Quick Look Tool GUI

NIRES uses an IDL based quicklook tool.

( QL ).
Spectroscopy QL

QL GUI Menus

This QL has some tabs that have the following uses:

QL command line options

In addition, while there are no images being taken (no gois or goiv) the following python commands can be used:
dv n1 n2
This command will subtract slit viewing camera image number n2 from image number n1 and display the n2-n1 image. If only one argument is given then the script displays that image number. The script only needs the image number as it completes the image name based on the current observing root filename. Example: dv 4 3 will display image v190212_0004.fits minus v190212_0003.fits if today is Feb 12, 2019.
ds n1 n2
This command will subtract spectroscopy image n2 from n1 and display the n2-n1 image. If only one argument is given then the script displays that image number.