS script completes, the system will play a
notification sound on hanuama's speaker. The default sound is
"gong", but you can select from among several options.
- Flatlamp Warmup Time (sec)
When an EFS Lamps Only script or a Calibration Acquisition Tool script is run, this
parameter will wait the specified time for the flatlamp to
warmup. The default is 15 seconds, the lamp should
be fully warmed in 120 seconds.
After making selections, click "SET" to apply your settings.
Click "QUIT" to dismiss the COW.