Below we provide some of the detector characteristics.

Detector projected FOV 6.12×6.12 arcmin corners vignetted
Typical FOV for spectroscopy 6.12×3 arcmin
Scale 0.1798”/pix
Detector type Teledyne Hawaii-2RG HgCdTe
Detector size 2048×2048 pix
Dark Current <0.008 e-/s/pix
Persistence 0.04%
Flatness 9 microns
  • CDS -> 21e rms
  • MCDS 4 -> 10.8e rms
  • MCDS 8 -> 7.7e rms
  • MCDS 16 -> 5.8e rms
  • MCDS 32 -> 4.2e rms
  • MCDS 64 -> 3.5e rms
  • MCDS 128 -> 3.0e rms
Minimum integration time 1.455 s
  • 1% up to 26K ADUs (56K e-)
  • 5% up to 37K ADUs (80K e-)
  • saturation 43K ADUs (97K e-)
Gain 2.15 e-/ADU
Bias 300 mV
time constant