Follow these steps at the end of the night to turn LRIS off:
  1. Shut down instrument.
    From the desktop menu, select
    NIRES Control -> End of night shutdown.
    This will:
    1. Erase temporal files from /tmp.
  2. Stop MAGIQ.
    Quit any existing MAGIQ Observer gui.
  3. Stop other windows.
    Quit any existing FACSUM, XMET, and TkRose windows by clicking and holding the right mouse button in the window's titlebar and releasing on the QUIT item.
  4. Remove starlist.
    If it is important to keep your targets confidential, be sure to delete your starlist file.
  5. Complete POC form.
    Please complete a Post Observing Comments form to let us know how your run went. You responses to this form are logged and tracked and are important to us in maintaining and improving nighttime observing operations.
  6. Take your stuff.
    Before leaving remote ops, please be sure you have all your belongings and throw away any trash.