MOSFIRE XTcalc is a gui based exposure time calculator written in IDL. The software was written by MOSFIRE team member Gwen Rudie, and it folds in sensitivity and throughput measurements from MOSFIRE commissioning data obtained during the 2012A semester. The code is written in IDL, but you do not need IDL to run the calculator. It may be run with the IDL Virtual Machine . See below for details on how to install and run on your machine.

Installing and running XTcalc using the IDL Virtual Machine (default method)

  1. Download XTcalc.tar
  2. Untar XTcalc.tar (e.g. tar -xvf XTcalc.tar). Contents will untar into a single directory.
  3. Set a path variable called MOSFIRE_XTCALC to the full path of the XTCalc directory.

    setenv MOSFIRE_XTCALC fullpath/XTcalc_dir

    or in bash shell: export MOSFIRE_XTCALC=fullpath/XTcalc_dir

  4. Optionally set a path variable called MOSFIRE_WD for input and output files. If it is not set, the default is to use the directory specified by MOSFIRE_XTCALC.
  5. Download and install the IDL virtual machine. This may require you to register with the web site.
  6. Run XTCalc: on the command line using idl -vm=run_XTcalc.sav

Installation and Running XTcalc using IDL 8.0 or higher

  1. Download XTcalc.tar
  2. Untar XTcalc.tar (e.g. tar -xvf XTcalc.tar). Contents will untar into a single directory.
  3. Set a path variable called MOSFIRE_XTCALC to the full path of the XTCalc directory.

    setenv MOSFIRE_XTCALC fullpath/XTcalc_dir

    or in bash shell: export MOSFIRE_XTCALC=fullpath/XTcalc_dir

  4. Start the IDL session
  5. In the IDL session run:
    1. .r run_XTcalc
    2. .r XTcalc
    3. .r events_XTcalc
    4. run_XTcalc
    The procedures are located in ~XTCalc_dir/bin in the unpacked tar file.
Possible installation issues
libGL Error
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
% Attempt to call undefined procedure: 'XMANAGER'.
% Execution halted at: RUN_XTCALC        511
Library mismatch
set the LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT envar to 1


Below is a screen grab of the XTCalc Gui following a calculation for an emission feature. A PDF describes installation and use of XTcalc.