The tables below shows the efficiency of the grating only at orders 3, 4, 5, & 6 used with K, H, J, & Y filters, respectively. The efficiencies provided below are determined for the appropriate grating tilt used in MOSFIRE to selected the desired orders.

Order Band Dispersion (Å/pix) Resolution (pix) [2] λc (Å) [1] R Δλ (Å) Δλ with slit -1.5' from center [3] Δλ with slit +1.5' from center [3] Slit shifts
Å/mm [4]
Efficiency Curve
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6 Y 1.0855 2.82 10373 3388 9716-11250 9900-11250 (88%) 9716-11250 (100%) 6.216 ASCII
5 J 1.3028 2.88 12450 3318 11530-13520 11650-13520 (94%) 11530-13520 (100%) 7.460 ASCII
4 H 1.6269 2.74 16321 3660 14680-18040 15280-18090 (82%) 14640-17444 (82%) 9.157 ASCII
3 K 2.1691 2.78 21760 3610 19540-23970 20340-24060 (82%) 19210-23170 (82%) 12.209 ASCII
  1. Central wavelength for a slit at the center of the field.
  2. For a nominal 0.7 arcsec slit
  3. Wavelength range for slits places at X=± 1.5' from the field center. The number in parentheses is the fraction of the wavelength range for central slits covered by the spectra from slits at the extrema.
  4. Shift of the central wavelength (Å) per ΔX=1mm at the CSU (1.379 arcsec in the telescope focal plane).

Below is an efficiency plot comparison for all four grating orders.